各位親愛blog友 (哈哈), 好久冇見, 今晚終於遊玩完意大利, 返左香港....第一件高興事當然係隊長廸比亞路昨晚場波又入2粒, 大有機會做今屆意甲神射手!! 繼上屆意乙後, 又做神射手喇!!!
如果你係祖記official website嘅member, 你快d去佢地個網頁, 因為球會會選members, 可以出席22號在香港嘅簽名會!! 發達呀, 我要馬基安尼嘅簽名同合照!!!
影左好多相, 但就要慢慢sort out d相,請耐心等下,我會盡快upload比大家睇的!! 哈哈哈!!!
大家喺祖記來時點搞呀? 我都係21, 22 & 23號放假,快d談下先。
最唔開心就係四川大地震, 死傷無數, 希望救援可以進行得更快d, 可以快d重建受害者嘅家園。
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/19/2008 14:19:00]Have eaten a lot in Italy, but I haven't bought any back to HK.... my luggage is so full and heavy!!
有冇規定係special member架? 我只係普通member咋~~
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/19/2008 09:33:00]Yuen, the website doesn't say whether only special members can participate, so I can you can. If you can check their website, there is one news story about Asia tour. Be quick!
WELCOME BACK!我已經報咗名喇!希望大家都可以一齊去啦!!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/19/2008 14:18:00]Wow, great that you have signed up for the competition.... hope that we will get chosen for the function and we can get the autographs of players we want!!! Marchionni, Del Piero, Palladino, Legrottaglie, Nedved, Trez,..... already very happy thinking about it now!!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/20/2008 11:04:00]yes, 到時大家齊齊支持祖記啦! How will we do these days??
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/20/2008 11:05:00]I don't actually know... we read the news in papers and knew their arrival time....
long time no talk !
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/24/2008 00:22:00]Hello hello...真係long time no talk呀!! 你好!!!
好啊~~返来拉~~等你的pp 哈
ReplyDelete[版主回覆05/27/2008 22:28:00]你好呀Karen...好久不見...一返來就忙祖記來港的事, 所以根本還未處理過旅行影了的照片, 希望盡快與大家分享!!!