Thursday, March 19, 2009

yummy yummy!!

呢幾日我頗忙, 但有朋友叫我出街食飯....好啦!!!  食喎, 我至愛!!   

位在銅鑼灣大坑的中菜館, 裝修高雅, 食物水準都幾好呢... D相太細, 因為係我朋友佢個部手機影, 效果唔太好....

(我想殺死個手寫板, 成曰讀唔到我寫嘅字, 寫得好辛苦!)

I have been pretty busy these days but a friend invited me to dine out last night....No problem, eating and drinking is my favorite!!   We had dinner at a Chinese restaurant near Causeway Bay and had some REALLY delicious food.... Got some photos here that would like to share with all of you, but the quality isn't good becoz they're taken from my friend's mobile phone. Low pixels ~ Can't expect much...

唔記得個湯個全名, 甚麼竹絲雞 + 珍修百味.... 個湯超好飲, D料勁多!    (This soup ~ I can't remember exactly it's full name... loads of ingredients and it tasted so well!)


個豉油大蝦好正, 隻蝦真係好大隻, 名副其實!!    (What a huge prawn, especially its huge head! hahaaahaa)


這個瑤柱糯米釀雞翼, 我冇食到, 我朋友話好好味!


呢個7頭鮑魚好厚肉, 好爽口, 一D都唔 "un"; 而個汁又整得好正, 冇得彈!!   ("ho ho may" abalone!!  Even the juice was so tasty!)


這個我個人高度推介, 全名好似叫葡汁肉釀响螺, 非常極之好味!!!!  (This ~~~~ is the one which I highly recommend!  It's a conch stuffed with meat cooked in Portugese sauce) (Super delicious!!)    回味無窮呀!!!


你估呢碟係乜東東??  個樣做到好似提子....呢個菜叫 "白肉葡萄", 其實D一粒粒係冬瓜, 清清地好爽吓.... (Guess what this is?  It looks like a bunch of grapes.  Indeed the little rounded things which look like grapes are wintermelons!), 呢個菜係間中菜館其中一個招牌菜。


我地仲每人叫左個杏仁茶, 同樣極之好飲.... (We had also each ordered an almond tea.... again, it's very good)



  1. 你呢餐, 十萬個吸引呀!!! 我d口水一地都係la! 見你中英對照, 我都諗緊你點譯d菜名... well done!!
    [版主回覆03/19/2009 17:37:00]iris, 哈哈, 輪到我比個水桶你裝口水!!! 
    d菜名....我本來用相機影低, 但後來發現睇唔清楚...所以自已用英文譯, 希望唔好笑死人!!!

  2.'re so thoughtful with the english translation haha, you know i miss Chinese soup
    [版主回覆03/20/2009 08:06:00]Yep, I think I shall have some english translation so you know what's going on.. haahaa... the food was BRILLIANT!!!  Next time you come, let's have some food there, but in the meantime, let the pics feed your stomach, haaaahaa!!! 

  3. 嘩,幾時帶我去食呀?
    [版主回覆03/20/2009 08:08:00]Bear Bear, 咁近, 揾日放工一齊過去 "yat"餐勁嘅, hahaha!!! 

  4. 鮑魚 + 葡汁肉釀响螺 ! 正 ! 好有興趣試吓 !
    [版主回覆03/20/2009 08:14:00]JACK, 唔好講笑, 鮑魚 + 葡汁肉釀响螺 係超索!!! 

  5. 大坑係我既盲點,我原來係未去過大坑架.......
    [版主回覆03/20/2009 08:17:00]得閒同你另一半去下吖....都幾近 9xx 個天后巴士總站!!

  6. 原來你用手寫版架.....
    [版主回覆03/20/2009 20:58:00]我在公司只用到手寫版, 不過返到屋企就可以用 9方, 方便好多呀!!  唔好意思, 我曾經想拉大D D相, 但一拉大, 張相就變成非常之懵查查.... 下次我帶定相機影低D美食先得!!

  7. 好啊!星期一,三,五都得喎!等你消息!
    [版主回覆03/20/2009 21:00:00]哈哈, 我不 "褸" Mon, Wed & Fri都唔駛補習, 當然4月開始更加好, 去街都冇後顧之憂呀!!  Yeah!!!  好, 攪掂晒D野再約你!! 
