Wednesday, September 03, 2008

恐怖的拿玻里球迷 ~ 抵被重罰!!

意甲剛剛開鑼, 就在第一週發生左一件大件事。

話說星期日拿玻里作客羅馬, 有一大班拿玻里球迷, 為數達1,500人, 竟然公然唔比錢一定要上去開往羅馬嘅火車。佢地喺拿玻里火車站大破壞, 情景簡直用恐怖嚇人來形容。



由於呢班拿玻里 Ultras (極端)球迷來勢洶洶, 人多勢眾, 連本來坐呢班火車嘅乘客都被趕落車。大班唔比錢球迷將部份車卡塗鴉又大破壞, 意大利國鐵為安全理由, 宣布中午 12:29嘅火車, 會載呢大班瘋狂兼極度恐怖拿玻里球迷開往羅馬。去到羅馬火車站, 呢班球迷又破壞一番, 繼而又喺羅馬主場 (奧林匹克球場)外混戰打鬥, 防爆警察又在場外捉左一個持有刀仔嘅球迷。

呢次事件, 對羅馬公共運輸系統 (火車同巴士)做成 56萬歐羅損失!  嘩, 羅馬市政府真係多得呢班垃圾唔少!

睇完下邊嘅相片, 我就諗... 如果我係當時一名火車乘客, 真係走夾唔透... 貼錢我都唔同佢地坐埋一架火車啦, 除非我想死啦。



雖然發生呢件離譜事件, 但呢個球會嘅主席 (President) De Laurentiis, 竟然仲偏幫球迷, 話多謝球迷擁戴, 又話感謝球迷忍耐因為事故而遲左半場先入到場睇比賽!  呢個世界仲成世界嘅???  呢個乜鬼主席黎? 唔怪得造就咁多瘋狂球迷啦。

De Laurentiis saw things differently, however, and thanked the same fans for their troublemaking efforts.

"I would like to thank them,” said the chief. “In particular, for the inconvenience they had to tolerate.

“They were only allowed to come into the stadium after the start of the first half. Thank goodness they were able to see a great Napoli performance, as well as [Marek] Hamsik’s good goal.”


事後, 意大利總理嚴重遺責事件同球迷嘅暴行。而意大利足總宣布, 所有拿玻里球迷將被罰在今季 (2008-09) 意甲全部作客賽事, 不可入場觀看比賽。好在.... 如果比呢班人黎都靈攪事, 咁重得了嘅???  連拿玻里人 ~ 簡拿華路 ~ 都走出來, 鬧呢班不知所謂嘅球迷, 佢地不單影衰呢個城市 (呢個城市嘅形象本來已經夠衰, 依家直頭衰多兩錢重)。 再者, 意甲已經被好多負面事件所影響 (假波、球迷暴力不斷), 依家又多一件事發生, 意甲形象又再差D。

今次呢班夾硬唔比錢上火車嘅人唔係球迷, 簡直就係流氓。事情在過去兩年不但冇改善, 反而持續不斷久不久又生事端。相信呢D或者係同意大利足球文化、內部社會同經濟等問題有關連。

好彩絕大部份祖記球迷都係正常球迷。祖記擁有全意大利最多球迷, 如果有1%球迷好似呢班拿玻里球迷咁樣的話, 都已經好大件事喇。


Story 1: 意大利總理遺責拿玻里火車流氓

Story 2: 簡拿華路對暴力兇殘嘅拿玻里罪犯感到忿怒

Story 3: 拿玻里球迷被禁全季入場看作客賽事


Story 1:

Italian President Slams Napoli Train Hooligans

01/09/2008 12:50

Italian Football Federation President Giancarlo Abete has slammed the Napoli hooligans who caused chaos on a Roma-bound train before yesterday’s Serie A clash at the Stadio Olimpico.

Azzurri fans fought with police and railway workers in Naples when they attempted to board a Rome-bound train without tickets.

Other passengers were then forced to get off, before fans took over the train, leading to four railway workers suffering slight injuries.

The interiors of several carriages were also damaged, and after three hours the train was eventually ordered to leave for Rome due to security fears.

There was also trouble outside the Olimpico, as there were a number of scuffles, and one Napoil fan was arrested for carrying a knife.

“There is bitterness and regret about what happened,” stated Abete.

“These hooligans don't represent football and we hope that they don't get into stadiums because their actions don't belong in our society.”

One passenger who was forced to disembark the Rome-bound train has spoken of her anger at the events that took place.

“It is disgusting that a group of thugs could be allowed to do this to us,” the woman told an Italian television station.

Napoli fans had only been allowed to travel to Rome in the first place as a goodwill gesture by the Italian FA, but now the club could be forced to play home fixtures on neutral ground for up to three months as punishment.

Anthony Sormani


Story 2:

Cannavaro Angry With Violent Napoli Thugs

02/09/2008 18:50

The former Napoli star is disgusted with the violence a number of Azzurri fans displayed when they travelled to see the Partenopei clash with Roma at the Stadio Olimpico.

