Saturday, February 26, 2011


嘩, 我好少會連出兩篇文章, 但因為剛剛為寫上一篇 entry 在網上搵資料時, 無意中找到呢篇文章, 好想同大家分享埋。

下面文章出自 "華夏網絡網 " ( ), 文章實在超有意思, 所以想放出來呀。


2011-02-21 09:42:19        華夏經緯網



  上午9點到單位,打開電腦,直到中午12點,下午,依舊重復著上午的故事,眼睛酸得不行,也不捨得離開座位。難道,您真想讓這雙眼睛就這麼陪著您一起見證如此 “有意義”的一生嗎?






Eye massage

去做 facial treatment時, 都會有 eye mask的, 熱熱地鋪 D泥槳上去, 暖番15-20分鐘, 促進血液循環, 幾好!

但係呢個都唔可能成日做啦, 貴呀!! 咁平時都要搵多D唔駛錢嘅方法幫自己保養下對眼睛 (無論男定女, 都要保養)。

近日買左幾本書講穴位按摩, 試下自救! 可以得閒無事, 搭緊車又做下按摩, 在屋企睇住電視、聽住歌又做下按摩, 橫掂唔駛錢, 按穴位唔會傷身, 仲可以幫助身體血液循環。

睇書先知, 原來人身體嘅一個叫 "攢竹" 嘅穴位, 是治療眼睛疲勞嘅常用穴, 對消除眼袋浮腫、美容、頭暈都好有療效。 咁究竟  "攢竹" 穴位在面嘅邊度呢??

(資料來自: )








如果覺得睇文字解釋好煩, 試下睇睇下邊呢個外國人做嘅真人示範! 佢做嘅對眼睛按摩嘅動作, 有部分就係咁啱針對 "攢竹" 嘅穴位出發。 

保護眼睛, 大家由今日開始做啦, 一D都唔遲呀!! 努力持之以恆咁做啦!  (我同自己講埋呀, 因為我成日好易放棄, 哈哈哈!!)


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

葡萄牙之旅 16 - 遊 Braga 2!

雖則唔會有人記得我未寫完呢個遊記, 但我記得!  我唔會容許我嘅遊記爛尾的, 所以今日一定點都要寫埋佢 -- 最後的一頁, Braga布拉加!!!

實情Braga唔係我上次葡萄牙之旅嘅最後一站。唔知有幾多人識 Braga 呢個地方? 但如果有睇足球 & 跟開足球消息的話, 應該對呢個名有印象, 是關上季 (2009-10) 嘅葡萄牙超級足球聯賽, 布拉加市嘅球隊, 獲得聯賽冠軍! 

今次我唔準備長篇大論談Braga呢個地方 (實在太多人話我好多野講, 哈哈), 不如show下我在呢個地方一日遊所影嘅一些相啦。

Braga位在葡萄牙北面, 當日我係從北部大城市 Porto, 坐 coach (大約2個鐘頭, 班次都算幾密), 過去 Braga一日遊的。回想過來, 如果住番一晚會好好多, 因為 Braga個市好靚好多好野睇, 我低估左佢嘅實力呢!


Braga有間充滿情調、裝修華麗、歷史悠久嘅 Cafe Brasileira。我光顧當日, Cafe坐滿當地人, 得我一個亞洲人, 所以成日被其他人眼望望。

而去 Braga 嘅最大目的, 就係參觀呢個絕靚建築 -- Bom Jesus do Monte (耶穌山)。關於呢個建築嘅資料, 上網都好容易找到, 所以不在此詳細介紹了。

轉眼間, 終於完成了呢個葡萄牙之旅嘅遊記。但突然間我又有D唔捨得添....

若然各位下次想到歐洲旅行, 我會高度推介大家去葡萄牙。當人人都一鍋蜂去最熱門嘅法國、意大利、西班牙時, 別忘記, 葡萄牙都是一個拉丁語系國家, 同樣擁有豐富的人民歷史, 各地都充滿色彩、充滿風情。

不久將來, 再見葡萄牙啦!!!!

下一站 -----> 等著起程呀!! 嘻嘻嘻!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


《後記: 剛剛發現, 原來呢篇文章係我呢個blog嘅第500篇文呀! 哈哈哈 》

見到個標題, 唔知大家估唔估到我講乜東東呢?

