Sunday, March 30, 2008

意甲: 祖雲達斯對帕爾馬 ~ 賽事取消


後加感想 & 相片:

~ 為意外死亡的帕爾馬球迷Matteo Bagnaresi 深感難過 ~

點解又係在加油站發生事故?  好無奈, 今次事件又牽涉祖雲達斯球會...希望多災多難嘅意甲, 快d重振聲威, 唔好再有打鬥、車禍、開槍等等事件。





都靈奧林匹克球場, 宣布球賽取消。


肇事現場 ~ Asti。

Update 5 (on March 31) (on

A Parma fan was run over and killed by a bus at a highway rest stop, forcing the postponement of Sunday's match with Juventus.

The bus was empty at the time of the incident but was being used to 
transport Juventus fans to the game in Turin, the ANSA news agency said.

The incident occurred at a service area outside Turin on the A21 highway.
The fan was identified by ANSA as 28-year-old Matteo Bagnaresi. The
service area is near Asti, a city about 60 kilometers (38 miles) from

Asti police chief Antonio Nanni told Sky Tg24 that the incident
"appeared to be a traffic accident" and that for the moment the driver of
the bus would not be arrested.

"He was not aware that he hit the young man," Nanni said of the driver.

Still, the driver was placed under investigation for possible
manslaughter charges.

Nanni added that there were no skirmishes between fans.

"There were two buses of Parma fans with families that were tranquil,"
Nanni said.

The incident had the potential to spark wide-scale riots, as occurred
when a Lazio fan was killed by police at a highway rest stop in November.
But no riots were reported this time.

Bagnaresi was banned from attending soccer matches for three years after
being involved in clashes between Parma and Juventus fans in January
2005, ANSA reported. The ban recently expired.

Both teams announced the postponement of the game on their Web sites.

"Juventus and Parma, with the approval of the ppropriate authorities,
have decided to postpone the game as a sign of mourning for the incident
involving the Parma fan that was traveling to the Turin stadium," the
statement said. "Since it was a tragic fatality, the two clubs decided
that the conditions were not right to send the teams out on the field."

When the announcement that the game was postponed was made on the public
address system at Turin's Olympic stadium, fans exited without incident.

A minute's silence was held before the other Serie A games played Sunday.
Update 4 (on March 31) (News from the internet):

While the death of a Parma fan run over by Juventus supporters is clarified, there are reports the game could be rescheduled for April 16.

The Serie A game was called off this afternoon as a sign of mourning and amid fears of crowd trouble after 27-year-old Matteo Bagnaresi was killed at a motorway service station outside Turin.

The exact dynamics are still hazy, as there are two different versions of events. Some eyewitnesses claim the driver was looking in his mirrors to check the chasing Parma supporters were not closing in and therefore did not notice Bagnaresi crossing his path.

Another version given by a friend of the deceased insists it was a tragic accident and had nothing to do with football.

“Matteo was near to the rear tyres of the minibus and was hit when it went into reverse. The driver did not see or realise what had happened.

“We tried shouting at him to stop, but he was probably afraid and thought we were threatening him, so he drove off.”

According to witnesses at the motorway service station, there was no physical contact whatsoever between the two sets of fans.

All there was before the driver got into the minibus was an exchange of verbal insults.

The game was called off to avoid potential reprisals and passed without further incident at the Stadio Olimpico in Turin.

The date for the rescheduled tie will be decided tomorrow, but is likely to be Wednesday April 16.

Update 3: (News from the internet)

This match (Juventus vs Parma) has been called off after a Parma fan was accidentally run over and killed by a bus driven by Juventus supporters on their way to the stadium.

Update 2:

***** 來自祖記官方網站剛剛嘅宣布 (可惜暫只有意文版本) *******

30 marzo 2008

In segno di lutto non si gioca Juventus–Parma

La Juventus e il Parma – con il benestare delle autorità competenti – hanno deciso di comune accordo di rinviare la partita in segno di lutto per l’incidente occorso a un tifoso del Parma che stava raggiungendo lo stadio di Torino. Pur trattandosi di una tragica fatalità le due società hanno ritenuto che non ci fossero le condizioni per mandare in campo le squadre.


Update 1:

***** 電視台宣布因有一架祖雲達斯球迷巴士撞死一位女球迷,球會為哀悼死者, 所以取消今場比賽。 *****

今後場波, 突然在開波前宣布取消, 只話有球員發生事故。唔知因乜事呢?  好擔心添.....希望只係小事啦。看看有沒有甚麼報道....



馬基安尼在名單內!! 超興奮!!

