Saturday, March 28, 2009

Bem-vindo a Macao ~ 1!

尋日去左個澳門一天遊.....  可惜天氣唔好, 間歇性落大雨, 所以基本上冇乜在外流連, 而且竟然好多時間留左在賭場囉....。 從來都冇諗過在賭場渡時間, 下次唔好喇!!!

我尋日整日, 在馬交一毫子都冇駛過, 哈哈哈, 何解呢?  遲D解釋一下。

I went to Macao for a day trip yesterday.  Macao again !  But the weather was too bad that  most of the time we only hanged around in covered places... like where?  like the casinos!  Mamma mia!  How come it's the casinos???!!!  I didn't expect to spend most of the day in casinos.   

I didn't spend a penny the whole day yesterday in Macao, how come??  I explain it later on.

Allow me to talk about eating & drinking first!!! 


到步時已經肚餓到交關, 但因時間問題, 所以就去左個賴 high嘅 Four Seasons酒店吃個 high tea, 扮下紳士淑女先啦, 哈哈哈!! 

As soon as we arrived, my friends brought me to an elegant place for a HIGH TEA!  Let us pretend to be ladies and gentlemen for a while first... hahaa..... This is a restaurant in the Four Seasons Hotel.  It's pretty elegant, isn't it?




本人好鐘意的 mosaics..... I like mosaics.


除左在威尼斯人, 我地亦去左 MGM Grand見識下佢地嘅靚靚建築。

Besides the Venetians (Hotel & Casino), we have also gone to MGM Grand for a look.




  1. 嘩, 好high呀個tea! 好唔好味先?
    [版主回覆03/29/2009 00:04:00]個tea真係幾好味, 而且....仲唔駛我比錢添呀!!! 

  2. Do you like Serradura?? At least i don't like the one made by my mom
    [版主回覆03/29/2009 00:07:00]Yes, I like Serradura!!! .... I can make Serradura too.... but I guess my skills are worse than Auntie (=your mother), hahaaaaa!! 

  3. Swedish Hongkongese28 March 2009 at 18:48

    [版主回覆03/29/2009 00:13:00]講真, 我去咁多次澳門, 第一次玩得咁特別 ~ 食high tea, 去賭場....其實我對去賭場冇興趣, 不過有D原因所以今趟走去賭場, 請我容後再講點解.... 唔算豪華團, 我都冇去spa, 又冇玩 bumgy jump!!  haha!!!

  4. 一毫子都冇駛過? 難道係之後去佐賭場博殺??
    [版主回覆03/29/2009 19:43:00]熊仔你估啱少少...等我轉頭開估....哈哈哈
