Sunday, July 29, 2012

陽光與海灘 Algarve - Sagres & Salema 一日遊


今日我們從根據地Lagos, 去附近兩個小鎮 Sagres 和 Salema 作一日遊。

Lagos在Algarve省的靠西面, 最初決定不留Faro, 直駛向Lagos進發, 因為綜合多本旅遊書意見, 發覺Faro好像比較多遊客及嘈吵, 較商業化; 反而, Lagos除了風景一流, 擁有好多靚沙灘之外, 亦方便我們乘巴士去西邊一些小鎮作一日遊。

Lagos的巴士總站, 很接近我們的住宿旅館, 步行只需5分鐘左右!  購買車票去Sagres, 單程3.8 euros, 初頭我們有點擔心怕乘客太多沒有車票, 所以早一日就專程來車站想先買定車票, 但職員說, 即日才來買絕沒有問題, 還說一定有票。

BTW, 我們後來也是從這個巴士總站坐巴士去里斯本的, 巴士是 direct coach, 不用轉車, 大約3.5-4小時, 比起坐火車方便得多, 因為Lagos的火車總站在Lagos河的對岸, 要過橋, 在Lagos Marina 後面, 加上坐火車跟坐巴士價錢差不多, 那就無謂要自己這樣辛苦啦  ! 還有, 由Lagos去Lisbon的巴士有 free wifi, 極之方便。

Sagres在葡萄牙的最西南角, 亦即歐洲的最西南角, 西向大西洋。由於地理上沒遮沒掩, 所以就算在夏天這裡都非常當風。

Henry the Navigator 這位王子, 據說在當年大航海時代, 在Sagres建立了航海學校 Vila do Infante, 更出錢贊助航行人員作海上探險, 開展了葡萄牙的盛世海上覇權年代!

這枚大炮經過無數年月的風吹雨打, 已經完全生秀!

Sagres沒有怎麼獨特景點, 最記得是從這裡可以眺望無盡的大西洋, 逗留了大約2個小時, 就前往另一小鎮 Salema

嘩, Salema就靚得多了!! 從巴士站下車後往山下直行5分鐘, 眼前景色跟剛才的Sagres截然不同呀!

好靚的一個大沙灘, 水清沙幼, 沙灘上放滿一把把的草製沙灘傘和沙灘椅, 好爽呀!

沒有帶泳衣, 否則一定留在這裡游泳 & 晒太陽 (超後悔呢)!

雖然已經是6月天, 但這個沙灘的海水仍然很冷, 簡直是冰水! 怪不得見大部分泳客都只是躺在沙灘椅上曬太陽, 而海水裡的泳客只得小貓2-3隻!

Salema是個小漁村, 附加這個美麗沙灘, 時間許可其實可以在此曬太陽、游泳、吃飯, 慢慢過一日。

雖然不可以游泳, 但無論如何也要證明自己曾經在Salema的沙灘玩過海水呀! 

海水衝上腳背時, 真的冷得牙根打震呀!

簡短的Sagres + Salema 一日遊, 真的不可思,議, 返回Lagos市中心都仍然是2:30pm左右, 還有時間去參加一個 2個小時的boat trip (遊船河)!

下回介紹這個精彩的boat trip!

穿梭葡萄牙 2012 - 待續!


  1. 咁難得有個咁正既沙灘人又唔多.一於剝哂衫褲剝哂鞋落去盡興下啦..當地人唔會罰你架
    [版主回覆07/29/2012 20:15:13]我真係想架!! 橫掂個度一個中國人都冇, 都唔慌有狗仔隊或者龍友啦!!!

  2. The weather was kinda crappy no?? I have some very good memories of Sagres, and i'm not talking about the beer, lol
    [版主回覆08/01/2012 17:25:25]Exactly! There's not much to do in Sagres. It's worth going once,... well, to see the place where Henry the Navigator's school, haha. Your birthplace may be more boring considering there's not even a beach near there
    [Bonekinho回覆08/01/2012 04:00:34]I know what you mean. Unfortunately, i couldn't change the military service location, lol. I only enjoyed because the headquarters was right in front of the beach, but the truth is there isn't much to do there, so it can get quite boring. I compare it with my birthplace: Avoid it if possible, haha...unless you want to die from boredom
    [版主回覆07/31/2012 20:41:53]No.. the weather was indeed very good, but we kinda figure out the usual weather pattern in Portugal in June, lol. Every morning before 11am, the sky would still be grey with dark clouds, but once it approached midday, it became extremely blue with white clouds, and plenty of sunshine. When I post the other pics in the next post, you will know what I mean, haha. Sagres, honestly, isn't attractive. Salema is way better.
