Monday, July 20, 2009

新世代家長 ---- 之一

之前好似講過下依家D細路 (主要係我接觸嘅補習學生) 嘅行為同思想。今次好想講下一D家長。

有D家長真係幾奇怪, 以為自己請位補習導師, 比少少錢就大鬼晒。近日有兩單事件發生在本人身上, 我都唔識形容, 究竟係事勢變左, 家長心態變左, 定係本人落後於今日形勢呢?


大約兩星期前, 我收到補習介紹所嘅電話, 呢位女仔話, 有一位家長 (下稱: A), 住在我屋企附近, 想搵補習老師。A女士應該係想搵現職老師, 但agent就推介下我咁啦。呢位家長真係煩到無輪!!  agent來來回回同我, 以及A女士通話數次。先係: agent話A女士想問我對香港教育制度有幾熟悉!!  然後, 第二個電話, 就想知我對佢個仔間學校有幾熟悉 (佢個仔係讀香港區一間名男小學), 有冇教過呢間學校嘅 P.5 & P.6。跟著, 又問我有乜plan教佢個仔。又話想搵個認真, 投入嘅人補習!

我真係被呢個A女士煩死!  佢麻唔麻煩D呀大佬!!  我直頭同個agent講, "你同佢講啦, 全香港咁多學校, 我點有咁啱補正佢個仔個間, 仲要係補P.5?  你同佢講, 我有個老友, 佢個仔在呢間學校剛讀完P.6。"

踢著, agent又再打來, 佢話家長想約我見一見, 但可唔可以唔當一堂嘅錢, 大家傾10幾分鐘了解一下。當時係晚上7:30pm, 我屋企準食飯, 我就講, 話, 咁好啦, 9pm啦! 但個agent緊係想快D攪掂 (因為佢收10pm), 問我可唔可以再早D, 最後我話8:30pm啦, 我話, 出得來傾, 點會講10幾分鐘, 唔該你請佢唔好講咁耐。

查實我肯出去廢up, 其一見佢offer嘅價錢叫ok (但唔係真係好高囉), 其二係見近屋企咋。我覺得呢種家長一定係煩爆嘅人, 幫佢個仔補習真係唔慌好做。

出到來, 佢個仔都出現左一陣... 呢位A女士, 好心佢啦, 邀請我出來了解, 都請我去麥記飲杯野啦, 但佢話, "介唔介意坐在廣場傾呀?" (那個廣場好多人坐, 圍住廣場係好多食店, 好安全的), 雖然係夜晚, 但都好熱呀.... 佢真係cheap爆!

佢來來去去就係問我可以點幫佢個仔, 我話, 坊間都大把練習, 我印好多比佢做唔係問題, 問題在於, 佢一定要溫習, 同埋好勤力, 因為我點出力都唔夠。資質唔夠唔係問題, 懶死咁就冇藥救。我問A女士, 覺得佢個仔最大問題係乜, 佢一句: 懶囉!

咁我話, 你都一定要幫手, 因為我一個禮拜見佢兩三次, 每次個半鐘; 但你每日都對住佢, 你一定都要幫手要佢勤力溫習, 做多D練習, 睇多D課外書, 先得。

我諗佢唔多鐘意我咁講.... 我只係講事實, 你唔好以為有個補習老師, 就等於識飛先得架!!  好似比得錢我, 就要包攪掂咁。自己唔努力, 我係神仙都打救唔到佢架。

講成個鐘, 佢混左我個大吉!!  到最後, 就係: 遲D睇下大家有冇合作機會吖"!! 

不過我冇失望, 呢種家長同學生, 補唔到我都唔介意。




Sunday, July 19, 2009


今期好似快左收到, 好事!! 

不過講真, 今期嘅內容係有D悶....

封面人物係: 新任教頭 Ferrara (費拉拿), 費拉拿確實非常有型....比起以往祖記嘅教頭更有型呀。

好奇怪, 今期冇中間大poster嘅......整張Canna或者Diego都好吖....

一如之前兩個暑假, 今年嘅暑假, 祖記都係去左Pinzolo練兵。一樣有咁多粉絲撐場的。練兵由7月9日至21號, 即係仲有兩日就玩晒喇。

隊長來季將會係連續第17個球季效力於祖記 (乜有咁耐喇咩??)。經過左600場代表祖記比賽, 踢入超過250球後, 唔知佢有乜新目標呢? 希望係Champions League 冠軍啦!!!

有一小則關於Canna嘅報道, 不過我未睇, 所以未知內容。

另外係, 原來Pessotto上年出左一本書 (書名: La partita piu' importante), 近日, 佢以呢本著作, 在一個文學比賽中 (Literary Competition)贏左一個獎。嘩, 乜原來佢寫野咁勁!! 恭喜晒Pessotto!!! 


今期人物介紹, 係超型嘅教頭: Ferrara!!! 

佢嘅舊照, 包括佢以前效力於Napoli....個樣都冇乜變過, 厲害...唔多老嘅!!!


