Thursday, April 30, 2009

What makes a relationship work?


令到我突然想講呢個話題, 可能源於我剛剛睇到一個來自Ronan Keating嘅MV。 佢同佢太太今年慶祝結婚11週年, 能夠一起渡過一段都唔短嘅時間, 當中必定有能夠維繫感情嘅好因素。 好多夫婦都一起幾十年, 但可能其實已經冇左愛情, 得番感情, 就係因為感情才繼續走在一起。


究竟相處耐左, 係咪真係會濃轉淡呢?  點樣可以維系一段感情之餘, 仍舊有一種激情嘅感覺呢?  見過無數朋友, 在一段長時間嘅戀情中, 不知不覺地與另一半感情淡晒, 然後... 然後為左維系而維系, 再跟著...對方背住自己搵個第二個.... 當然, 我個人最睇唔起就係出賣別人感情嘅人!!


Take Me to Your Heart (by Michael Learns to Rock)


唔知大家相唔相信愛情...我曾經相信過。 但最唔能夠觸摸, 最唔能夠由自己把握得到嘅正係愛情。當你已經在尋尋覓覓嘅過程中好一段時間後, 只會睏到唔想再繼續... 真係好難接受再次經歷失望、傷心、互相被hurt嘅最後結果。今時今日, 就算愛慕一個人, 都不如將呢種心收番入個心裡面, 至少咁樣, 我唔會再有唔開心、失望、情緒低落嘅不安時刻。


風繼續吹 ~ 張國榮



緣份 ~ 張國榮 + 梅艷芳


Hurt You So Bad ~ Crazy Town

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

This I promise you...

因為近排比較空閒, 所以成日在youtube不斷睇MV.....

從好耐好耐以前已經開始鐘意Ronan Keating (由以前嘅Boyzone), 當然不得不承認, 佢個樣真係非常吸引, 亦係當時開始聽Boyzone嘅原因。但係我亦同樣被佢把聲深深吸引著...哈哈哈

This I promise you ~ 如果我愛嘅人用Ronan Keating 一樣嘅感情同聲線向我唱呢首歌求婚....就一定應承佢啦, 哈哈哈!!!  ....最正係佢最後情深款款那句: "yeah..."!!!

When you say nothing at all ~ Live版...好正, 通常我比較喜歡 live version, 因為夠真實, 同埋個歌星都會講下野咁!! 

RK同佢老婆原來明日 (30/4)就係結婚11週年喇, 恭喜恭喜!!

Wish him, his wife and their kids are happy together forever!!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Paolo Meneguzzi & Luca Dirisio

唔得....一定要在此推介!!  呢首歌我今晚聽左好多次喇!!!  超級好聽, 不斷咁聽!!!

簡直因為呢首歌愛上埋 Paolo Meneguzzi!!!

(後加: 我好艱辛地將D歌詞一句一句抄低.....)

Non Capiva che l'amavo

by: Paolo Meneguzzi & Luca Dirisio

Non capiva che l’amavo

Paolo Meneguzzi & Luca Dirisio

Non capiva che l'amavo e ogni volta che non c'era io imazzivo

Quante volte ho fatto finta inutilmente e mi nascondevo all’ombra di un sorriso

Qui seduto sui letto

Ripenso a noi

A quei giorni che il vento ha portato via

Quante sere passate allo stesso bar

Con gli amici che adesso non vedo piu’

Il suo sguardo era luce negli occhi miei

La sua voce era un suono dolcissimo

Quante volte ho pensato di dirgielo

Quante volte ho creduto di farcela

Ore in macchina a parlare sotto casa sua

Si rideva si scherzava e non capiva che

Non capiva che l'amavo e ogni volta che soffriva io soffrivo

Quante notti ho pianto senza dire niente

Perche’, Perche’, Perche’

Non capiva che l'amavo e ogni volta che non c'era io morivo

Quante notti ho pianto senza fare niente

E mi nascondevo all’ombra di un sorriso

Non capiva che l’amavo

Il ricordo e’ una lama nell’anima

Un dolore che brucia senza pieta’