本來諗住快d瞓, 最後去祖記個官方網頁看看, 見到已經出左明晚對帕爾馬嘅球員名單, 馬基安尼在個list內, 簡直超興奮, GREAT!!!  即係話明晚電視上可以見到佢呀, 太好喇, 等到我頸都長, 終於季尾前復出。唔知明晚佢會唔會可以後備入替掂下波咁呢 (希望啦)!  求天主保佑, 佢千祈唔好再傷呀, 佢今屆都冇乜踢過呀。

佢若然明晚出場, 就會係倒"graw"相向面對舊球會, 不過帕爾馬今非昔比, 應該唔會係祖記嘅對手, 而馬基安尼係專業球員, 唔會留力嘅。 Marchio, 努力, 加油!!

明晚: NOW TV 633台, 8:30pm 祖雲達斯 vs 帕爾馬 (球賽開始時間: 9pm)

(另30號開始, 好似...係開始夏令時間, 意大利與香港時差應該係6小時)


*** 取自祖雲達斯官網 資料 ***

Squad named for Parma game

After supervising the last pre-match training session, Claudio Ranieri named a 20-man squad for Sunday afternoon's game against Parma (kick-off at 3 pm). The game is part of Day 31 of Serie A.

Zanetti, who missed the Genoa game, and Marchionni, out since January, have both made the list. The only players missing are Andrade, Zebina, who did train this morning though and will train again in Vinovo tomorrow, and Palladino, who still has the flu and will be resting until training restarts on Tuesday.

1 Buffon
2 Birindelli
3 Chiellini
6 Zanetti
7 Salihamidzic
8 Camoranesi
9 Iaquinta
10 Del Piero
11 Nedved
12 Belardi
13 Vanstrattan
17 Trezeguet
21 Grygera
22 Sissoko
23 Nocerino
25 Stendardo
28 Molinaro
30 Tiago
32 Marchionni
33 Legrottaglie

Friday, March 28, 2008


******* 各位, 由於Yahoo blog很快會關閉 (2013年12月26日). 因此本人即將會將Yahoo blog內的所有文章轉過 blogspot, 一經轉移, 這個Yahoo blog就會被凍結, 不能留言的了。大家如有興趣, 請去本人的新blog:  . 留言有關學習意大利文的回應, 謝謝。 *******
不經不覺間, 正正式式咁學意大利文都學左差不多兩年了。  又一次証明, 學一種新東西真係要投入好多時間、金錢、心機, 仲要好鬼有堅持,好有耐力、恆心。 依家每個星期要返兩日學 - 星期三晚銅鑼灣兩個半鐘; 最期日就下午兩個鐘, 去到對於我來講係山長水遠嘅大埔。忙忙碌碌.....

其實上堂係一件事, 之後溫書又係另一件事。每次都有好多新野, 若然在下一堂之前冇溫到書嘅話,就會開始跟唔上,所以得的話, 我都盡量溫書, 不過因為呢排實在忙得交關,冇乜點溫, 後果即刻見到, 就係開始積埋好多嘅野....

有唔少朋友問過我, 意大利文難唔難學...我自已覺得學發音叫比較易, 因為一個意大利文字, 都係跟著vowels來發音;例如, camera (解房間), 見到有三個vowels (camera), 所以就讀成: ca me ra; 另外就有d字有特定發音, 例如, Inzaghi (恩沙基個姓氏), ghi讀成 gee, 所以就係 In za gee。對我來講, 最難應該係發個 "r"音, 要震著捲舌來講, 初頭覺得特別難 (好多香港人亦覺難讀到)。

不過....最難一定係文法,簡直攞命 (加埋我天份低呢)!!  拉丁語系最複雜之處 - grammar。 都唔明點解有10幾種tenses, 而每一個動詞都要改動, 簡直係人都顛。唔知大家明唔明我講梗乜, 舉個例子:

英文裡: "去"這一個動詞 - go, 現在式係 go/goes (視乎係 I, we, they, you, 定係he, she, it而唔同), 過去式係 went, 將來式係 will go。呢d大家實識啦。

不過在意文: "去"這個動詞 - andare, 現在式有六個可能 (!!):

vado (I go), vai (he/she goes), va (就如中文的: 您去), andiamo (we go), andate (你們去), vanno (他們去)

所以: Vado al bar (I go to the bar), Vai al bar? (You go to the bar?), Andiamo al bar. (We go to the bar.) etc....

記一個動詞, 要記6個轉法, 而呢個只係現在式, 如果係過去式, 又係有6個轉法:

意大利文 "去"的過去式:

andavo (I went), andavi (you went), andava (您went), andavamo (we went), andavate (你們去), andavano (他們去)

佢地係有幾種過去式的!  另外, 仲有將來式, present conditional, present subjunctive, imperative, present perfect, past perfect等等, 嚇鬼!!! 