實情係, 頭先我阿媽趁有時間, 執佢個房嘅野, 點知有意外嘅收獲, 就係: 搵番出來幾張多年前我去土耳其旅行時買嘅細地毯。

真係攪笑, 買左咁耐以來, 竟然放左入櫃冇拿過出來用, 認真浪費。D野就係咁, 放埋唔用以為留作紀念, 其實呢個觀念真係要改。仲有一樣野, 就係: 原先我買呢幾塊地毯係諗住當手信送比幾個朋友, 但最後因為唔捨得, 自己要左呢。點知, 收埋唔用, 混吉。

買番返來應該要用左佢地先啱, 用殘佢, 咁我就可以有藉口可以再去過土耳其玩, 再買番幾塊新嘅地毯返來先得, 嘻嘻嘻!

呢幾塊地毯漂亮嗎? 我同我屋企人現在用來 "gin"椅子坐, 好暖呀!!  

Friday, February 11, 2011

針灸 / acupuncture


自從上個月有一次做kick boxing時扭親條腰同盤骨附近之後, 已經停左玩 kickboxing, 初頭以為肌肉過一段時間會好番, 但點知剛剛相反, 越來越痛, 痛到我每日坐多過兩個鐘就開始好痛, 連瞓覺都痛。我試過做左兩次 body massage, 但都冇任何好轉。終於我今日問個同事攞左個電話, 去佢之前介紹嘅一位中醫師度做針灸。之前我呢位同事因為整親條頸, 痛到擰唔轉個頭, 佢去呢位中醫度睇左一次, 夜晚已經可以轉度頸! 我聽到之後都覺得好神奇, 所以今次要搵呢位中醫師救我一命

今日我去到, 解釋左我個問題之後, 佢就幫我針喇。先針背, 18針!! 嚇鬼, 我真係驚到飛起, 個醫師同兩位護士都叫我放鬆肌肉, 哈哈。之後轉身, 再針另一些部位, 有8針呀! 針落去就唔係痛, 但攞番支針出來時就真係有少少痛。

醫師話我呢次大約可以好番6成, 真係唔好講少, 我依家真係冇痛乜劑喇 (雖然仲有少少痛)。個醫師以前係政府醫院嘅放射治療師, 個架針灸嘅電機係佢自己改良的。星期一放工會再去多次, 希望之後真係好番晒啦!

I wonder if any of you have tried this traditional way of Chinese medicine - accupuncture - before to cure diseases and/or body pains?

Since I twisted my back and the bottoms about a month ago, I have stopped doing kickboxing, thinking that after not doing it for a while, I could give my body muscles a good rest and that they would recover by themselves soon. Nevertheless, my back and bottoms are getting more and more painful. Whenever I sit for more than two hours or so, my back and bottoms will get so sored.  Sometimes, I can't even sleep well at night because of the pain. Today, finally, I couldn't stand the pain anymore so I asked for the telephone number of a Chinese accupuncturist from a colleague of mine. He used to have some huge pain in his neck that he couldn't even move his head a bit. He went to see this acupuncture master and believe it or not, only after one treatment, he could already move his head freely. Incredible. So this time I decided to try my luck with this acupuncture master .

Today when I saw the acupuncture practitioner, he first had a consultation with me, asking me what pain I have, why I have caused the pain and the body areas that I have the pain. Then I changed clothes, lay down on a bed and with the assistance of two nurses, he started to insert needles onto certain areas in my back and the areas closed to my bottoms. Altogether, a total of 18 needles were inserted into my back!!! After a 5-minute treatment, I then was asked to turn around, and he inserted another 8 needles into my thighs. I didn't feel any pain at all when he inserted the needles, but when he was taking the needles off my body, I could feel a bit of pain, but not much.

The acupuncturist, before the treatment, told me that I should be 60% cured after this treatment and I would already feel much better afterwards. Really, now I'm feeling much much better with my back and bottoms. I will be seeing this acupuncturist again next Monday and hopefully my pain will be totally gotten rid of. By the way, this acupuncturist was a government radiographer.

More information on acupuncture:


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sid Vicious - C'mon Everybody


Sid Vicious係 1970年代英國punk 組合 Sex Pistols裡面嘅bassist, 佢嘅資料大概大家可以在網上找到。

Sid Vicious (born John Simon Ritchie[1] 10 May 1957 - 2 February 1979) was an English musician best known as the bassist of the influential punk rock group Sex Pistols. In 2006 he was inducted posthumously into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as a member of the Sex Pistols. (

Well c´mon everybody and let´s get together tonight
I got some money in my jeans
And I´m really gonna spend it right
Well I´ve been doin´ my homework all week long
Now to have some fifty and my folk are gone
Ooh! C´mon everybody
Oh well, my baby´s number one
But I´m gonna dance with three or four
And the house will be shakin´ from the bare feet
A-stampin´ on the floor
Well when you hear the music, you can´t still
If your brother won´t rock, your sister will
Ooh! C´mon everybody
Oh well, we really haven´t money
But we gotta put a guard outside
If the folks come home
I´m afraid, they´re gonna have my hide
There´d be no more movies for a week or two
No more runnin´ ´round with the usual crew-who cares?
C´mon everybody

