Monday, April 25, 2011

Music: Lucenzo - Emigrante Del Mundo (Radio Version)

I love the beat of this song, although technically I only can pick up very few words and don't  understand the lyric (until with the help of an online translator I get roughly the meaning of it) ... and then I found out... Lucenzo is singing it in French (well by reading the lyrics, of course not by being able to hear what he sang)!  I have known he sings in Portuguese, but I just realized now that he was actually born in Bordeuax, France, of Portuguese origin.

According to information on Wikipedia, "Emigrante del mundo" is the debut single that Lucenzo released in 2008. This reggaeton song quickly became a French radio hit. It reached #1 on Radio Latina and stayed in the Top Five on the station for 42 weeks. It was followed in 2009 by "Dame reggaeton", which also became a #1, as well on Radio Latina.

Interesting..... I love this song although it's not in Italian / Portuguese / English!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

London Cable Car?

尋日睇報紙, 話英國倫敦市長為左迎接下年嘅 London Olympic Games, 計劃興建橫誇 River Thames嘅 Cable Car系統..... 聽落個計劃好有意思喎! 如果計劃真係落實, 呢個新景點好似好吸引咁 !

倫敦人多車多人種頗雜, 而且消費高昂。不過無可否認, 倫敦有好多好靚好宏偉嘅風景、建築, 而香港又係英國前殖民地, 當地嘅馬路設計、雙層巴士、英式英語、周圍 HSBC分行....充滿親切感

如果倫敦真係多左個 Cable Car, 你會唔會好有興趣去倫敦玩呢? 


Virtual Cable Car Tour over the River Thames

Friday, April 15, 2011


練EQ其中一個最好嘅途徑, 就係有架垃圾一般嘅電腦!  我大約兩星期前先整好部電腦, 但今日又遇上麻煩, 攪左一輪, 用得番, 但我諗我對住佢真係死左唔少細胞!! 我每日都要當最後一日見到佢, 趁佢臨終升天堂之前同佢見多兩面! 真係頂!! 

可能你會問何解我唔索性買個部新嘅呢? 其中一個原因係唔想麻煩, 因為用新機全部野又要安裝一次。


One of the best ways to train up one's EQ must be to have a rubbish computer!  I have just had my desktop computer fixed about two or three weeks ago, but this crap thing is giving me problems again. How many of my body cells are dead so far? I have to treat it as the last day when I can use and see it. Before it goes to the Heaven, let's see for a few more times. Damn it.

Probably you'll ask why I don't buy a new one. That solves all the problems. One of the reasons that I still want to keep it is that I don't want troubles. If I get a new one, I'll have to reinstall all the software onto the new pc again - antivirus, Chinese inputting system and so on. A lot of work...

Ma Fan!!!


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Fado: Barco Negro by Amalia Rodrigues (Black Sailboat by Amalia Rodrigues)

雖則我唔係咁聽 Fado嘅歌曲, 但若果要我作一個比較, 講真, 我諗我鐘意 Amalia多過 Mariza多D, 因為Amalia個樣幾靚, 而Mariza個樣就有D奇怪! 同埋, Amalia把聲比較吸引我

Amalia係最出名嘅 Fado singer, 被譽為"Rainha do Fado" ("Queen of Fado") , 可想而知佢幾咁受葡萄牙人嘅愛戴。

上次去葡萄牙旅行時, 一位朋友帶我去睇呢個街上嘅 Amalia塗鴉, 係咪劃得又靚又迫真呢?

以下呢首歌叫 "Barco Negro" (Black Sailboat"), 沒有Amalia嘅樣在video裡邊, 但就可以一路聽歌, 一路欣賞一下佢嘅出生地 Lisbon, 同埋 Sintra一帶嘅美麗風景。

Lyrics (Portuguese/English by

De manhã, que medo que me achasses feia, (In the morning, how I feared that you could find me ugly)
acordei tremendo deitada na areia. (I woke up trembling, laid on the beach's sand)
Mas logo os teus olhos disseram que não! (But immediately your eyes told me the opposite)
E o sol penetrou no meu coração. (And the sun entered into my heart)

Vi depois numa rocha uma cruz (Then I saw a cross stuck on a rock)
e o teu barco negro dançava na luz...(And your black sailboat dancing under the light)
Vi teu braço acenando entre as velas já soltas...(I saw your hand waving goobye among the ready loose sails)
Dizem as velhas da praia que não voltas. (Old women of the beach tell me that you will not come back)

São loucas... são loucas! (They are crazy... They are crazy...)

Eu sei, meu amor, que nem chegaste a partir, (I know, my love, that you, in fact, did not leave)
pois tudo em meu redor me diz que estás sempre comigo. (because, everything around me tells me that you are always with me)

No vento que lança areia nos vidros, (You are in the wind, which spreads sand on the glass (of the windows)
na água que canta no fogo mortiço, (You are in the water, that sings into the dying fire)
no calor do leito dos bancos vazios, (You are in the warmth of the rest from empty seabeds)
dentro do meu peito estás sempre comigo. (You are forever with me, into my heart/chest)

Eu sei, meu amor, que nem chegaste a partir.(I know, my love, that you, in fact, did not leave)

Friday, April 08, 2011


我以前好鬼憎Teletubbies四隻野, 因為覺得佢地好肉酸, ! 但點解依家會日日都睇呢? 咁就關我個姪女事喇。

話說我姪女依家大個左好多, 成鬼日周圍搞事, 我地想搵d方法等佢可以坐定定。有日同我英國朋友談起, 佢叫我一定要去買d Teletubbies嘅 VCD比佢睇, 包保佢好乖坐在椅上睇, 唔會周圍走。我覺得好懷疑囉, 那四隻核突野m 點令一個細路坐定定呀, 但我朋友話真嘅, 有research做過, D細路真係個個睇 Teletubbies電視睇到唔完走! 我朋友叫我快D買, 咁咪食 lunch時走去 HMV買左幾隻 Teletubbies嘅VCD....

