Saturday, September 25, 2010

Eat, sik, comer, mangiare!!

近期實在有太多topics想講喇, 所以我個 Yblog終於可以回復非常忙碌的狀態,

呢期買左幾本書, 其中一本係關於葡萄牙嘅美食。前日收到本書後, 講真, 真係大失所望。點解咁解呢?

最初我在網上見到時, 仲幾鬼驚喜, 因為本書講食同埋葡萄牙 (啱晒我口味呀), 因為我好少在香港可以見到有書會介紹葡萄牙美食 (介紹意大利、法國美食就大把), 同埋以為本書會有番咁上下大本 (因為在網上見到時佢地影到好大本的), 同埋價錢都唔便宜囉.....


I have got many topics which I wanna talk about these days, so my Yblog is technically speaking back to a very busy status

I have bought some books lately, and among them is a book which talks about Portuguese food.  When I received the parcel the day before and opened it and saw this book, honestly, I was pretty disappointed.  Why? 

When I first saw this book being sold on the internet, I was really thrilled by its title - How to Eat Out in Portugal & Brazil! Wow, that sounds a perfect book for me (because it talks about food PLUS it talks about Portugal ).  I rarely see books which talks about Portuguese food (at least written in English and sold in HK) so when I saw it on the internet, I immediately wanted to buy it. Initially, I thought this book would be a rather big one (I was given this false impression by the website), plus this book is NOT inexpensive!!

Let's take a look at my newly bought book...

就咁睇張相好難估計我本新書有幾大, 是嗎?  我收到書先發現, 本書係pocket size, 好細本, 而且不特只, 裡面一張食物嘅相片都冇架, 好傷心呀!!! 

It's hard to tell from the picture the actual size of the book, right?  When I opened the parcel and saw the book, I found out that it's indeed a pocket-sized book only; and also, there's not even one single picture of any Portuguese dish or pastry.  I am so so so unhappy!!!

大約兩年前我買左一半都係講歐洲美食嘅書, 不過本書只係講意大利、法國和西班牙美食, 冇葡萄牙。呢本書只係承惠HK$58!!!  平到震之餘仲圖文並茂介紹好多從appetitzers, 到first dish, second dish, ..... desserts, 乜都有!  我去意大利旅行時都有帶在身。

I've bought a book on eating European dishes, but that only includes food of Italy, France and Spain. Nothing about Portuguese food.  The book costs only HK$58!!  Not only is it so cheap, but also it describes many dishes (each dish with pictures, ingredients etc).  I even took this book with me to Italy.

所以我初頭都期望 How to Eat Out in Portugal & Brazil都係類似嘅書, 可惜就唔係, 不過算啦, 在網上買書就係有呢種風險, 本書雖然唔係我最初預期嘅內容, 但呢本書就每一種菜嘅名都會教點讀, 有乜材料, 本書反而似一本phrase book + dictiionary多d。

That's why when I first ordered How to Eat Out in Portugal & Brazil, I also expected it to be like the first book I have, but sadly it isn't quite the same.  That's ok, that's the risk of ordering books online.  While it isn't quite what I expected, it teaches you how to read the name of the dishes in Portuguese, and it tells you the ingredients of the dishes. I would say it's more a phrase book + dictionary, than a book about Portuguese cuisines.

Friday, September 24, 2010


上一季 (2009-10)年, 我冇買到球衣, 因為祖記嘅主場同埋作客球衣一d都唔吸引, 加上球隊踢得實在太差, 簡直想抵制呀。

至於今季, 對上一場作客Udinese, 竟然4:0, 以為咁勁, 點知真係令球迷開心左3日咁大把!! 前兩晚主場對Palermo竟然又輸番1:3......睇黎都係放棄算喇, 冇眼睇。

冇眼睇球賽, 不過就一定買今季件作客, 因為件衫好靚呀!!!  你估我印邊個呢??

係Marchisio...實情我唔係最想印佢, 我想印Chiellini架, 但係我幫襯開嘅球衣店主場就有Chiellini嘅字, 作客冇, 不過就有Marchisio, 由於我非呢件作客球衣不買, 所以算啦, 印Marchisio啦, 橫掂祖記未來都有Marchisio份, 支持下佢啦。講開又講, 咁季嘅字都幾特別咁喎...

同場加映, 呢張貼子係朋友送嘅, 幾靚呀!! 多謝呢位朋友

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

葡萄牙之旅 13 - 遊 Évora

隔左一個月喇, 要繼續葡萄牙之旅嘅遊記先得.....