Il suo nome vivra’ nell’eternita’

Come un segno profondo indelebile

Ore e ore a soffocare tutto dentro me

Mi parlava mi guardava e non capiva che

Non capiva che l'amavo e ogni volta che non soffriva io soffrivo

Quante notti ho pianto senza dire niente

Niente, fare niente

Perche’, perche’, perche’

Non capiva che l'amavo e ogni volta che non c'era io imaazzivo

Quante volte ho fatto finta inutilmente e mi nascondevo all’ombra di un sorriso

Non capiva che l’amavo


Non capiva che l’amavo e ogni volt ache non c’era io imaazzivo

Quante volte ho fatto finta inutilmente

Non capiva che l’amavo

Non capiva che l’amavo

Non capiva che l’amavo

Saturday, April 25, 2009

我的舊時最愛 ~ NKOTB

雖然已經係陳年舊野, 不過今時今日再聽, 一樣覺得佢地嘅歌非常動聽。

NKOTB係我細個最喜歡嘅歌星之一....當然, 五個人之中, 我都有個最愛, 就係Jordan Knight。佢係隊band嘅主音, 把聲好聽, 同埋, 佢好鐘意玩假音!  佢嘅假音真係好正好好聽

JK其中一首勁歌 ~ 基本上由頭至尾都好似唱緊假音咁!!  邊有男人把聲咁鬼高音呢?? I'll be Loving You Forever

Step by Step.... Step one, we can have lots of fun; Step two, there's so much we can do; Step three, it's just you and me; Step four, I can give you more; Step five, don't you know that the time has arrived!!!  神經, 真係熟到痺!  我肯定對佢地所有嘅歌, 熟過我讀嘅書呀!!! 

當然仲有呢一首啦... Happy Birthday!!  我特別喜歡呢首歌, 因為一D特別嘅原因嘅.....

Friday, April 24, 2009


祖記在星期四凌晨嘅意大利杯四強次回合, 在主場以1:2輸左比拉素。結果真係令人沮喪....今季四大皆空, 乜野杯耳都揸唔到, 點解呢?  咪就係多得雲尼亞里同班 "有用"管理層囉!!!  多謝佢地.....唔少!!!

除左我地呢班球迷日鬧夜鬧之外, 在都靈嘅某些祖記球迷都化悲憤為....生事!!!  在比賽場地同埋場外, 球迷都有對抗警察嘅行動, 目的主要就係反高層, 反雲尼亞里, 同埋....反Canna!!!  反Canna我就唔贊成, 不過反高層, 反雲尼亞里就非常之好!!!



Serata di contestazioni e polemiche quella vissuta dai tifosi juventini in occasioni della gara di ritorno di Coppa Italia con la Lazio.
Sono continuati i cori contro l'attaccante dell'Inter Balotelli, nonostante il giudice sportivo abbia inflitto alla Juve la punizione di giocare un turno a porte chiuse: questa volta solo offese ma non di marca razzista. Lo speaker dello stadio è intervenuto invitando i tifosi a non continuare nei loro cori offensivi.
A modo suo, con un grande striscione appeso, ha preso le distanze dal razzismo la tribuna ovest: «Davids, Seedorf, Sissoko: campioni veri, idoli veri», c'era scritto. Dedicato, non casualmente a giocatori di colore.




I tifosi hanno espresso anche il loro disappunto per il possibile arrivo di Fabio Cannavaro con i cori «Noi i mercenari non li vogliamo» e uno striscione «Cannavaro... 30 denari!» (部分Ultras球迷舉晒橫額, 反Canna!)






Ma le contestazioni più forti sono quelle contro il tecnico Claudio Ranieri e la dirigenza.
Alla curva che intona «Ranieri vattene a casa» tutto lo stadio risponde con applausi. Insulti agli esponenti della dirigenza bianconera. Prima del termine della gara, i tifosi hanno poi lasciato lo stadio...