教頭篇文咁長, 有排我都未睇晒...之不過我就第一時間, 睇左 "A tu per tu"版。今期呢位小球迷認真發達, 事關可以同 Nedved合照, Nedved仲同佢疊晒膊頭, 正啦!!  小球迷叫 Michele來自Ferrara (Buffon家鄉??!!), 只得9歲。佢問Nedved幾時開始踢足球, Nedved答佢, "sono nato con il pallone tra i piedi" (我一出世就有個足球在我對腳中間") (I was born with a football between my feet)!!   咁攪笑嘅答案!!! 

小球迷屋企一定好有米!  事關佢阿爸阿媽買左 season ticket比Michele, 又有去睇歐聯比賽,仲要係坐第一行!   另外佢對比賽見解多多, 唔知係咪大個都想做祖記教頭呢?  哈哈哈!!

如常地, 祖記球迷send去嘅照片, 部份被刋登出來。

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

葡萄牙和西班牙 ~ 地理大發現!

近日在公共圖書館度借左一D書返來睇, 第一本睇緊嘅, 係呢本:

大國崛起 ~ 我即刻想起... 狄娜姐姐呀

正經D講, 其實當呢套大國崛起在電視台做嘅時候, 由於一D原因, 好多時我都睇唔到, 所以根本唔多知原來有講過葡萄牙同埋西班牙。

今時今日, 可能在一些人心目中, 呢兩個國家並不是大國; 但係從歷史角度黎睇, 呢兩個國家, 對人類地理同文明歷史有極深遠嘅影響。

以前讀書時, 因為想寫同英國或者西班牙有關嘅dissertation, 所以在一個暑假裡, 猛咁睇左好多呢兩個國家嘅歷史書; 不過最後, 我走左去做 Northern Ireland嘅野...

在圖書館, 要搵D同英國、美國、德國等呢D大國有關嘅書大把; 但要搵同意大利、葡萄牙、西班牙呢D國家有關嘅中文書 (係要繁體字版本, 唔係簡體字版本), 真係唔多。

如果大家都有興趣, 可以去圖書館借呢本書來看 (不過唔該唔好call書住, 等我睇晒先啦, 哈哈哈)。

托德西利亞斯條約 Treaty of Tordesillas ~ 原來就係呢條條約, 世界歷史上首次有由兩個國家瓜分世界呢件事情出現!!!

1493年 (哥倫布發現大陸後),教宗亞歷山大六世 (Pope Alexander VI) 頒布教諭,將全世界嘅海洋一分為二, 劃分比葡萄牙同埋西班牙。1494年,西葡兩國訂立《托德西利亞斯條約》(Treaty of Tordesillas) ,平分全世界嘅控制權 --大西洋的子午線為兩國行使海洋權利嘅分界線,以西歸西班牙所控制,以東歸葡萄牙所控制。


從書中知道, 意大利人哥倫布 (Christopher Columbus) 從歐洲嘅西班牙出發,展開佢尋找新大陸嘅海上旅程。1492年10月12日, 佢登陸首個島嶼,並命該島為聖薩爾瓦多島。後來西班牙將呢日 (10月12日) 定為國慶日。

呢兩個國家在航海大發現後, 大肆發展貿易之餘, 當中亦洩及殺戮、對付、奴役印第安人, 從非洲販賣黑奴等。呢D野, 我唔敢亂作批判 ~ 歷史, 自會有歷史學家去評價。

我, 只係識睇書, 唔識做歷史評論。

Friday, July 10, 2009

French tourists seen as world's worst: survey!!

哈哈哈, 抵死  !!  希望唔好得罪一眾喜歡法國嘅blog友, 不過我最討厭法國, 並唔係種族歧視, 係本人多次親身經驗。

所以見到呢個報導之後, 要即刻同佢地宣揚開去, 唔係點對得住佢地呀!!! 

成為世上最討人厭嘅遊客, 自有佢地不平凡嘅多面 (絕對多過一面好多)!!! 

The World's Worst Tourists: The FRENCH!!! 



Reutes News

Thu Jul 9, 6:06 am ET

PARIS (Reuters Life!) – French tourists are the worst in the world, coming across as bad at foreign languages, tight-fisted and arrogant, according to a survey of 4,500 hotel owners across the world.

They finish in last place in the survey carried out for internet travel agency Expedia by polling company TNS Infratest, which said French holidaymakers don't speak local languages and are seen as impolite.

"It's mainly the fact that they speak little or no English when they're abroad, and they don't speak much of the local language," Expedia Marketing Director Timothee de Roux told radio station France Info.

"The French don't go abroad very much. We're lucky enough to have a country which is magnificent in terms of its landscape and culture," he said, adding that 90 per cent of French people did their traveling at home.

"So when they're on holiday they can be a bit stressed, they're not used to things, and this can lead them to be demanding in a way which could be seen as a certain arrogance."

French tourists are also accused of generally spending less than other nationalities when abroad.

De Roux said the French, not accustomed to leaving large tips at home where a service charge is automatically levied on restaurant bills, can seem "tight-fisted" compared with other nationalities.

The Japanese ranked top of the Best Tourist survey, with the British and the Germans judged the best of the Europeans.

