Saturday, May 24, 2008

Part 3 - 摩連拿奴/Zebina 談香港之旅!!




Incredible Hong Kong!

Dearest Members,

from the moment we arrived here in Hong Kong there's one thing we've never been without: the love of our fans, and there's so many of them even in this part of the world. Today, some of your fellow Members came to visit us at the hotel and it was an unusual and pleasant meeting. We'd already met some of them yesterday when we arrived. We've been swamped with the fans’ affection, and presents too, so it was a real pleasure for us to reciprocate their kindness by stopping to talk to them and taking some photos together as souvenirs for them.
I have to say I'm quite impressed, and most of all very happy, to learn that there are so many young Juventus fans even this far away from Italy, who support us and cheer us on despite the long distance between us. You can tell that what they feel for Juventus is real love.
For this reason too, we really want to honour this tour in the best possible way, also in our next stops in Shanghai and Melbourne where, I'm sure, we'll find plenty of other fans (and plenty of other Members) to greet us.


Molinaro | Hong Kong | Juventus Membership



Hong Kong, incredibile ma vero!

Carissimi Member
Da quando siamo arrivati qui ad Hong Kong c’è una cosa che non ci è mai mancata: l’affetto dei nostri tifosi, numerosissimi anche in questa parte del mondo. Oggi, alcuni Member come voi sono venuti a trovarci in albergo ed è stata una visita particolare e piacevole. Alcuni di loro li avevamo conosciuti ieri al nostro arrivo. Siamo stati sommersi di affetto e anche di regali e per noi è stato un vero piacere ricambiare la loro cortesia fermandoci a parlare e a farci insieme le fotografie ricordo. Devo dire che fa un certo affetto, e soprattutto molto piacere, sapere che anche così lontano dall’Italia, ci sono tanti ragazzi che tifano per noi e ci sostengono nonostante la grande distanza che ci divide.

Si vede che quello che provano per la Juventus è amore vero. Anche per questo ci teniamo ad onorare al meglio questa tournée anche nelle successive tappe di Shangai e Melbourne dove, sono sicuro, troveremo tanti altri tifosi (e tanti altri Member) ad attenderci.

Cristian Molinaro



How many Member in Hong Kong

Dear Member friends,
The first day of this tour in Asia and Oceania is over; for my friends and myself it was a rather difficult day due to the long flight to get to Hong Kong. Moreover, the commitments were many. In the afternoon, we went on the field for a training in the stadium where we will play the first match tomorrow evening. Before going back to the hotel, my friend “Brazzo” Salihamidzic and myself were guests of a city Tv to present the match.
Personally, it is not the first time I visit this city. I was here three years ago for another tour. Today, like three years ago, I noticed the great warmth and self-control of Chinese fans. The Juventus has great many fans in this part of the world, and to be able to meet them personally has surely made many happy. Besides, I noticed that some of these friends also were carrying their Member cards.

I believe that this warmth will accompany us for the next two week stay, therefore we should be repaying them well. Starting from tomorrow, when we’ll play the first friendly against the South China. A match they will participate to in a special way and where we must be especially wary of their running abilities. We are ready and continue to play a good match and to keep the Juventus name high.
Greeting from Hong Kong.

Jonathan Zebina

Hong Kong | Asia-Pacific Tour 2008 | Zebina


  1. WOW!講嘢好有大將之風!如果佢點名提阿LEE打您...哈哈!真係開心!!
    [版主回覆05/24/2008 03:43:00]佢唔講, 咁希望有朝一日Palla提下我啦!!!  哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!!! 

  2. haha....我喺嗰度比左comment呀, 快d去下啦!!!!!

  3. "it was a real pleasure for us to reciprocate their kindness by stopping to talk to them" (them = Anita)
    [版主回覆05/24/2008 03:42:00]真係超攪笑......Moli真係好好人!!  I like him much now!!

  4. 我都留咗俾moli同黑面神!
    [版主回覆05/25/2008 01:11:00]我睇左呀, 正喎!!!!  Well done!!!  

  5. 你哋咁有誠意,佢哋更係印象深刻啦~
    [版主回覆05/25/2008 01:13:00]當佢地返到都靈後,唔知重記唔記得我地呢班忠實球迷呢?  

  6. 遲下有機會擺黑面神同我張黑面合照上官網!
    [版主回覆05/25/2008 01:34:00]哈哈哈, show比人睇佢有幾nice都好喎!!!  重要放埋你同Palladino, Tiago同Molinaro嘅合照, 等d人compare下, 一睇就知發生乜事都好!!! 