打算在12月25日聖誕節從Lisbon搭巴士去附近城市Évora作一日遊, 初頭諗住聖誕節唔會有巴士行駛, 點知與朋友在里斯本巴士總站 (在火車站Sete Rios樓上)向售票員查詢後, 得知聖誕日巴士竟然真係如朋友所言如常行駛 (不過班次就比較疏落), 咁就太好喇, 因為可以唔駛無聊無野做喇 (因為歐洲國家通常聖誕乜都唔開門, 乜都冇得買, 悶爆!!!)

為免被指偷野, 所以從網絡上找到嘅圖片、地圖等一律寫下出處先.....

Source of map:

從Lisbon出發, 搭巴士去左另一個非常具有歷史嘅葡萄牙城市 - Évora。Évora距離里斯本大約130km, 當日坐巴士, 從里斯本去到Évora, 好似單程大約2個幾鐘頭, 由於係聖誕日, 成架巴士嘅乘客數埋都冇.....10個!!!  太好, 我鐘意少少地人, 唔駛迫人唔知幾好!

Source of map:

到達Évora嘅巴士總站後, 行大約5分鐘, 就到達城門口喇。Évora亦係一個UNESCO World Heritage Site (好似去到邊, 個個城鎮都係世界遺產地)!  因為羅馬人嘅統治, 令到Évora在過去曾經非常繁榮。Évora部份範圍是被城牆所包圍的。

大教堂 (Se') 建於13世紀。教堂內部保養得好靚, 據我地請嘅當地導遊所講, 葡萄牙南部宗教氣氛濃厚, 當地政府每年都花好多金錢保護呢座大教堂。教堂內仲有cloister同埋一個museum, 都幾值得花小小入場費入內參觀的。

來Évora另一目的, 係要一看Roman Temple。由於Évora曾經被羅馬人統治, 所以建造了Roman Temple並不奇怪。這座叫做Temple of Diana, 據講係建築來奉獻給女神Diana的。

Rua 5 de Outubro (10月5日街) 係Évora市最熱鬧嘅街道, 店舖賣嘅物品都幾得意.....包括Évora最著名嘅cork (葡萄酒酒樽蓋那個木塞)。據導遊講, 全世界90%嘅木松塞都係來自呢個地方的!! 呢條街部份嘅店舖買好多用cork做嘅產品, 連遮同皮袋都有, 勁!!!

另一個著名嘅景點係: 死人骨頭教堂 (The Capela dos Ossos or Chapel of Bones) (。真係嚇鬼, 成個chapel周圍都係用人頭同人嘅骨頭砌成, 好在有人一齊參觀, 如果自己一個人, 一定唔敢入黎睇...... 講開又講, 我已經第二次去參觀人骨教堂, 以前去奧地利旅行時, 都曾經參觀過一間人骨教堂, 唔知歐洲人係咪都鐘意呢家野.....

行左幾個鐘後, 肚餓到飛起, 就去搵好野食!  Rick Steves (一位美國旅行作家)提議去呢間餐廳, 咁我地都試下啦!!  呢間餐廳多人到神經, 搵到位安置我地, 我地都算好彩, 因為今日天氣非常咁凍, 一定要快d搵野食保下個胃。呢餐我地叫左一個大煲海鮮飯, 我地等呢煲飯等左成大半個鐘, 等到餓死咁滯, 到侍應終於送上呢煲飯後, 我地就猛咁食, 唔得閒傾計, 哈哈哈! 

呢煲飯好味到實在難以用筆墨所形容, 唔係我一個咁講, 我朋友都話勁好食呀, 煲裡嘅料極豐富, 而且係勁熱, 初頭那幾碗, 真係就算你本來有幾凍都好, 肯定食到你全身大汗呀!!!!!! 呢煲飯, 其實可以三、四個人share, 所以如今得我地兩個食, 可以話食到差唔多反胃咁滯!!!

好野, 終於完全呢個Évora嘅介紹, 我個人非常推薦去呢度個城市參觀, 因為它有好多比較特別嘅景點, 係其他葡萄牙城市所沒有嘅, 例如人骨教堂, Roman Temple等, 而且葡萄牙南部有另一種風味, 同Lisbon以至北部嘅Porto都頗唔同。希望我嘅介紹會吸引到各位下次去葡萄牙旅行時, 加埋Évora落你嘅itinerary啦!! 

穿梭葡萄牙之旅2009-10 - 待續!!   (Next stop: Porto)