But French tourists received some consolation for their poor performance, finishing third after the Italians and British for dress sense while on holiday.

(Reporting by Joseph Tandy; editing by James Mackenzie)

Thursday, July 09, 2009



祖記新一季球衣終於亮相....個主場球衣一樣完全冇驚喜, 所以我應該唔會買!!!  但件作客幾特別喎, 竟然條黑白間打斜落!!  有驚喜, 支持件作客!  不過唔知應印 Canna定係 Diego好呢?

另外件GK用綠色, 好yeah喎, 幾好睇, 不過, 我都唔會有錢買咁多件的....

仲有係: 球衣號碼大 dou亂... Amauri 改左著 Nedved嘅11號; Diego又要左 Moli件28號; 唔知球員號碼最後定案係點呢??

Marchionni to Fiorentina! 好野!!!

當頭先啱啱睇到呢單消息時, 其實唔覺得意外....馬基安尼, 一早應該快D離開祖雲達斯啦!!!  本來之前好鐘意佢, 不過原來佢真人cheap到爆炸, 抵死比祖記賣走!!!  我覺得祖記賣得佢遲添! 

不過佢死好彩...竟然可以過費倫, ... 但我唔會祝佢好運架!   

記唔記得佢上年個惡相?  我仲好記得佢同我講嘅說話, 簡直係令一個球迷非常傷心。



Marchionni accepts Fiorentina

Thursday July 9, 2009



The Felipe Melo saga is about to end as Marco Marchionni reveals he is ready to join Fiorentina and give everything to the Viola cause.

The Italian winger initially rejected their contract offer after the club agreed a £4m fee with Juventus. But it was only a matter of time before he conceded and accepted the deal.

At the Franchi he will match up with former teammate Alberto Gilardino as well as his favourite Coach Cesare Prandelli.

“Fiorentina are my first choice,” confirmed Marchionni. “I am only waiting for the details to be completed. I heard that many didn’t appreciate my comments when I said I would rather play for Juve in B than move to Florence.

“It’s not true, I never said that. I am running to Florence and delighted to join their project. They also told me that being a former Juve player I will need to go through a process of conversion to the Gigliati. I don’t mind, I am up for it.”

Marchionni has a market value of £4m which means Juventus will have to cover £18m of the Melo buyout clause.

The Italian will receive a wage around £2m per year while the Brazilian is set to sign a four-year deal at £3.5m per season.

Meanwhile, Juventus are also following Fabio Grosso. The Olympique Lyon left-back could join the Italian giants for a couple of million



I have lately received a little gift.... a hand-made fan!!

把扇係咪好得意呢??  哈哈哈....查實一睇就知呢把扇係細路仔做, 你望真D會見到, 上面有我個名, 又有另一個名。

呢把扇係我一個學生送比我嘅。學生係我一個好朋友個女, 我同佢全家非常熟, 以前我幫佢另一個女補過習, 依家因為暫時都做私人補習, 所以又幫佢呢外一個女補下習。

Isabel知我在一個學生度補習, 不但冇冷氣, 就連風扇都冇, 熱到痴肺, 所以佢話要送把扇比我補習時用!! 

我睇見把扇都覺得好窩心。雖然把扇咁小朋友, 點會真係攞出來撥涼, 但係佢真係做得好有心機, 佢仲寫埋我地個名上去, 又貼晒貼子!!! Hahhaa..


佢下個禮拜要返英國3個星期, 佢前兩日無端端問我:

Isabel: "Anita, 你可唔可以比張相我呀?"

我: "下?  你要我張相仲乜呀?"

Isabel: "我想帶你張相去UK, 我驚我會唔記得你個樣呀!!"

哈哈哈哈哈!!  你話細路仔可愛得黎, 係幾鬼搞笑???!! 

(我由佢出世識到佢依家, 點會唔記得我個樣呀?????)


Does this fan look cute?  In fact it's not difficult to guess from the above two pictures that this fan was made by a little kid.  And if you look closely, you can even see the names of mine and another girl. 

This fan is given to me by a student of mine.  She is also a daughter of a good friend of mine.  I know my friend and his family for a long long time.  Once I tutored his elder daughter, and now I'm tutoring his other daughter Isabel.

Isabel knew that I have a student who didn't switch on his fan (not even mention air-conditioner) when I tutor him, so she made this fan for me, hoping that I can at least cool myself down a bit whenever I have to tutor that student.

I was really touched when I received this little gift.  This fan looks pretty childish to be honest, so how can I really take it out to fan it?  But I really appreciate her love and kindness for me.   

This fan is not expensive, but for me it's precious!  It's so touching there's somebody there who  spends time and makes things for me.....

She's going back to the UK next week.  Two days ago when I tutored her, she suddenly asked me...

Isabel: "Anita, can you give me a photo of yours?"

Me: "Huh?  Why do you want a photo of mine?"

Isabel: "Becoz I'm going to the UK for three weeks.  I'm afraid I will forget your face."

Hahahahaa.... Can you see how cute and funny a child could get to?????? 

(But at least I'm very happy becoz that means she doesn't want to forget me... hahahaa)