(雖然有球迷反Canna, 不過反得最厲害嘅係抗議高層同埋Ranieri, 原來當晚全場不斷有球迷大聲哼唱 Ranieri返屋企!  而每次都獲得激烈鼓掌!! 球賽未結束, 已經有不少球迷離場以示抗議)





... e un centinaio di tifosi arrabbiati si è accalcato alle transenne che dividono la parte esterna dello stadio dall'accesso agli spogliatoi, ma gli animi si sono poi calmati.






Thursday, April 23, 2009


係咪Canna一定來祖記呢???  依家講到....佢著幾多號球衣都已經決定左囉喎!!

29號??!!  唔係佢嘅經典5號, 因為件5號已經比件茂里 Zebina著緊喇....而Canna話29就有如祖記過去贏得過嘅意甲冠軍數目!!

等最新消息公佈啦, 我個人就歡迎Canna回歸!!!   



Cannavaro avrà la maglia numero 29: "Come il numero degli scudetti vinti"

22/4/2009 (7:29) - RETROSCENA

Il difensore ammicca i tifosi nel tentativo di riconquistarli

Fabio Cannavaro ha scelto il numero di maglia per il suo ritorno alla Juve: non è lo storico 5, oggi di Zebina, ma il 29, cioè quanti sarebbero gli scudetti bianconeri senza Calciopoli. Del resto Cannavaro ha sempre detto che per lui quei 2 titoli sono validi. Ora una mossa ammiccante verso i tifosi da riconquistare. Ieri nella Liga il suo Real Madrid ha battuto 3-2 il Getafe, ma Cannavaro è uscito al 15’ st.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

無事做的日子 ~ 1

個網誌標題真係好衰....無事生產唔係本人喜愛嘅野, 本人向來都唔鐘意得閒得滯嘅日子, 所以成日都填時間。我以前一路諗, 希望50歲可以退休, 點知唔駛等到50, 依家可以試下退休係點感受, 原來感受係: 有D無無聊聊呀.....

坐食就山崩, 雖然不致於即時餓死, 但做人都要積極D得架!

得各方好友介紹之下, 我在網上導師網, 搵到2份補習, 一份係補小一全科, 一份係補中二英文。小一那位女仔, 其實係我中學嘅小學部, 小一D野好易, 只不過個細路女極分心, 個腦經常好似遊雲一樣!!!  至於那個中二學生, 今個星期六先開始, 不過我已經好耐世紀冇補中學生, 而且佢讀英中, 唔知我會唔會唔識佢D野咁大鑊呢?????  係就樣衰死喇!!

查實我以前未畢業就諗住做老師, 不過做唔成; 今時今日變左做補習老師囉!!  因為朋友介紹另一些朋友, 所以我突然間有5份補習!  但係....唔駛替我開心住, 因為D補習有D只係1星期1或2日, 搵鬼到錢咩!!!

依家有咁多自己時間, 我驚遲D當要返番一份正常嘅工作嘅時候, 我會唔慣添.....

所以我要做下時間分配: 早上溫下意大利文, 或者睇多D英文書; 下午補習; 晚上就...當然悠下, 上下網同朋友傾計啦!!  哈哈哈!!! 

話時話, 今晚2:30am (HK time)祖記對拉素!  意大利杯係祖記今季唯一希望, 大家唔該大力支持祖記可以出線 (呢排踢得咁衰, 都唔知掂唔掂呀)


The days of the unemployed... that's such a bad title for this entry!  But truly, that reflects my state of life now... I don't like to be this free, but when I'm this free, what else can I do?  Let me fill my day with lots of stuff.....

Once, I wish I could retire at the age of 50.  I don't have to wait until 50, I am already living like a retired person now...

Let me enjoy my life while also take some part time jobs to fill my day (and also can stuff my wallet too)!!!  Hahaa... I start tutoring kids.  I had hoped to be a teacher when I was still at college.  I failed to be a teacher, but I succeed to be a tutor now.  Becoz of the referrals of friends, I have now got 5 tutorial jobs!  But don't be happy for me yet: for some kids, I'm only tutoring them once or twice a week, and it's only such little money I'm earning. But at least, it's better than NOTHING.