中文文法係咪易好多, 簡單好多呢???  所以我讀咁耐以來, 見過無數人讀讀下消失左, 我覺得係絕對可以理解....如果唔係因為呢個係意大利文, 我都消失左好耐!  好多年前, 我搵唔到地方學意大利文, 就去學最接近佢嘅西班牙文, 不過最後頂唔順放棄左 (不過都花左有兩年時間, 上堂完全係浪費梗光陰同銀兩!!)。後來終於搵到學意文嘅途徑。

兩種語言嘅grammatical structures好類似, 有d字嘅串法同發音亦相似, 可能源於佢地都係拉丁語系。如果我之前唔係因為接觸過西班牙文, 我諗對我來講意大利文更難上手。

可惜在香港, 意大利文冇其它語言, 例如法文、日文甚至韓文咁流行, 如果多d人學意大利文, demand大, 價錢一定可以向下調!   雖然話難啫, 我相信香港地有好多有興趣學意大利文嘅有志之士。 

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


除左足球消息以外, 唔知各位呢幾日有冇留意第二d嘅體育新聞呢?  昨日在荷蘭舉行嘅歐洲游泳錦標賽第七日賽事, 有一位意大利女游泳選手 - Federica Pellegrini, 以破世界紀錄嘅4分01'53秒奪得女子400米自由泳金牌!! 

因為覺得佢個名同個樣貌好熟口面, 好似喺祖雲達斯網頁定係官方月刊雜誌見過佢, 所以 "炒"番d雜誌黎睇下啦, 果然, 搵左陣, 搵到d野!! 

在2007年12月份嘅祖雲達斯月刊裡, 有一個關於Federica嘅專訪。生於1988年8月5日, 只得19歲, 來自維羅納(Verona)嘅Federica, 係忠實嘅祖雲達斯球迷,由佢嘅祖父母開始,已經開始支持祖雲達斯; 而佢話佢自已同佢亞哥/弟弟 (brother), 就由小孩時代開始已經係祖記fans!!    呢個專訪有四版,我剛剛"納"過下,可惜d字太深, 要有排查字典!! 

Federica下一個目標就係今年嘅北京奧運。祝Federica好運, 再替自已、意大利同祖雲達斯爭光。





Monday, March 24, 2008

Part 8 - 結局篇 (訪都靈機場的祖雲達斯專門店)!!

時間過得好快, 終於,5日4夜嘅都靈之旅就結束喇, 雖然好唔捨得, 不過都要離開, 向下一目的地 ~ 首都羅馬 ~ 進發。

因為一個人在旅途上,而由都靈落羅馬, 需時頗長。之前在香港計算過, 坐火車的話, 就算坐Eurostar系列火車,都好似 (依家唔太記得清楚了)成4-5個鐘,但坐內陸飛機就只需要個零鐘 (亦係大概, 因為依家已經唔太記得清楚了); 考慮到一個人坐咁長時間火車, 冇人睇行李, 行出行埋去洗手間好唔方便 (最重要係驚唔見行李)。不過, 在不同途徑搵便宜嘅歐洲或意大利內陸航機資料後, 發現一係根本就冇飛機由都靈飛去羅馬,一係就唔啱我要求。如果我想容易的話, 可以一開始揀意大利航空公司 (Alitalia), 不過我對呢間航空公司零好感!  是關呢間公司d員工經常罷工, 而且據聞佢地航班亦成日delay。為呢個搭飛機問題煩惱左一段時間....突然有一日,想起.... 祖雲達斯球員在主場比賽時, 後備席d櫈椅上, 咪寫晒 "Air One"嘅....

在飛機起飛前越早日子在 Air One網頁上買機票越着數, 都靈單程飛去羅馬, 只需大約港幣500元, 但坐eurostar (快速火車直達羅馬)亦係500幾蚊!  當然, 坐火車唔駛早2個鐘check in, 又唔駛過關, 慳番好多時間。不過因為前述原因,決定坐飛機去羅馬。

在都靈坐番機場巴士去機場, 車費5歐羅, 需時只需大約30分鐘,而且我想應該冇塞車問題。 可以一早在旅遊中心買定車票,或者在上車處前面的一間bar (下面的那間)買飛;當然可以上機場巴嗰時先買飛,但唔建議, 因為竟然要比多 0.5歐羅!!  若果你有一張 Torino & Piemonte card (分一日、三日等等), 買機場巴士票仲有少少discount的。

經過之前一日在廸爾艾比球場嘅教訓後,今日我晨咁早出去機場check in。   原來機場個出境大堂非常大, 同樓下個袖珍入境大堂比較, 簡直係不能同日而語!!    去counter攪完check in後, 就諗住揾定個過關位置, 然後週圍行到夠鐘先過關。點知 ~~ 我一眼望到在過關處左右兩邊好起眼的舖頭: 右手邊係Juvestore, 而左邊就係拖連奴嘅專門店!  咁我就決定即刻過關,然後入Juvestore睇野 and/or買野!! 

