或許意大利文再比唔到刺激我喇, 所以我要向難度挑戰, 就係去學葡萄牙語添!!

比起意大利語, 葡萄牙語在香港比較冷門, 不但沒有甚麼地方可以上課去學, 就連想買書 + CD自學都有困難! 如果我在澳門的話, 情況應該好好多, 因為至少會有間澳門大學有得學, 但在香港, 就連那間最高學府都已經冇offer course了。
我前幾日逛書店時, 無意中搵到呢套教材... Berlitz出的最新學外語的課程, 諗住Berlitz咁出名, 不如平平地買套來試下自己學啦。 我聽左一個chapter之後, 已經覺得呢套工具非常非常咁好

套書係一本booklet, 只有10頁左右, 加一隻CD。全個Volume 1 系列, 有10 chapters, 每個chapter大約聽5分鐘。呢個系列我覺得最正嘅地方係, 講野嘅兩個人, 會英文 + 葡萄牙文講話, 而每個葡萄牙文字或者短句都會快、慢重覆有4、5次之多!! 真係太好, 因為以前我買親所有學習CD, 最令我會即時放棄嘅係, 唔係讀嘅速度太快, 就係只係每個字或句子讀一兩次, 根本都跟唔, 聽到冇晒心機聽。
可以和大家分享一下嘅係, 未開始用呢套教材前, 我本來只識得極少量葡萄牙文嘅生字, 而且發音唔係咁ok (因為葡文發音我個人覺得比意大利文難講好多!!!), 但我竟然可以在一個鐘裡面完成左2 chapters, 仲記得晒點講每個字!!! 我從來冇試過讀書咁有成功感呀!! 我依家已經完成左4 chapters了。
大家又不訪參考一下在Amazon.co.uk買左呢套課程嘅人嘅意見吖..... http://www.amazon.co.uk/Rapid-Portuguese-Essential-Anchored-Earworms/dp/1905443080/ref=pd_cp_b_0

呢套Berlitz嘅自學課程, 除左葡萄牙語之外, 亦有意大利語、西班牙語、法文等等, 連普通話都有, 如果大家信我講的話, 都可以試試買一套試下學你想學嘅語言。

網上都有好多學葡萄牙文嘅video clips, 不過問題係沒有notes, 沒有得download去mp3, 只能有時間上網時讀, 未必好方便; 不過好處當然係 -- 免費!
呢個攪笑, 好有實用性

