Saturday, August 06, 2011

TV sitcom: The Big Bang Theory!

好啦, 先來中文, and English to follow

我知道我勁 outdated, 因為依家先來睇呢套美國電視劇 "The Big Bang Theory", 因為在網上查資料, 原來呢套戲 Season 1 在 2008年在美國上, 但冇辦法, 到香港電視播時, 已經慢左; 再加埋我近年勁 outdated, 所以我依家先開始追睇咋!

套電視劇真係超正呀, 班主角D對白好攪笑。

上個禮拜六有位好朋友約我去九龍一間意大利餐廳食 brunch, 由於太耐冇見自然說話多多! 呢個朋友好鐘意睇電影、電視, 當日佢同我講佢上排追睇 ATV World Channel一套好正嘅電視劇....就係 "The Big Bang Theory", 但佢話 ATV World只係啱啱播完 Season 2, 但美國那邊好似已經做緊 (or 做完) Season 4了!!

講到非常高興之時, 於是大家食完個brunch就行左去 HMV,  我買左 Season 1成套 VCDs 來睇  !! 原先想買埋 Season 2/3/4 (好顛!), 因為唔係成日過九龍, 費時麻煩, 但想清楚都係唔好成日咁快買埋一大堆野, 同埋睇下係咪真係好睇先再買埋其他 Seasons來睇。

我兩晚之內已經睇左 Season 1嘅 1-6 episodes, 仲有12 episodes, 所以我想, 我等間出開街要順便買埋其他 Seasons嘅 VCDs

我知道你地或者會問我點解唔上網睇 (唔駛錢又快), 我可以好坦白答你: 因為我唔跟唔切主角嘅英文, 因為中間有好多 scientific terms (因為其中兩個主角係 scientists, lol), 而且睇 VCDs 有 subtitles, 我選英文 subtitles, 可以睇唔切聽唔明時查字典搵番意思....我慣左用呢個方法睇戲學英文的, 哈哈哈!

*******    *******  **********

I know, I know... I really am damn outdated, becoz it's only until now that I start watching the American TV sitcom "The Big Bang Theory". I said I am outdated because I checked on the internet and found that Season 1 of "The Big Bang Theory" was indeed shown on TV in the States in 2008, but well we all know most of the time the English TV Channels here in Hong Kong are slow.... plus I'm outdated

This sitcom is really awesome, and the dialogues of the characters are very hilarious!

Last Saturday I went for weekend brunch at an Italian restaurant with a good friend of mine whom I haven't seen for quite some time. This friend likes watching movies and American TV sitcoms a lot and she told me she recently watched a very good sitcom on ATV World Channel... and the sitcom is "The Big Bang Theory". However, ATV World has just finished showing Season 2, whereas in the States, either they are showing or they have already finished showing Season 4!

We were chatting so excitedly that after finishing our brunch buffet, we walked to a nearby HMV store. I bought the whole pack VCDs of Season 1  !! Initially I wanted to buy also Seasons 2/3/4 (crazy me!) because I don't very often go to Kowloon, but I decided to hold on a bit because I wanted to make sure that I really enjoy watching Season 1 of this sitcom before I would buy tons of things.

I have already watched 6 episodes of Season 1 within two nights, and there are 12 to go, so I think I'll buy the VCDs of the following three seasons when I'll go out later today.

I know some of you may ask: why don't you just watch it on the internet? It's easy, fast and free of charge.  Yea you're right.....but I can also quickly give you an answer:   To be very honest, that's because I can't fully follow the English in the sitcom. One reason is that there are a lot of scientific terms being used by the characters (in particular two characters who are scientists, lol). And also, there is the selection of subtitles with the VCDs and I can choose to have English (or Chinese plus other options too) subtitles. That means... whenever I can't follow or catch any words they say in the sitcom, I can check them up in the dictionary !   My usual practice is: to remember the words I can't catch and then later check them up in the dictionary and find out their meanings. I have been using this way to learn English for quite a long time. Hahaha. 


  1. 意大利是個好地方 /﹏\"
    [版主回覆08/06/2011 16:35:00]是呀

  2. 套電視劇很有趣....
    [版主回覆08/07/2011 13:31:00]你都有睇開? 呢套電視劇真係好正!!

  3. Someone's not used to American english huh?? It doesn't matter, i also struggle every time i have to watch BBC or any other english channel, lol
    [版主回覆08/07/2011 13:37:00]Hahaha, ya, someone !  Certain local British English accents are really hard to understand, for example, I can understand about 30% of what Alex Ferguson of MU says each time, haha.

  4. 我以往有聽聞過這套劇....
    [版主回覆08/08/2011 23:17:00]我就比較 out, 剛識呢套電視劇冇幾耐...哈哈哈

  5. 力高 --- 蛋糕9 August 2011 at 10:34

    哈哈~真係咁好睇嗎﹖~~死喇,比你講到都有d想追下添! 原來你係咁樣學英文的,好似個方法又唔錯啊!雖然花好多時間,但學到好多有用又常用既語句!真係要跟你學下野!
    [版主回覆08/09/2011 18:17:00]力高, 我覺得好好睇呀!! 不過呢幾日忙做第二D野冇時間追住, 過兩日得閒D繼續, 哈哈! 不過買 VCDs 都唔少錢, 唯一好處係隨時隨地都可以睇!
    係呀, 其實我 listening 好弱, 成日聽唔切野, 所以我常常用呢個方法聽同學多D英文, 有 subtitles係我第一要求, 可能你覺得我好顛, 但我之前睇 Harry Potter 嘅 1-6集 VCDs時, 聽唔切成日暫停係咁聽返!! 以睇戲角度係痴線的, 哈哈, 但我就係覺得聽唔明唔知講乜, 所以忍唔住係咁 rewind....  !! 真係花好多時間, 但學你話頭真係學左新字, 力高我地大家繼續努力 !!

  6. 力高 --- 蛋糕10 August 2011 at 09:58

    哈哈,好呀,大家一齊努力呀,我最近都買左兩隻DVD,就係貪佢有subtitles 呀,咁我可以聽下又睇住,我都係停下又聽下,真係唔明又轉中文睇佢果句點解,哈,其實真係花好多時間,我都少咁樣練習,係間唔時咋!
    [版主回覆08/10/2011 19:23:00]我都係呀, 力高!! 有時我都會好似你咁做, 但就唔可能成日咁做, 如果唔係睇怕我地一年都睇唔到5套電影呀  !!

  7. 力高 --- 蛋糕10 August 2011 at 09:59

    [版主回覆08/10/2011 19:24:00]咁由今日開始我地一齊升呢,..... 一齊變得更 in!!!!

  8. 路過的..... 我想問下點解我係hmv個website度搵唔到the big bang theory既vcd,?我見佢得dvd.同埋你隻season1買左幾多錢?
    [版主回覆08/22/2011 07:08:00]Hello你好!  oh sorry, 我睇番清楚, 原來我套碟係 DVD.... 我自己都攪錯左 (睇咁耐我都冇留意清楚  )! 我套 Season 1嘅 DVD係減價所以賣 HK$199, 算平。但我之後買 Seasons 2 & 3, 就貴少少了....

  9. I like The Big Bang Theory a lot!!! Sheldon is annoying and amazing!!!
    [Boring Stick回覆10/25/2011 22:17:24]Not yet... In forth season right now... you should move faster, the new characters are really amazing as well!!!
    [版主回覆10/25/2011 19:02:46]Yes, he's annoying but at the same time... incredible hiliarious!! haha. Have you followed all of the seasons? I haven't yet... Just finished Season 1 and still trying to squeeze time to watch the other seasons, lol