I shall plan for my vacation (!!!) well.... let me revise my Italian or read more books on English in the morning, or listen to some good music or watch a movie; then in the afternoon, I'll go out to tutor kids; and at night, time is reserved for using the internet and chatting with friends.

Gosh... how can I cope with a normal work life again later??  But who knows what will happen tomorrow?  Let me enjoy my life now and do things I like. 

Time will tell......

Oh yes, by the way, there'll be the match at 2:30am tomorrow morning for Juve (Juve vs Lazio)... Coppa Italia will be the only hope for Juve this season, as Serie A championship will most probably goes to Inter this season (AGAIN!, ehhhhhhh).  Forza Juve!  (but Juve has been doing so badly recently... any hope that they can beat Lazio and thru to the finals?). 

Monday, April 20, 2009


已經收到今期本雜誌幾日, 雖然冇好似上期咁晨早收到, 不過都OK啦, 正常時間收到, 冇驚喜。

今期封面係三位球員: 伊亞昆達, 隊長, 同埋 Marchisio。


黑面神歷高達利出左一本自傳!!!  我竟然好有心機咁睇晒全篇文章...太耐冇溫意大利文... 呢篇文較易睇, 一路睇一路當溫書....哈哈哈

祖記嘅球員都好唔得閒下喎....成日要分頭出席唔同活動。呢一日, 達哥, Moli同埋 Tiago就出席一個球迷組織活動喇。

今期特寫故事嘅人物係: 萬能膠!!!

四月係決定性嘅一個月 (Aprile, mese decisivo)!  冇錯呀, 唔慌唔決定性啦, 4月以來嘅聯賽, 冇一場踢得好!!  啱啱就跌左落聯賽榜第三位呀!!!! 

有兩頁係講Nedved嘅...... Ieri e oggi (Yesterday and today)...未睇, 所以我都唔知講乜東東呢。 另外, 今期雜誌送嘅大海報就係Nedved。


A tu per tu版: 主角係cheap精 Marchionni!!  妖!!  唔知呢兩張相佢係咪又係扮笑, 跟著就黑晒面對你呢?!  佢個樣真係超級乞人憎!! 想嘔!


Wednesday, April 15, 2009


轉眼間, 已經無業左一個幾星期。日子好似唔係好難渡過, 或者係因為遇著4日復活節假期, 好多朋友都得閒, 一齊出下街, 飲下野食下野。

有一晚, 約左3個由中學識到依家嘅老朋友飲夜茶....當我講我剛剛冇左份工時, 呢三位朋友嘅反應係:

朋友A: "Good!  Welcome to the Club!" (佢已經失業左一段時間, 佢係專業人士黎, 佢竟然仲笑晒口, 咁樣去 "安慰" 我)

朋友D: "Ta, 當休息下啦....我地大家都做左咁耐野, 就算係放個大假囉!  我兩年前已經想quit左依家份工...." (我地大家本來都在同一區工作, 久唔久就約埋食lunch架, 依家...)

朋友L: "其實依家 "濕熱" 真係好平常。


朋友A, D & L, 同我識左 N年咁耐, 大家真係唔講客氣話, 佢地言則好似一D都冇安慰到我, 實情, 大家心照。又想起大家 "細路" 時一齊玩嘅開心日子....

朋友A從美國寄左兩個 "Tamagochi" 比我, 攪到我一日玩個game, 餵隻狗食野, 幫佢清理佢D "c"! 

朋友A過來探我地, 我地同埋另一個friend, 一齊去 Windsor睇堡壘, 又一齊去搵那間名校 Eaton School, 點知未到四點已經黑晒天, 乜都搵唔到!

朋友L & 我在平安夜搭唔切火車, 被迫留在 London一晚....第二朝搵朋友D過來接我地,揸車送我地一程....

某年我生日, 搭正凌晨12點, 我收到個冇人講野嘅電話, 原來佢地一齊打 conference call比我, 播首歌比我聽慶祝, 首歌係: 當時我超鐘意嘅 NKOTB首 "Happy birthday"! 