Cannavaro, who was born in Napoli, believes this latest episode of mindless acts of shame will only make the city’s already tarnished image even worse.

“I heard about what happened in Napoli and it was not good news,” Cannavaro told Il Mattino.

“I am very angry because Napoli’s image has been soiled once again at a time when we need positive images of the city not negative ones.

“However, one thing has to be clear, it’s not the city’s fault as only a small number of people ruin it for everyone else.”

The 2006 World Cup winner believes that the thugs who spoil it for the genuine fans should be punished, rather than those who are innocent, as the Italian authorities have banned all fans from travelling which doesn’t seem fair to Il Capitano.

“I think it would be easier to isolate the violent people and stop them from travelling rather than stop everyone,” added the defender.

“There should be more responsibility for public order. The current proposals will only punish the innocent, genuine fans.”

The incidents on Sunday caused over €560,000 worth of damage to Rome’s public transport system as thugs smashed trains and buses.

Salvatore Landolina



Story 3:

Season-long ban for Napoli fans

Tuesday 2 September, 2008

Napoli fans will be banned from travelling to away games for the rest of the season after they vandalised a train on the way to the Roma match.

The authorities had originally banned the sale of tickets to Napoli supporters for the ‘high risk’ encounter at the Olimpico, but decided to allow limited stubs as “an act of good faith.”

That was promptly violated when 1,500 Ultra’ caused chaos at the train stations in both Naples and Rome, forcing regular passengers off the train and demanding travel to and from the capital without a ticket.

“The organised Napoli fan groups are banned from travelling for the rest of the season,” slammed Minister Roberto Maroni this evening after an extensive meeting in Rome.

“We will also identify at risk games and, if necessary, some of them will be played behind closed doors.

“Those people who effectively kidnapped the train on Sunday were no more than organised criminals.

“We will identify and punish those responsible, ban them from attending sporting events for two years and proceed to charge them with criminal damage.”

There were only four arrests after the chaotic scenes in Naples and Rome, but the police believe they can use CCTV footage to track down and identify further perpetrators of the violence.

The railway company noted that the fans had caused £300,000 worth of damage to the train, wrecking seats, windows, toilets and daubing graffiti inside the carriages.

Fortunately the other high risk game of the weekend, Fiorentina-Juventus, passed by without any crowd problems.



  1. 打少個,作客都和到波,咁都要打架,唔係呀???
    [版主回覆09/04/2008 20:55:00]我都覺得佢地好顛, 場波完左仲要去羅馬火車站攪混亂, 呢班人只可以話係集體犯罪, 有組織犯罪。

  2. 係咪有人發起架...冇理由咁離譜~非常恐怖的暴徒..唔講都唔知佢哋係去睇波
    [版主回覆09/04/2008 21:02:00]據講警方都懷疑係有組織犯罪, 有人做攪手。不過, 意大利Ultras已經係一D球迷組織, 有好多亦被視為極端危險嘅球迷組織, 極有可能佢地自已組織攪到呢次咁大件事都未定...
    當我第一眼睇到D相時, 都唔信呢班人係去緊睇波, 我以為暴動添!!

  3. 真係影衰哂南意喎~唔怪之得L'amore成日話唔會帶我入場睇足球賽, 佢話太危險喇! 我諗佢地乎係攪事多過睇波囉! 其實拿玻里都有好多善良既人0架~ 
    [版主回覆09/04/2008 21:13:00]真係影衰晒南面嘅人, 我都相信南部有好多好人, 當然包括Palla , 佢都係拿玻里人呢。
    講真, 在南部我都唔會入場睇波, 因為真係可以頗危險; 但在北部, 應該大致上都安全。我兩次入場睇祖記, 都非常安全 (加埋因為我比多少少$賣貴D嘅飛), 我周圍嘅人都起碼唔會變態。5月睇波時仲坐在廢柴高層Gigli 附近。
    基本上祖記嘅球迷非常友善, 多次有人同我地打招呼, 又好奇望望下, 可能好少亞洲女球迷黎到都靈咁遠睇波掛。

  4. 聽人講        歐洲意大利既治安同人 等餘 亞洲既中國
    [版主回覆09/06/2008 11:26:00]意大利治安普遍真係令人擔心, 我都覺某程度上有D似中國大陸。不過相信大致上北意治安應該好好多, 南部, 像這個拿玻里, 真係嚇鬼。唔知南部其它地方會唔會好好多呢?  有機會去下見識下就好喇。(話時話, 中國咁大都冇乜點去過, 有D慚愧呀)

  5. 歐洲 既治安   意大利最差呵................
    [版主回覆09/06/2008 11:30:00]好似西班牙好多地方治安都極差... 重有法國南部, 例如馬賽等, 好似話都頗危險 (不過我未去過, 有人求證下就最好)。
    其實香港真係好安全, 夜晚出街唔駛驚呢樣驚個樣, 我老細 (英國人)住左在香港超過10年, 佢話除非政治動盪, 否則唔會走人, 香港同星加坡應該係最有活力最安全嘅城市之一。
