Saturday, April 19, 2008


都唔知真定假.... 阿瑪利個經理人話有3-4間球會爭緊阿瑪利, 除左一路講緊嘅祖雲達斯同埋阿仙奴外, 依家又話利物浦同皇馬都有興趣...講到阿瑪利咁受球會 (意甲、英超仲有西甲添)歡迎, 係咪呢位經理人自已吹噓咋??!!!

我寧願其他球會收購得到阿瑪利好過!!!  我地祖雲達斯keep番d明日之星自已用先最實際!  唔好等間又買左d蝕本貨返黎呀!!

******* Story on the internet on Friday April 18, 2008 ****************

The agent of Palermo’s star marksman Amauri has announced that two sides in addition to Juventus have already submitted offers for the Brazilian.

The 28-year-old seemed to be on his way to Turin after a successful meeting between Old Lady officials and their Rosanero counterparts earlier in the week.

However, it has emerged that Juve’s offer is just one of three on the table for the Sicilians to weigh up.

“We have already received offers from Liverpool and Real Madrid,” agent Mariano Grimaldi revealed to Terra.

“Additionally, Arsenal have added their name to the list of clubs interested in Amauri.”

The former Chievo man is hoping to obtain an Italian passport within the next month, which will make him an EU player.

This could persuade Arsenal to table a concrete bid as it would quell fears that the uncapped Amauri may be unable to get a work permit.


1 comment:

  1. 正常都係經理人吹噓啫,一兩間球會爭就梗有架啦!而家志在抬高價錢之嘛!
    [版主回覆04/20/2008 20:04:00]係呀, 我都認為佢經理人喺度抬高個價!!
