我以前好鬼憎Teletubbies四隻野, 因為覺得佢地好肉酸, ! 但點解依家會日日都睇呢? 咁就關我個姪女事喇。
話說我姪女依家大個左好多, 成鬼日周圍搞事, 我地想搵d方法等佢可以坐定定。有日同我英國朋友談起, 佢叫我一定要去買d Teletubbies嘅 VCD比佢睇, 包保佢好乖坐在椅上睇, 唔會周圍走。我覺得好懷疑囉, 那四隻核突野m 點令一個細路坐定定呀, 但我朋友話真嘅, 有research做過, D細路真係個個睇 Teletubbies電視睇到唔完走! 我朋友叫我快D買, 咁咪食 lunch時走去 HMV買左幾隻 Teletubbies嘅VCD....
神奇呀, 我個姪女簡直用沉迷 Teletubbies來形容佢呀? 一日到黑都掛住 Teletubbies, 我日頭返工, 佢成日 "BB", "BB", 走去個DVD Player度, 叫我地開比佢睇! 最搞笑係, 同一隻碟嘅episode, 佢起碼一日睇兩次一樣嘅野都唔厭, 服左佢!!
仲有比我發現, 原來其中一隻 (叫 Po). 會無端端講廣東話架!! 原來......扮 Po那個人 (紅色的Teletubby) 是一個識得講廣東話的中國人! 睇下一邊的 video你地就會發現的!
Teletubbies依家簡直係我恩人兼救星呀! 多謝 Dipsy, Tinky Winky, Laa Laa & Po!
I used to hate Teletubbies so much because I think the four things are so ugly!! But why am I watching (well, forced to be watching) Teletubbies videos every day now? That has to do with my "adorable" niece!
My niece is growing up and getting bigger and bigger, and well, also more and more troublesome! Touching things, messing around every day, in every moment. We have been thinking about what to do which can make her sit down and at least rest for about half an hour. One day I was chatting with an English friend and asked for his advice (coz he's the father of two kids so he should have some good advice, lol). He immediately suggested me buying some DVDs of Teletubbies. He said Teletubbies videos must work well in every single baby/kid. I doubted it as soon as he told me this coz as I said before, I hated Teletubbies and I didn't think Teletubbies would work on my niece.
But my friend insisted that Teletubbies videos worked, and he said there has been research which said that Teletubbies make kids sit down quietly. Ok, so I went to an HMV store near where I work and bought three DVDs of Teletubbies videos.
Incredible, really incredible! My niece is so into the Teletubbies cartoons now!!! She can't live without Teletubbies, hahaaha! Each day, she keeps asking us to switch on the DVD player and play Teletubbies VCDs for her to watch. She would go to the DVD player, switch it on, and then come to us, drag us and keep saying, "BB'. "BB"...
You can order her to do anything, just that if you agree to put Teletubbies on for her. She will obey you and listen to your commands - "Sit on the sofa", "Be quiet and then I'll play the VCDs" - and she really will!!!
And do you know that.... one of the Teletubbies does speak Cantonese in the videos!!! That's because the person who is "Po" (the red Teletubby) is a Chinese lady who speaks Cantonese too! Wowwowwww!!! You gotta watch the video I have enclosed here and you will know what I mean.
Teletubbies - I love you much. You are all my Saviours!!!
veramente? non ci credo!!!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/08/2011 22:44:00]Si Nel, e' vero... although it's hard to believe it
真係好神奇架, o個陣我去朋友屋企, 佢話佢兩個仔好鍾意睇teletubbies, o個晚一夠鐘(佢o個d唔知咩台有得播), 佢兩個仔就乖乖坐低, 睇到入晒神!! 大人真係唔會明白....
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/14/2011 21:57:00]哈哈 Iris, 我地真係無法想象, 那四隻怪雞公仔點解咁吸引!