註: 之前我一直以為祖雲達斯得一間在市中心嘅專門店添!  另外, 要注意一點, 機場的Juvestore係在入左海關後的, 所以如果你唔係會坐飛機出境都靈的話, 你係不能進入得到呢間專門店的。

入到間Juvestore舖, 第一眼係見到一個好大嘅祖雲達斯logo在幅牆上面, 入面又有球員簽名板!!  間舖冇第二d人客, 而當時收銀處得一位應該坐到悶死咁滯嘅員工!! 

見佢cool cool地, 不過都要走埋去問人准唔准影相.....佢話, 得, 冇問題, 於是我就係咁影相喇!!! 

球員簽名呀,見唔見到你嘅 favorite players呢? 

有d興奮事件喺呢間舖發生。話說我影左相一陣後,頭先本來看來有d cool cool地嘅職員走過來, 話幫我影下相,當然唔該晒啦!!    佢非常好人,叫我企喺邊個位好,邊個位影得靚。之後又幫我同條簽名板影相。跟著, 佢突然話等等....跟著將一頂粉紅色嘅祖雲達斯cap帽戴喺我頭上,話咁正d。影完後又話, "唔得,張相見倒頂帽嘅膠掛鉤,然後走去攞把鉸剪剪左佢!  再接著,佢又話, "等等"...佢攞左條頸巾叫我戴著黎影!!  chi cha!  影左!  我見佢咁好人, 當然請佢一齊影張啦, 又叫佢拿住條頸巾, 我幫佢影張!! 

見佢條祖雲達斯頸巾幾靚,問佢幾$, 只係5歐羅, 幾抵喎, 咪問佢d頸巾擺喺舖嘅邊度, 我都想買條。點知佢話, "條頸巾我!!!" 

"冇得買, 因為我係Ultras member, 係個會出的, 只有會員有得買。"  嘩嘩嘩, 乜條頸巾竟然係佢借比我戴黎影相!!", 好好人喎。

之後我話佢知, 我之前一日去左球場睇波。原來佢都有去睇,仲拿佢架相機出黎, 播d佢錄左嘅片段我睇, 其中一段仲係廸比亞路由帶波到入左一球嘅片段, 好勁喎, 佢點知佢會入倒波,錄晒嘅???!!!  果然係超級祖記球迷!!! 

之後我地仲好興奮咁喺間舖度噪之巴閉, 猛咁講場波同球會嘅野, 攪到後黎入舖睇野嘅顧客好好奇以為我地仲乜....

我只係買左個祖記月曆 (好似5歐羅), 幫襯不多, 不過阿好人 (亦頗靚仔, 同廸比亞路一樣名))嘅職員送左d野比我喎!!!

第一樣禮物, 係一d祖記貼紙 (我依家都唔捨得用)。

跟著, 佢又送左兩個國家燙章比我,仲教我話好易燙上波衫,仲開左其中一個包裝, 揾個中文說明比我, 叫我跟著做就得喇, 佢真係超級好人。  之後我返HK發現, 一個一樣嘅國家燙章, 原來賣HK$60!!!!

我喺呢間祖記專門店, 只買到一樣野, 就係呢個官方月曆喇, 個月曆都幾靚下。

祖雲達斯專門店嘅紙袋 ~ 我唔捨得再用, 只留為紀念。

最後, 呢位職員仲送我出門口, 同我say完goodbye, 見我走左先返入舖!!  超級gentleman!! 

今次都靈旅程中所買下嘅紀念品,同埋場球賽嘅入場券 (在banner中祖記logo下面, 月曆隔離)。入場券寫左我個名,而入場時要出示身份証明文件的,好鬼嚴格。之前我買飛時, 都已經要登記出生日期同出生地, 睇場波要問咁多野, 要咁多資料做乜 (聽講所有意大利足球賽事入場嘅意大利球迷都要提供呢d資料)!!! 

告別都靈喇, 遲d再見啦!!!  (從飛機上影的)

~~ 都靈奇妙之旅, 完結 ~~

請看之後的 "穿梭羅馬" (不過未出版, 哈哈)