人失意嘅時候, 最需要嘅, 除左錢, 仲有係珍貴嘅友誼。我家族裡有人有老人痴呆症....希望我唔會有呢種病, 人失去左記憶都幾可憐.....有時有D回憶可能唔好, 但係我可以選擇忘記; 我希望能夠留住人生珍貴嘅回憶, 咁我開心, 唔開心嘅時候, 想起呢D美好嘅回憶時, 人都會積極番D。

朋友們 ~ 感謝晒!!

Thursday, April 09, 2009

The movie: Genova

因為之前一早已經買左戲飛嘅關係, 所以昨晚與朋友出去, 睇呢套香港國際電影節嘅電影 "Genova熱拿亞"。

I went out with a friend last night to see a movie at the Cultural Center.  It's called "Genova".  As I have bought the ticket some time ago, I didn't want to waste it.  And in fact, it's good going out and meeting friends, and..... seeing Genova again... although this time I saw it on the big screen.

我知道各位一定認定我係痴線婆 ~ 又係意大利, 仲要係熱拿亞添!!  但真係, 當我地之前在研究本電影節catalog有乜戲啱睇時, 見到呢套Genova, 異口同聲話一定要去睇, 睇下佢地點拍熱拿亞, 可唔可以搵番D回憶呢....

一齊去睇戲嘅朋友, 係上年 (2008)一齊去意大利旅行嘅同學仔。我地兩個都極唔鐘意熱拿亞呢個地方, 那個地方, 簡直係我地成個意大利旅程最有印象 (壞!), 大家可以睇番我之前一篇文章 Part 11 ~ 首次遊熱拿亞 , 我有詳細講的。

I know... I know everyone of you must think I'm a lunatic ~ it's Italy again, and even it's Genova!  Yes, but truly, when we were studying the catalog of the this year's Hong Kong International Film Festival, and we saw the description of this moive, we go, "Yes, we must see this one!"  We wanna see how they shot Genova, and see if the movie can recall any of our memories (poor ones though)....

The friend who went together to this movie was exactly the same companion of my last year's trip to Italy (2008).  We both DISLIKE Genova so much. This city is definitely the most terrible one throughout our trip in Italy and it's the most impressive to us.  You can read my old entry here Part 11 ~ 首次遊熱拿亞 to find out why...

套戲幾有意思, 睇完之後令我再三反複思考。心理創傷, 令到人活在陰影之中。 無法放低創傷, 忘記不幸, 令到一個人無法正常生活。 繼而我就想, 我其實係咪都有一D無法忘懷嘅經歷而令自己有心理創傷呢?  我有冇好似戲中一家三口咁, 選擇逃避面對, 選擇扮忘記呢? 

This movie gives some very meaningful messages.  Traumas make a person live in misery.  Being unable to put down the pain and forget the unhappiness makes it impossible for a person to live a normal life.  And then, I think about  myself.  Are there any traumas lingering around which are affecting me, but I'm not realizing them, or I chose not to deal with those distressing feelings and pretended that they were not existing?  Yes, that horrible experience.... of having been betrayed.... maybe I shall consult a psychologist too....

Monday, April 06, 2009


Dear Father,

"My dear friend, I'm very sorry to hear that.  Are you okay?  Pls don't be too upset.  When a door is close, another will be open. pls feel free to call me anytime if u need someone to listen." (我的一位好友送給我SMS口訊內容/the content of the SMS that a friend sent me today)

我 ~ 係坐在音樂椅上嘅其中一人。雖然一早已經有心理準備, 在音樂聲停下嘅時候, 要被 ding走嘅人可能係我, 但當呢一刻真正來臨嘅時候, 心仍然係好傷.....

上星期六聽到一位好朋友被公司裁員嘅消息之後, 呢兩日我仍然替佢唔開心...點知, 另一個消息發生在本人身上, 因為我今日突然都成為一份子....

