Thursday, October 23, 2008

意大利黑手黨 ~ 之三

有位意大利朋友, 知道我睇左Roberto Saviano本 "Gomorrah"嘅書之後, 推介我去睇意大利全國性報紙 "La Repubblica" (共和報)近曰在網上嘅一段報道, 仲叫我將呢篇文章傳比我嘅朋友睇。報道己經被翻譯左成英文。 (文章已放在本篇最後)

原來Saviano近曰接受訪問時表示, 佢頂唔順終日要逃避嘅日子, 覺得自己好似一個囚犯一樣, 令佢考慮離開意大利 (最低限度暫時), 去第二度, 過番D正常嘅生活 (佢今年只係29歲)。加上據傳, 近日拿波里黑手黨Camorra嘅頭目, 講到明要在聖誕節前殺死Saviano, Saviano嘅安危, 近日在意大利再度成為熱門談論嘅話題。

黑手黨除左要殺佢之外, 佢嘅家人都可能有生命危險。因為慣常黑手黨亦唔會放過目標人物嘅家人, 怎至係曾經同目標人物有過親密關係嘅人, 例如前女友!!

Facebook上有幾個關於 Roberto Saviano嘅pages或者groups, 意大利多份報章報道, 話近日有好多新members加入, 亦有無數咁多人, 留言支持同鼓勵佢。我之前走去睇, 真係好多留言喎。

"Gomorrah"一書己被拍成電影, 亦有在今屆康城影展參展。 唔知香港會唔會公映呢?

在此祝福Roberto Saviano同佢家人朋友平安快樂。

"Gomorra" author to flee Italy after death threat

Roberto Saviano wants to leave his town
to try to have a more normal life

"Gomorra" author to flee Italy
after death threat


ROME - The author of the best-selling book "Gomorra" about the mafia in Naples, which has been made into a hit movie, wants to leave Italy to try to have a more normal life after reports that the mob wants him dead by Christmas.

After reports that the "Camorra", as the Naples mafia is known, has added urgency in its threat to kill Roberto Saviano, the 29-year-old who has been in hiding for two years said he was tired of being a "prisoner" of his book's success.

"I'm going away from Italy, at least for a while, then I'll see," he told La Repubblica newspaper.
"Right now I don't see why I should keep living like this, as a prisoner of myself, my book, my success. Fuck success. I want a life, that's all," said Saviano.
"I want to take a walk, get some sun, walk in the rain, meet my mother without scaring her and being afraid."
First published in 2006, the gritty chronicle of how the Camorra dominates life around Naples and makes its money -- by a local boy who saw his first murder victim at 13 -- has sold 1.2 million copies in Italy and been translated into 42 languages.

Saviano worked in a textile and building firm controlled by the mob to research his book, which narrates the Camorràs involvement in protection rackets, drug trafficking, smuggling and even illegal waste disposal.

Now "Gomorra" has hit the big screen and is a candidate for the Oscars, the mafia is said to be even angrier and wants Saviano killed by the end of the year.

Naples police said they were checking the veracity of the reports and politicians from President Giorgio Napolitano down commented on the need to safeguard Saviano's life.

Separated from friends and family and moved from one police barracks to another to avoid attempts on his life, the writer asked: "What is my crime? Why must I live like a recluse, a leper, hidden away from life, the world and other men?" "I only wanted to tell the story of my people, my land and their humiliation," he said, raging against the head of the notorious Casalesi clan of the Camorra, Francesco Schiavone (nicknamed "Sandokan" after a fictional pirate), who is currently serving a life jail sentence.

A police informer said it was Schiavone's Casalesi clan, which is based in Casal di Principe near Naples where Saviano grew up, who wanted the writer murdered as soon as possible.

Saviano gave no clue as to where he would try to rebuild his life, for obvious reasons, saying only that when first obliged to go into hiding in 2006 he rejected advice to leave for New York: "I stayed here, but how long can I carry this cross?".

(15 ottobre 2008)


  1. 佢係好人一個,我估佢係睇唔過眼啲黑手黨既橫行, 先至作出咁大膽既報導.
    但係眾人都知黑手黨係無孔不入, 可能佢嚟亞洲會安全啲.
    [版主回覆10/24/2008 14:03:00]佢嘅報道真係大膽兼極具爆炸牲。我都贊同你所講, 佢過來亞洲 (例如HK), 應該比較安全D。

  2. 冇錯, 當所有人都買黑手黨怕, 佢夠膽企出來真係好難得, 不過為此就犧牲左好多野, 至於值唔值得, 就真係佢自己先可以定論。我地一齊祝福佢啦!
    [版主回覆10/24/2008 14:12:00]佢預左危險, 但都敢膽講咁多料出來, 真係好難得, 因為咁做唔可能純係為佢著作嘅銷路或個人名氣, 出左一本書後, 變成終日躲避追殺, 絕對唔係講玩...不過好似你話頭, 值唔值得就佢自己衡量, 但佢行為就真係值得尊敬。係呀, 一齊祝福佢呀...

  3. 以身犯險為人們揭開黑幫既惡行,值得尊敬~
    [版主回覆10/24/2008 14:13:00]係呀係呀, 佢真係好值得尊敬呢。

  4. 本GAMORRAH返咗喇,有時間我都要睇下先!
    [版主回覆10/29/2008 13:55:00]你睇晒到時又分享一下吖!!   努力呀!!!
    我想重睇本書, 不過因為想清埋買左但未睇嘅其他書, 所以都要等多等。
