Tuesday, June 03, 2008

簡拿華路被迫退出2008年歐洲國家杯 (附加相片)

Mamma Mia!!!  No Cannavaro in Euro 2008.........

(附加相片 ~ Canna個樣非常痛苦咁, 好慘情)

今朝一早起身睇新聞, 竟然聽到呢單令人(所有意大利球迷)非常沮喪嘅消息...唔知當時基亞連尼同大簡攪乜, 撞埋一齊會攪到大簡傷得咁重, 仲要傷到退出國家隊添...雖然好失望, 不過好彩, 仲有保方鎮守最後一關 (保方你要保重身體呀)。唔知邊個球員會踢大簡個位, 無論如何, 希望呢位大哥大大, 到時會踢出同大簡一樣嘅水準就好喇。

無謂責怪基亞連尼, 因為睇怕佢自已現在亦應該非常唔開心, 非常內 "救"。根據報導, 佢當時向目無表情嘅隊長廸比亞路解釋當時情形。全隊志氣或許會受打擊, 所以希望佢地能夠盡快收拾心情, 因為唔夠一個禮拜就要開始作戰ga喇。

Fabio Cannavaro is attended by Italy's medical staff.



Fabio Cannavaro will miss Euro 2008 and will be replaced by Fiorentina’s Alessandro Gamberini.

Disaster struck during Italy’s first pre-tournament training session in Austria when skipper Canna remained grounded after a 50-50 with Giorgio Chiellini during a mini-game.

Fears grew as an obviously distressed Cannavaro had to be carried off Admira Wacker’s ground on a stretcher.

While it will take two days to ascertain the exact extent of the problem, reports from the hospital are grim.

It is being suggested that Cannavaro has seriously damaged his left ankle, possibly tearing two ligaments and may require surgery.

But whatever the nature of the injury, Italy will have to face Euro 2008 without their captain and will look for a replacement.

After a superb campaign with Fiorentina, Gamberini was disappointed not to have made Roberto Donadoni’s squad for the tournament, but he may now get his chance.


  1. 我都即刻寫咗blog關於呢單新聞... 簡直係天大嘅噩耗! 突然好擔心意大利嘅前景....
    [版主回覆06/03/2008 13:32:00]Yes, it's a 噩耗!  Luckily, there's still 保方 in the back!!  

  2. 放心!雖然無大簡,但仲有保方...唔駛心慌慌!
    [版主回覆06/03/2008 13:33:00]You're right.... there's still 保方.... but I still worry about Italy in the Euro 2008...

  3. 現在反而驚緊馬哥打正選,睇黎機會都高唱入雲!
    [版主回覆06/03/2008 23:46:00]真係好驚馬哥..........

  4. 點解基亞連尼唔剷斷馬哥隻腳?咁樣我哋會開心啲...
    [版主回覆06/03/2008 23:46:00]咪囉, 我都係咁話!!!!