今日嘅結, 雖然並不完美, 但係, 我並冇埋怨, 因為呢份工, 幫助我完成人生好多嘅理想

一對門關閉左, 可能係接著有另一對門為我打開.... 如果冇一個決心令我離開, 或者我唔會有決心去做我其實好想做嘅野....

成長係經過考驗, 我諗, 我又 pass左喇!!!  過左一關, 希望前面嘅道路會有更新嘅意思。

無需為我擔心,  因為袮知道,

~ Stay positive, keep smiling ~這是我的人生左右銘。



**** *******************************************************************

Dear Father,

I ~ am one of the persons who are siting on the musical chairs.  I have been pretty well prepared that when the music stops, I could be the person "out", but when this day has really come, I still feel so sad....

Last Saturday, the bad news that a very good friend of mine got laid off came to my ears... and since then, I am still feeling so unhappy for him.... and then, something happened to me, that today I have become a member of the unemployed....

This ending although is not a perfect one, I do not complain, because I understand that it was this job which has enabled me to do a lot of things and have realized many of my dreams.

When a door is closed, another door is open.  If it's not this sad ending, maybe I would never have the determination to do what I have been hoping to do.

I wish that the road that I'm going to walk on will continue to give me insights, and new meanings.

Don't worry for me, as You know well that,

~ Stay positive, Keep smiling ~ it's always my motto of Life.



Saturday, April 04, 2009

自製蘋果批 & 雞批


佢自從在我一位 auntie處攞左個食譜後, 就成鬼日喺到勁整蘋果批 & 雞批!!!  今朝整到依家 (5pm), 難為佢完全投入, 一D都唔睏....比個服字佢!! 

實情我唔多鐘意食蘋果批, 但佢成日叫我試食....熟左嘅蘋果味道好怪呀, 但又唔可以唔食喎...... D雞批就非常正斗喇!!! 


Since the day when she has got the recipe from one of my aunties, my mom has been making apple pies and chicken pies!  Like today, she has been making the pies from the morning (10am) till now (5pm).  She is so into it.....

I don't actually like apple pies very much but she keeps asking me to taste them and give opinions.... cooked apples taste really weird, but I can't reject the "offer" of my mom!  But the chicken pies are really tasty and I love them much!!! 


雞批  (chicken pies)


蘋果批 (apple pies)


其實呢D只係佢部分傑作咋!!  (these are only part of her products!!!!)




Thursday, April 02, 2009



我無法明白同埋認同, 何解要用3個我地嘅人 (Striker Palladino, midfielder Ekdal, defender Ariaudo), 再加一大筆錢, 夾埋先換到一件巴勒莫嘅 Kjaer (原諒我無知, 我唔知呢個球員有何犀利)....痴線.... 就算名單中冇palla, 我都一樣,

好想用粗口問候班管理層: @#@#%#$^%&*&(&!!!!!

如果傳聞係真, 我想問, 究竟幾時將個3個廢柴高層剷走??  唔好再為禍人間!!! 



Report: Juventus Prepare Mega-Bid For Palermo Defender Simon Kjaer

The Bianconeri are ready to offer the Rosanero three players - Palladino, Ekdal and Ariaudo - plus money to outbid the competition.

1 Apr 2009 09:29:20

Palermo central defender Simon Kjaer seems to be edging closer to a move to Juventus. Turin-based daily Tuttosport claims that the Corso Galileo Ferraris directors are considering making a very tempting offer to sway the mad race in their favour.

The Old Lady are allegedly willing to pay a sizeable sum of money plus present Palermo with the services of striker Raffaele Palladino, who is currently on loan at Genoa, midfielder Albin Ekdal and defender Lorenzo Ariaudo.

Kjaer has caught the eye of several European clubs this term, however, Palermo have insisted he will be staying put over the summer.

Inter, Milan and Fiorentina are also said to be in the running, with the player’s agent, Claudio Pasqualin, claiming yesterday that the Gigliati are in the driving seat to land his client.

