Friday, August 12, 2011

Petite Amanda Cafe

如果大家有睇娛樂版都或許有留意得到, 名模 Amanda S. 在中環 IFC Two 嘅 Shopping Mall 開左間 cafe.

If you are a regular reader of any entertainment section of a local newspaper, you may have been awere of the opening of a cafe by a fashion model Amanda S in the IFC Two shopping mall in Central.


昨日, 我和朋友走過去, 諗住買下西餅試下有幾好食先得。我幾鐘意Amanda, 因為有別於一般名模, 佢幾年前特登走去法國一間極出名嘅烹飪學校, 學左幾個月整蛋糕、麵包, 為將來建立自己事業而努力。

Yesterday, a friend of mine and I went there, trying to buy some pastries and taste how good they are.  I quite like Amanda because different from other fashion models, she went to France to learn cooking and baking for a few months at a very famous international cooking school. She has been working hard for her future career.


終於, 佢真係開左第一間自己嘅 cafe喇!! 昨日去到, 見到好多人排隊等買佢造嘅蛋糕、麵包。

Finally, she really has opened her first cafe!  There were a lot of customers lining up trying to buy her products at her shop yesterday.


除左蛋糕同埋麵包, 佢仲替 cafe 設計左 cafe 嘅 logo, 有自己 cafe 嘅蛋糕盒。 

Apart from pastries and bread, she even has designed the logo, cups and bags for her own cafe.


由於昨日我地比較趕時間, 見到咁多人排隊, 就諗住今日再來過買蛋糕食啦... 點知, 只係下午 3:30 左右, 所有蛋糕都已經接近賣晒, 未排到我地更加已經賣完了!! 為左試下佢整野嘅手勢, 我地於是乎就買左一些 chocolate puffs試下喇。

We were in a rush yesterday and because of the long queue, we decided to come again today for cakes.... but, it's only about 3:30pm today and almost all the pastries have been sold, and before it came to our turn to buy anything, all the pastries have gone!! We then bought some chocolate puffs instead because we still wanted to try some and taste them.


佢整嘅 chocolate puffs 真係好好味! 好鬆軟、唔太甜、好香! 勁呀!

The chocolate puffs that she made were really tasty! They were soft, not too sweet and with some very good smell. Delicious!



  1. 力高 --- 蛋糕16 August 2011 at 14:19

    [版主回覆08/16/2011 17:34:00]中環你唔遠呀..... 搭車話咁快就到啦, 哈哈哈!!
    個麵包真係好鬼好食, 但第二日同一位開餐廳嘅朋友講起, 佢話 Amanda呢間 cafe嘅麵包係由兩位師傅負責, Amanda自己就做晒所有嘅糕點。嘩, 1個人做晒所有糕點, 已經超厲害呀! 我地都唔會 expect佢仲有時間做埋麵包呢, 嘻嘻嘻.

  2. 力高 --- 蛋糕17 August 2011 at 11:51

    係呀,其實我唔係比佢d cake 吸引呀,我反而係比佢d 麵包吸引呀!~哈哈~~但要我專登話中環就係買哩個真係有d難度,除非我咁岩出香港區啦~hahahhaha~~~
    [版主回覆08/17/2011 19:58:00]哈哈哈, 咁又係, 如果叫我特登去一個地方就係為左食.....我都會唔想, 除非出開黎啦
