Saturday, April 02, 2011

Movie: Mysteries of Lisbon


我講緊一套電影 - Mysteries of Lisbon!!! 我都唔知有幾多個世紀未睇過一套咁長嘅電影, 而呢個世代, 我估計亦都唔多會有好多電影會有咁長嘅播放時間。266分鐘!! 4個鐘頭零26分鐘呀!!

香港電影節開鑼, 有呢套贏左某些國際電影大獎 (最佳法國電影大獎) 嘅 Mysteries of Lisbon 播, 咁基於喜歡葡萄牙嘅關系, 我就去睇啦; 最重要係, 套電影贏左大獎嘛, 就去睇睇有幾好睇先得!

"數十名葡萄牙和法國巨星演出".... 之前唔識!! 依家...我識左幾個 (Maria Joao Bastos, Afonso Pimentel, Clotilde Hesme), 嘻嘻!

好彩冇在戲院瞓左覺, 哈哈哈!  大家有冇睇過長過3個鐘嘅電影呢? 有冇瞓左覺先??


劇情簡介: (

改編自葡萄牙大文豪卡斯特洛布蘭科(Camilo Castelo Branco)愛情史詩名作,本片為《情慾克林姆》智利導演拉烏盧伊茲在得知罹患肝癌後,所拍攝的最後鉅作,這部長達272分鐘的影片獲頒年度最佳法國電影大獎殊榮,影片橫跨葡、西、法、義、巴西5國拍攝。






  1. Have you watched it already??? Do you know Ricardo Pereira, one of the actors in this movie, dated a brazilian girl of japanese descent for a few years before they broke up? lol  he is one of a few actors that ia actually big in Brazil ( not big in Japan, lol )
    [版主回覆04/03/2011 22:40:00]Yes, I watched it yesterday... forgot to tell you .
    The film lasted for 4.5 hours! And I didn't fall into sleep, that's the most incredible thing, haha. The plot is interesting and you really have to stay awake and use your brain to think while watching it coz otherwise you will easily lose track of what's going on next....
    Really? Did Ricardo Pereira date a Brazilian Japanese girl before? Wow. I googled and knew that Ricardo Pereira is also a TV actor and a model. He's pretty good-looking, lol. Why is he so famous in Brazil? Any reason at all? I guess no... there's usually no reason at all for being popular and well received, hahaha

  2. 有冇中場休息?
    [版主回覆04/03/2011 22:49:00]哈哈哈, 冇呀, 我竟然冇瞓著覺呀! 因為套戲劇場有D復雜, 我覺得要好集中精神睇, 同埋唔好遲入場, 否則會跟唔到套戲講乜的 ! 
    有中場休息, 15分鐘, 去個洗手間再入場繼續睇番, 幾好!
