睇到呢段文章, 即時聯想起我依家睇緊嘅一本書。
我依家追看緊一本關於黑手黨嘅書。本書真係好好睇, 係一位好出名嘅意大利作者前兩年所寫嘅。 呢本書一出, 佢即時成為紅人, 因為佢盡爆意大利黑手黨秘密, 大部份係拿玻里嘅黑手黨 (稱為 Camorra) 嘅秘密, 包括佢地嘅搵錢方法 (全部都係非法), 恐嚇勒索嘅手段, 點樣同地方官同流合污, 成立公司做非法勾當 (包括毒品同軍火買賣), 運走私貨, 控制某些地區嘅經濟活動, 仲有建立建築公司、混凝土公司等, 然後強迫別人要買佢地嘅原料同埋請佢地起樓等等.... 由於佢爆左太多黑手黨嘅 "經營手法"同埋殘暴對待對手嘅手段, 好快, 佢就收到死亡恐嚇, 攪到意大利警方要24小時派人對作者作人身保護。

我買呢本書來睇, 其實係因為之前剛剛睇左另一本關於黑手黨嘅書 (不過那本書係講意大利不同地方嘅黑手黨, 歷史, 作惡手法等, 亦有提及美國、俄羅斯、香港、東歐嘅黑幫活動), 睇完後攪到我好有興趣想了解多D, 所以買左依家呢本書來睇。
據講, 黑手黨要報復, 可以等好多年的 (都幾有忍耐力喎); 佢地亦可以越洋作大報復....而佢地對付敵人時所用嘅手法可以極度兇殘, 可以虐待一個人好耐, 然後先對住佢開百幾二百槍 (而唔係一槍射死個目標人物), 都幾變態!!!

講番轉頭, 我覺得巴勒莫隊嘅主席果然好野, 能夠唔屈服於黑手黨嘅恐嚇之下。
似乎, 黑手黨嘅魔力真係存在於意大利嘅好多角落, 特別係在意大利南部一些地方 (如有錯請糾正我)。 我同一位意大利朋友探討呢個問題時, 佢勁有感想, 回應我時寫左一大篇 email!!
生活, 對某些人來講, 真係唔容易呢。 住在相對地咁太平嘅香港, 應該頗安慰。
** 以上純屬本人愚見 **

http://www.channel4.com Palermo resisted Mafia threats |
Wednesday 24 September, 2008
Palermo refused to bow down to Mafia intimidation even after receiving the head of a goat, reveals a police inquiry.
The details of the investigation have been revealed with the arrest of agents Giovanni Pecoraro and Marcello Trapani.
Wiretapped telephone conversations found that they had links with the Lo Piccolo clan, whose heads Salvatore and Sandro have been in prison for several months.
The clan wanted to get involved in Palermo's plans to build a new stadium and shopping centre in the Sicilian city, making a profit off the business.
The investigation showed that Rosanero President Maurizio Zamparini and former director of sport Rino Foschi refused to co-operate and pushed to get rid of the agents.
The Mafia resorted to classic tactics to intimidate the club, as they sent the head of a goat to Foschi in Christmas 2006.
Pecoraro had already been involved in an investigation into organised crime, which is why he resigned his job at the youth academy.
“I am happy that from this whole affair it has been proven that Palermo are a clean club run by good people,” said President Zamparini.
“I heard from the media that one of those arrested was Pecoraro, a person we kicked out last year.
“Foschi and Zamparini's Palermo comes out of this with head held high, as we never had to deal with organised crime.”
我睇過一單新聞話佢地勁到用潛水艇運毒tim 呀
ReplyDelete[版主回覆09/28/2008 22:00:00]佢地財雄勢大兼係惡人, 真係唔奇呢.....哈哈哈
世界上壞人一定会存在, 但有些Mafia最無恥就係同D官員同流合污, 收買政府部門, 而恐怖的係人們亦願意被收買! So sad! 他們好似有個 Pool Anti-Mafia, 但唔知佢地真正功用及希望這 Pool 的人不是 Mafia 喔~
ReplyDelete[版主回覆09/28/2008 22:02:00]我諗緊, 唔知會唔會有D官員係焗住被收買呢?? 唔一齊同流合污會唔會死得好慘呢??? 真係點都死!!!
[版主回覆09/28/2008 22:03:00]D黑幫咁鬼恐怖, 做普通一個星斗市民都好慘.....
ReplyDelete[版主回覆09/30/2008 21:01:00]哈哈, 可能呢個真係原因之一呀..... 講笑, 但據文中所講, 係黑手黨想包左巴勒莫新球場嘅建築工程來做, 但巴勒莫嘅主席拒絕左。做得好呀!!!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆09/30/2008 21:05:00]我當然記得啦, 一睇完即刻借比你 !!! 話時話, 我仲想之後重睇一次添呀 (係咪顛??), 因為第一次睇時, 有D內容 miss左...睇到後面唔係咁記得前面嘅野 (因為有關連)...不過唔怕, 等你睇完我慢慢再睇番啦。