Saturday, March 28, 2009

Bem-vindo a Macao ~ 2!

講到食, 馬交咁多好野吃, 當然要把握機會....因為我只得大半日時間在馬交, 所以真係要食得快好世界, 哈哈哈!!!  我地6點又去食過喇!  搭的士過路環....

As I (my friends stayed there for two nights but I only went for a day) had only less than a day in Macao, we made use of the time to eat and drink in everywhere in Macao!  We started our dinner early at 6pm. 


今次我最想去食嘅地方係: Fernando餐廳, 極出名嘅葡萄牙菜餐廳。呢間餐廳經常等餐懵, 為免要等好耐, 所以我地早少少開餐。上次我來已經係2004年囉, 當時有朋友從美國來香港玩, 我地一齊過澳門玩, 同埋來呢度食野。

The place that I really wanna go this time is: Restaurante Fernando ~ a very well-known restaurant in Macao for its Portugese food.  We came here early at 6pm becoz we wanna avoid the long queue.  We have made the right decision, becoz people started waiting for tables at 6:30pm!  Last time that I ate at Fernando was back in 2004 when two American friends visited HK.




一定要飲下Sangria啦!!!  Good to get drunk!!  No... it's hard to get drunk by drinking Sangria....



This.... we of course didn't drink it ~ it's olive oil.  Hahaa....


  1. nonono... the first time i got a little bit drunk was exactly at this restaurant by drinking Sangria! 當時讀緊中學, 同阿爸阿媽去呢度食lunch, 好肚餓又未有野食, 好開心咁飲sangria, 好好飲, 飲到行出餐廳o個陣, yi, 點解咁wing o既... 之後上車就呼呼大睡...
    [版主回覆03/28/2009 23:30:00]Iris, did you really get drunk by drinking Sangria at this restaurant??  Many congratulations!!   可能因為你空肚飲Sangria, 所以攪到 wing wing地!!!  Hahaa.... 

  2. Perhaps you could drink Olive oil instead of least you wouldn't have to worry with its alcohol content haha

  3. Welcome to Macao..........我的"家"
    [版主回覆03/28/2009 23:42:00]Yes, I love Macao very much and I'll visit your "home" many many times!!!!!  Indeed I'm already planning another trip to Macao in around June!  Hope I'll bump into you somewhere in Macao!! 

  4. Swedish Hongkongese28 March 2009 at 18:47

    搞錯呀, 有炒蜆食. 仲要整得咁吸引! 
    [版主回覆03/28/2009 23:43:00]係咪好正呢??  你都食D吖!!!  哈哈哈!! 

  5. wow ... looks so good and yummy!  How come I couldn't find this restaurant last time...
    [版主回覆03/29/2009 00:00:00]It's not difficult to get there... it's on 路環.  You know there are three parts in Macao ~ the Macao island, 路環 (Conlone) & 氹仔 (Taipa)。And the restaurant is in 路環。As it's a pretty long way from city center, we normally take a taxi and go straight there. 

  6. 睇到流口水添
    [版主回覆03/29/2009 19:44:00]你去過呢間餐廳吃野未呀??

  7. 村姑 C 9 仔 *.*29 March 2009 at 12:21

    咸咸你家陣寫 blog 都唔容易 bor.... 要中英文照顧各路朋友, 勁!!! 
    [版主回覆03/29/2009 19:47:00]村姑, 難得見到你大駕光臨, 呢排少左見你好多, I miss you much!!! 
    得閒嘅話就寫埋英文啦.....哈哈哈, 不過大前提係我要識用英文形容先得.....

  8. 聽講法蘭度無得book位. 次次過澳門都想試, 不過次次都怕等位所以無試過呢!
    [版主回覆03/29/2009 19:50:00]熊仔, 係呀, Fernando冇得book位, 要去到攞位, 好左我地6pm去到, 又遇著天氣差, 少左人特登搭車過去, 所以即刻有位呀!  但我地坐低唔夠15 mins就開始見人要等位喇, 所以我地都真係極之好彩!! 