But Juve have an excellent rapport with Palermo and could repeat last summer’s coup, when they brought in Brazilian striker Amauri for a fee of €12.5 million plus the full services of Antonio Nocerino and the co-ownership of Davide Lanzafame.

Vince Masiello,

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Bem-vindo a Macao ~ 3!

之前講話我今次去澳門一毫子都冇駛過, 係因為我同行嘅朋友差不多包晒我飲食兼船飛錢!!

話說我朋友係某賭場嘅會員, 佢每次搭船過澳門, 都可以換到兩張豪華船飛, 咁佢今次就係咁樣換船飛比我喇!  而返香港時, 本來得我一個自己返, 我亦預左自己買飛的, 但因為落大雨冇乜地方去, 於是乎, 我就咁人生第二次入賭場喇。朋友嘅老公又因為贏左D積分, 幫我換左張返香嘅普通位....所以又唔駛錢!!! 

我朋友一家今次仲由頭到尾請我食飯, 餐餐都唔駛攞個銀包出來, 真係好唔好意思呀。

同埋, 我諗住攞左賭場咁多著數, 就奉獻$100玩老虎機, 諗住輸左算同賭場無瓜無葛...點知, 竟然掉番轉, 贏左$120!!  哈哈哈, 所以, 你話今次我去澳門一日遊係咪一毫子都冇駛過呢....

其實我好孤寒, 亦冇賭運, 更唔想宣傳賭博, 所以下次去澳門, 都係做番D我喜歡嘅 ~ 睇景, 飲飲食食 ~ 啱我多D喇!! 


In my last entry, I mentioned that I didn't spend a penny on this one-day trip to Macao... that's becoz the friends who went together paid for my whole trip.  Why was that?

Indeed, my friend is a member of a casino club (The Venetian), and each time she goes to Macao, she can claim two free one-way deluxe class hydrofoil tickets, and this time she redeemed one ticket for me.  I had prepared to pay for my way back myself, but the husband of my friend won some credits on his casino card with MGM Grand and he could claim a free ferry ticket (Macao to HK).  He redeemed one for me, so again.... I didn't have to pay for my way back!!  Hahaa!!! 

My friend and her husband insisted to pay for all the meals we had, so I didn't spend any money on eating....

AND.... I won some money at the MGM Grand casino.  The fact is that becoz it was raining mad when we were in Macao and we couldn't go anywhere except somewhere covered, and so we hanged around in casinos most of the time.  Since I have got free ferry tickets, so I guess it would be good if I "spent" some money at the casinos, so casinos & me = break even!!  I put down $100 on the slot machines, and thought I would stop when the $100 was all lost.  But I couldn't believe I was lucky this time at the casino!  I won $120 instead!  Haha!!!

I'm mean, I'm unlucky on gambling, PLUS I don't like gambling, so next time I go back, I hope I could do what I would normally do as a tourist ~ which is sightseeing + eat and drink!!  I think I'll enjoy Macao better this way!!! 


以下嘅相, 其實係我上年一月頭去澳門玩時所影。上年澳門有一個達文西展, 可能你地之前有聽過我講, 我係達文西粉絲, 所以又點會放過呢個機會??!!  呢個亦係我上次去澳門嘅最大原因。

The pictures below are indeed taken by me last year when I visited Macao in early January.  They had an exhibition on Leonardo Da Vinci and some of you may have already known that I am a great fan of him... so how could I miss this exhibition?



Casinos are in everywhere in Macao.... This is the original Casino Lisboa.


And the new Casino Lisboa....


We had buffet lunch at the top floor of the Macao Tower.  It's a restaurant.  The views of Macao from here were spectacular!


Some people were walking outside when we were eating.... I thought they were going to have a bumgy jump!


The road signs in Macao are always so beautiful.....


We first had some famous "Pork chop burger" (豬扒飽") (horrible translation!!) at a famous cafe'.



The view of the Venetian Complex (Casino and Hotel) from across the lake (or is it actually a pond?) 


The interior of the Venetians Casino.  Becoz it's still around Christmas time, so they still had the Christmas trees there.


Life is so boring without delicious dessertssssssss.