有無去過中大個乜鬼持續進修學院,可能有得讀葡文....你可以去CHECK CHECK....
[版主回覆09/08/2010 21:26:00]nedved兄唔該晒你嘅提議, 查實我之前search過, 但搵唔到有得讀葡文...你講真定講價呀?? 讀台式奶茶,甜品同埋果汁等?? 讀d乜呀? 你想學整飲品開舖頭?? 我都有個男仔friend, 好努力學緊整蛋糕, 依家都整得好勁下, 佢嘅理想真係諗住開cafe, 你都有呢個興趣? 好呀, 支持你呀, 開舖我一定成日上去幫襯你!!
Dá-me um beijo, that's essential to learn, hahahaha
ReplyDeleteAdd oil Anita, or as we say in Portuguese Vai com calma ( Take it easy )
[版主回覆09/08/2010 21:22:00]Haha, this is exactly what I said above. It's very practical! Have to learn this one by heart, hahaha
Vai = you take it? I guess but am not sure if "vai com calma" means "you take it with calm"?? I want to reply you by saying, "Sim, com certeza!"
BTW Hugo, sorry I should have translated this entry into English for you to read too. I meant to do it, but at the same time I was thinking how I could put it (both Chinese and English together) to make it look tidy and not too messy.... I wonder how much (or how little) can you understand?? hahaha.
ReplyDeleteVai means you go or simply go ( like a command ) com calma with ease, calm, I can only understand the portuguese videos and the english words, lol
[版主回覆09/09/2010 23:46:00]After writing you, I suddenly remembered that there's a similar verb in Italian which means "go" too - "andare", and then I checked the Portuguese equivalence, there's "andar/ ir" too!! In Italian, "vai" is the informal you form for "you go". But since you told me "vai com calma" roughly means "take it easy", so I thought may be "vai" has a different meaning in Portuguese......
Eh I see, so "vai" in Portuguese should be what grammatically be called imperative (like a command), as in "Vai com calma!". It's interesting that in Latin langauges (in Portuguese and Italian and Spanish) they have so many different forms of tenses, whereas the grammar in Chinese language is way much simplier, . You should find Cantonese very easy to learn indeed, but how come you still haven't achieved at least 1/8 of Gregory Rivers' Cantonese ? Just kidding, I know the most difficult part of Cantonese is the intonation. Too easy to get wrong and it will sound really like some foul language, for example, diu!! haha
Nah, i will never get any good in Cantonese, i think. There's no opportunity to use it here. But Vai com calma, literally means go with ease or calm, when i said take it easy it's more like an idiom we have which has a similar meaning in english, lol. Cantonese is a bit tricky in terms of intonation, that's why i quit. It makes no sense knowing what is called Jyutping but not knowing the correct pronounciation...it's time to say chinese have no imagination, why using the same word with different tones, lol
ReplyDelete[版主回覆09/10/2010 23:04:00]What's Jyutping??? Do you mean the romanisation of a Cantonese Chinese word with a number which indicates the correct tone of that particular word? I agree. Cantonese is tricky in the sense that a word can have more than one sound, and a slight different change of the tone will mean another word. That's too difficult and that's why a lot of people have given up learning Cantonese. But probably that's what has made Cantonese so unique, lol. If one can really overcome that big obstacle and speak it well, it really impresses others, and that's why I'll be amazed at a foreigner who wasn't born in HK but can speak Cantonese well, A language is a complicated thing and one really needs to have strong fasination of a country and its culture, determination and persistence in order to learn it well. And true, if you don't have an opportunity to use it, it's so easy to forget and you won't improve either.
It's such a great topic that I shall write something about it in my next blog entry.
ta你真係好學~ 我想學德文, 唔知你呢個"課程"會唔會有呢...等我得閒去查下先~
ReplyDelete[版主回覆09/13/2010 19:54:00]iris, 有德文架, 你想學可以試下買隻來聽, 如果跟到又繼續有興趣到時再join course都好吖, 你唔駛搵喇, 我幫你搵左喇, 哈哈, 可以去呢個website試聽下.....Berlitz呢個系列有好多languages, 你去到呢個website, 選German Vol.1試聽吖! 香港好多大書局都有呢個系列嘅碟賣, 如果你想知, 我再話你知, 依家我暫時唔同d書局賣廣告住, http://www.audible.co.uk/aduk/site/audibleSearch/searchResults.jsp?No=20&Ntt=earworms+Learning&Ntk=S_Keywords_Uk&Ntx=mode%2bmatchallpartial&N=0&BV_UseBVCookie=Yes
好叻呀TA你~~ 不過聽你咁講哩個自學既課程都唔錯喎,但除左普通話,有冇英文架﹖
ReplyDelete[版主回覆09/17/2010 20:12:00]唔係呀, 只不過唔知點解對意大利文開始失去了興趣 (正如之前所講, 可能係幾次去意大利旅行時嘅不太愉快嘅經驗, 令到我失去左動力了...雖然相信好嘅意大利人仍然佔很多的... .
學葡萄牙文嘅好處係近近地澳門已經可以practise喇, hahaha, 而且自從上年聖誕去過一次葡萄牙後唔知點解好想學, 能講英文嘅當地葡萄牙人查實好多, 不過我被佢地語言中嘅sh音深深吸引住, haha...好得意的, 佢地唔知點解咁多字都有個sh音, 我覺得好得意....同埋有個朋友係葡萄牙人, 有乜唔明可以問佢, 對學語言幫助很多, 有native speakers做朋友對改善語言我想應該都幾有幫助掛.....
sorry講左咁多自己野都未答你問題添 !! 嘻嘻嘻 http://www.audible.co.uk/aduk/site/audibleSearch/searchResults.jsp?No=0&BV_SessionID=%40%40%40%400264431648.1284724415%40%40%40%40&Ntt=earworms+Learning&BV_EngineID=cccjadelhilmijicefecekjdfikdfij.0&Ntk=S_Keywords_Uk&Ntx=mode%2bmatchallpartial&N=0 呢度有得試聽每隻佢地出嘅碟, 但係佢地好似反而冇出English....而且我諗以你嘅英文程度, 聽呢種碟可能會覺得好低能呀, 哈哈, 因為呢個系列嘅碟我相信係給初級/intermediate人士學的。但你可以試下Berlitz Publishing出嘅其他有關學英文嘅courses, 我個人覺得佢地嘅出品好正呀 !!!http://www.berlitzpublishing.com/berlitz/home.asp
力高, 因為我太長氣....你先check check以上我講嘅網頁睇睇, 我地可以繼續再研究下學語言嘅野呀...
[版主回覆09/21/2010 22:00:00]多謝小Nel你支持 !! 嘩, 乜原來小Nel你好多同事都學緊葡文的???!!! 我又唔知原來好多意大利人學葡文呀, 我幾次在都靈 (例如), d人多數都係識法文或西班牙文....你意文咁好, 你可以學埋葡文喎!!! 不過說來幾奇, 我暫時唔係咁撈亂兩種語言, 反而意大利文幫到我學葡文, 因為個別vocabulary唔單止似, 直頭係同一個字添; 加上聖誕去完一次葡萄牙後, 幫我認得好多葡文生字同埋掌握到小小葡文讀法 (係小小咋, 因為葡文唔似意大利文, 發音幾難下), 但grammar結構就好易明, 不過, 讀唔讀得好就係另一回事了, 哈哈哈! 要努力d先得!!
你0係邊度買架? 等我買返一套意大利文先
ReplyDelete[版主回覆09/25/2010 18:56:00]我 volume 1呢本在中環 三聯買的, 不過其實好多大嘅書店都應該有 (灣仔天地最正最多選擇, 我有10% discount card)...意大利那個都有 Volume 1 and 2, 你想唔想買呀? 我買滿HK$200有 10% off 呀, 可以先幫你買左, 到遲d見面pass to you... 哈哈哈, 話我知啦如果你想我幫你先買的話....
你試聽左未呀? 之前我在fb send過一條 weblink比你可以免費試聽的。