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Places that don't Exist

近日迷上左睇 BBC Knowlege 嘅一個節目, 係由Simon Reeve做主持嘅一個叫 "Places that don't exist" 嘅時事節目。我開始睇 Simon Reeve 嘅節目, 係源於之前在 Cable TV 睇佢另一個叫 "Explore"嘅時事節目。

相比起BBC呢種國際性嘅電視台, 香港嘅好多電視台 (尤其係那些免費嘅) 所製作嘅節目, 質數真係差好遠。

幾日前睇完其中一輯 - 講一個叫Somaliland嘅國家。原來呢個世界有唔少國家, 存在但就不被承認, 呢種國家同佢地嘅人民, 唔知點樣出國呢? 睇怕佢地都幾難有機會出國, 因為不被國際承認, 揸住 passport都冇人認可, 國家嘅貨幣邊值錢呢? 點做貿易呀? 點生存點搵食呢?

在呢種國家生活嘅人, 真係唔知係好定慘 - 好係有自己嘅國家, 慘嘅係有國家差不多等於冇國家。


Wednesday, February 02, 2011

A message to a good friend of mine...

近日埃及所發生嘅事件, 相信大家都有在電視上略有所聞。本人有一個幾好嘅埃及朋友, 現在唔知佢點, 我都幾擔心佢同佢屋企人嘅安全。在事件剛剛發生嘅第一日時, 我地仲有透過 fb嘅e-mail聯絡, 但自從那日之後, 我就完全冇晒佢嘅消息, 希望佢只係因為全國被cut internet service同埋手機訊號所以覆唔到我啦......


Many of you probably have already known what is happening these days in Egypt.  I have a good friend who is living in Cairo with her family. Since the first day of their country's political crisis, I lost contact of her. I have been trying to get in touch with her but still in vain. Pretty worried of the safety of her and her family.... I know the internet and mobile service of her country has all been cut, and that she's not any extreme activist or whatever, but still I don't know the real situation there.  Just hope that she and her family are doing fine.


سعيد السنة الصينية الجديدة! قد يكون سلام وأمان مع لك ولعائلتك، مروة

Happy Chinese New Year to you, my good friend (although I guess you won't celebrate it)!!


A picture which I took with her and some other local Egyptian kids some years ago when I was traveling in Egypt. May your God bless you and your family.



Chocolate from Sao Tome!

唔知有冇人好似我咁無聊, 食粒朱古力都去研究一餐, 嘻嘻嘻!

點解咁講, 事緣尋日我公司有個同事, 趁就快農曆新年, 買左幾盒某個名牌子嘅朱古力請大家食。每盒朱古力有好多隻味道, 我就每隻都試一粒, 睇下唔同朱古力有乜唔同味道啦。其中一粒係咁嘅....


我食左之後, 看左好多次... Pure Origin Sao Tome, 乜傢伙 Sao Tome?? 於是發揮八掛精神, 走去search一下....結果, 原來:


São Tomé and Príncipe 係一個地方來的 (中文名稱: 聖多美普林西比民主共和國)!! 是在非洲大陸對出的一個小島國家呀。失敬失敬!!

File:Flag of Sao Tome and Principe.svg

根據一個網站介紹 ( )

原來 São Tomé and Príncipe 係非洲第二細嘅國家 (真係唔好意思, 之前完全唔知原來世界上有個國家叫 São Tomé and Príncipe), (非洲最細嘅國家係Seychelles, 呢個地方可能較多人認識). 呢個國家亦係除了前英國殖民地以外, 全世界最細嘅國家 (It is the smallest country in the world that is not a former British overseas territory, a former United States trusteeship, or one of the European microstates. It is also the smallest Portuguese-speaking country). 呢個國家原來由有人居住開始已經係葡萄牙嘅殖民地, 不過1975年成為獨立國家。

"São Tomé, the capital of São Tomé and Príncipe, is a small Portuguese-speaking island just off the coast of Gabon, on the west coast of the African continent (see map above, courtesy of Its population is roughly 160,000 people.

A once unoccupied territory that received its entire population through functioning as a Portuguese pit stop for slaves en route to the Americas, São Tomé faces a rough history. The country became an independent nation from Portugal in 1975, making it still extremely young. For this reason, the island retains much of its Portuguese roots- from architecture, to language, to gastronomy. Yet it is a desperately poor country, suffering regularly from lack of electricity, untreated water, and a high mortality rate."


呢個國家好似好靚咁喎!!!  (原來同台灣係邦交國呢)