神奇呀, 我個姪女簡直用沉迷 Teletubbies來形容佢呀? 一日到黑都掛住 Teletubbies, 我日頭返工, 佢成日 "BB", "BB", 走去個DVD Player度, 叫我地開比佢睇! 最搞笑係, 同一隻碟嘅episode, 佢起碼一日睇兩次一樣嘅野都唔厭, 服左佢!!

仲有比我發現, 原來其中一隻 (叫 Po). 會無端端講廣東話架!! 原來......扮 Po那個人 (紅色的Teletubby) 是一個識得講廣東話的中國人! 睇下一邊的 video你地就會發現的!

Teletubbies依家簡直係我恩人兼救星呀!  多謝 Dipsy, Tinky Winky, Laa Laa & Po!


I used to hate Teletubbies so much because I think the four things are so ugly!! But why am I watching (well, forced to be watching) Teletubbies videos every day now? That has to do with my "adorable" niece!

My niece is growing up and getting bigger and bigger, and well, also more and more troublesome! Touching things, messing around every day, in every moment. We have been thinking about what to do which can make her sit down and at least rest for about half an hour. One day I was chatting with an English friend and asked for his advice (coz he's the father of two kids so he should have some good advice, lol). He immediately suggested me buying some DVDs of Teletubbies. He said Teletubbies videos must work well in every single baby/kid. I doubted it as soon as he told me this coz as I said before, I hated Teletubbies and I didn't think Teletubbies would work on my niece.

But my friend insisted that Teletubbies videos worked, and he said there has been research which said that Teletubbies make kids sit down quietly. Ok, so I went to an HMV store near where I work and bought three DVDs of Teletubbies videos.

Incredible, really incredible! My niece is so into the Teletubbies cartoons now!!! She can't live without Teletubbies, hahaaha! Each day, she keeps asking us to switch on the DVD player and play Teletubbies VCDs for her to watch. She would go to the DVD player, switch it on, and then come to us, drag us and keep saying, "BB'. "BB"...

You can order her to do anything, just that if you agree to put Teletubbies on for her. She will obey you and listen to your commands - "Sit on the sofa", "Be quiet and then I'll play the VCDs" - and she really will!!!

And do you know that.... one of the Teletubbies does speak Cantonese in the videos!!! That's because the person who is "Po" (the red Teletubby) is a Chinese lady who speaks Cantonese too! Wowwowwww!!! You gotta watch the video I have enclosed here and you will know what I mean.

Teletubbies - I love you much. You are all my Saviours!!!

Monday, April 04, 2011

Fado: Chuva by Mariza (Rain by Mariza)

近來好高興認識了一位 blog友,  佢對葡萄牙文好有興趣, 而傾談間, 佢問我識唔識一D葡文歌....hmmm, 係識的, 哈哈哈! 不過我只係識聽, 唔識解歌詞!! 部份歌詞我大概係估到意思, 但就唔係完全明晒仲乜東東!

呢首歌係葡萄牙國寶.... fado歌種。唱歌嘅係好出名的 Mariza, video裡已有歌詞, 所以好方便, 可以一路聽一路睇歌詞

It's so nice that I have made a new blogger friend recently and to have known that she also is interested in learning Portuguese.  While we were chatting, she asked if I knew any Portuguese songs, and.... hummm, yes! But most of the time, I only know they're singing in Portuguese. I could catch some of the words but definitely I can't really understand all of the lyrics.

This song I have enclosed here in this blog entry is a fado song. Fado - a specifically Portuguese type of music genre!  The singer is Mariza, one of the most famous Fado singers, I guess... Lyrics are already there in the video so I can also start learning to sing fado songs too! Haha.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Movie: Mysteries of Lisbon


我講緊一套電影 - Mysteries of Lisbon!!! 我都唔知有幾多個世紀未睇過一套咁長嘅電影, 而呢個世代, 我估計亦都唔多會有好多電影會有咁長嘅播放時間。266分鐘!! 4個鐘頭零26分鐘呀!!

香港電影節開鑼, 有呢套贏左某些國際電影大獎 (最佳法國電影大獎) 嘅 Mysteries of Lisbon 播, 咁基於喜歡葡萄牙嘅關系, 我就去睇啦; 最重要係, 套電影贏左大獎嘛, 就去睇睇有幾好睇先得!

"數十名葡萄牙和法國巨星演出".... 之前唔識!! 依家...我識左幾個 (Maria Joao Bastos, Afonso Pimentel, Clotilde Hesme), 嘻嘻!

好彩冇在戲院瞓左覺, 哈哈哈!  大家有冇睇過長過3個鐘嘅電影呢? 有冇瞓左覺先??


劇情簡介: (

改編自葡萄牙大文豪卡斯特洛布蘭科(Camilo Castelo Branco)愛情史詩名作,本片為《情慾克林姆》智利導演拉烏盧伊茲在得知罹患肝癌後,所拍攝的最後鉅作,這部長達272分鐘的影片獲頒年度最佳法國電影大獎殊榮,影片橫跨葡、西、法、義、巴西5國拍攝。



