Monday, January 26, 2009

勁聽 Luca Dirisio ~ Il mio amico vende il té

近來超愛上聽一位意大利歌手嘅歌, 個歌手叫 Luca Dirisio。我除左在Youtube係咁 search, 睇佢嘅MTV之外, 仲揾佢D歌嘅歌詞....都幾好, 用咁嘅方法學意大利文, 希望可事半功倍

Luca有好多超好聽嘅歌, 呢首 (Il mio amico vende il té) 係本人嘅至愛之一, 過去連續數日以來, 我每日都起碼聽10次8次, 認真發神經。

聽歌嘅同時, 睇埋佢個樣啦, 又一意大利型男來的, 嘻嘻嘻!!

Il mio amico vende il té


  1. Swedish Hongkongese27 January 2009 at 05:47

    原來你鍾意呢類型... 等我搵下瑞典有無呢d先...
    [版主回覆01/27/2009 11:32:00]係呀, 我鐘意呢種類呀, 瑞典多唔多呢種型呢?  搵多D同我地分享下呀!!

  2. 咦, 妳又迷上了另一個Italaino? hehe... 其實意國型男都唔多, Amore mio是意大利土男一名.... 可能d型男只存在足球隊同明星入面喎 我之前睇過好耐之前意大利果個整蠱人的節目, 入面森保達超靚仔呀! 果時佢仲0係祖記的...著住件類似Burberry的乾濕褸, 超有型...hehehe
    [版主回覆01/28/2009 23:40:00]係囉, 去到意大利時, 見唔到咁多型男的!!!  不過你的amore唔差呀, 高學歷好呀!!!  係?  未見過你講的森保達上嘅節目喎...
    呢個真係又一型男!!!  佢以前仲踢某隊球隊的 (不過我都唔知邊隊).....意大利足球界 & 娛樂界 果然多型男, 哈哈哈!!!

  3. hahhah so crazy you're Anita!!
    hey still remember me?? it's Prima! my dear :)
    you're much more hard working than i do!!!! :D
    [版主回覆02/10/2009 15:16:00]Prima??!!  依.....乜你開了個新account?? 
    唔好笑我啦, 我都唔勤力, 不過聽靚仔唱歌可能有助我 listening...哈哈!!  你仲有上堂嗎??

  4. yes sure....try my best!!! actually just try to be better jar...hahha
    still in the mess of the grammer...and the accent!!...sounds odd....I should listen more the accent of italian...maybe watching movie is the best way for me :)
    it's my old blog ah...i got few accounts ma :D
    let's add oil !!!! ;)
