Friday, March 25, 2011

Cultural Shock - dishwashing detergent

My Chinese inputting software is still not working so I'm afraid I can still only write in English. Sorry for those who enjoy me talking in Cantonese

Lately I read some articles in a blog of a Taiwanese young woman who is married to a Spaniard and  is living and working in Spain. Because of her background, you can imagine she must have gained so much experience over the years in her exchange with the locals there.  Some of the topics that she brought out are pretty interesting.

One of the things that she said was about the use of dishwashing detergent (精) in the handwashing of dishes.  She said a lot of Spaniards use a lot of dishwashing detergent in washing the dishes. She thought they use too much dishwashing detergent.


What's your dishwashing habit? For me, since I was little, my mom would teach me to use dishwashing detergent to wash the dishes. We would first stack the dishes aside, fill the sink with water, then squeeze some dishwashing detergent into the water, then start washing.  And afterwards, we will rinse all the dishes twice, making sure that not any dishwashing detergent and washing suds are still left on the dishes.

But people I know from the UK are so different.  I remember when I was living in the UK, every single hallmate of mine (who were British) would use tons of dishwashing detergent to wash the dishes.  After the first round of dishwashing, they WOULDN'T rinse the dishes, but rather, immediately stack the dishes (with washing suds still on the dishes) on the tray to dry. 

Amazing to me!!  They washed the frying pans and glasses and cupsin similar ways too - no rinsing of the dishes. 

I wonder if people from any other nations do wash the dishes the same way as the people in the UK do.  Well, at least as far as I know it, all the people whom I know from Hong Kong rinse the dishes after using the dishwashing detergent.


  1. Hey Anita, could you give me the link of that blogger? Well, considering she writes in English of course, lol. And i guess it's just a cultural habit, because everytime i dishwash i also use tons of detergent, unlike my mom, lol
    [版主回覆03/26/2011 11:53:00]Haha sorry Hugo, the blog is... basically written in Chinese, although you occasionally can see Spanish words are used in some of her articles. I have saved the weblink of her blog on my work computer so I can give it to you on Monday .  I do use a lot of detergents too (less than the British but not sure when compared to you ). Obviously your mom is an excellent housewife because she's saving money for the family, lol

  2. Yeah and she works as domestic helper too, that's why she's used already to it, unlike me. I always use tons and tons of detergent, that's why she doesn't like when i do the dishwashing, lol. Thanks Anita, maybe i'll just check it out though my chinese isn't the best, lol
    [版主回覆03/26/2011 19:03:00]hahaa. I doubt that Hugo that you can find that lady's website ! But yea, give it a try and see if you can find that before I tell you . I think most people tend to use tons of detergent because they think it would cleanse well the dishes of the oil and dirt.
    I guess detergent is really bad for the skin because I cannot wash the dishes without wearing gloves. If I don't wear the gloves, my skin would get extremely dry after dishwashing. 
    I sometimes don't use detergent, for example, if the saucepan is only leftovers from oatmeal. They are not oily stuff and therefore I only use clean warm water to wash the saucepan. My mom should thank me for saving her money... haha

  3. 風神與蘇蘇26 March 2011 at 23:23

    我記得 “噢地利” 都講過呢樣野,話D鬼就咁用洗潔精唔沖水。 我以前係美國就用洗碗機。係香港就無啦,況且而家無咁多碗碟要洗。 洗碗時我會先沖一沖碗碟,然後一次過將所有碗碟塗上洗潔精,最後再沖一round水。洗潔精係吱在sponge上,唔會吱落一盤水中,應該會慳DD。
    [版主回覆03/27/2011 00:46:00]People in Austria don't rinse the dishes either?
    oh yea, I also usually 先沖一沖碗碟, but nevertheless, I usually put some detergent into the water instead of onto the sponge.  Handwashing the dishes should save more water than having them washed in a dishwasher, I think (I have never used a dishwasher). In HK, it's not that common I guess.

  4. 我曾經有個澳洲樓友都係洗碗唔過水... 佢話洗潔精食得, 唔怕個喎~ 我見其他瑞典朋友同我一樣咁驚嚇, 德國人就覺得好正常... 唔知係咪代表左呢幾個地方o既習慣呢? 我洗碗習慣同風神相似. 其實屋企食d野如果咁啱冇咩油的話應該唔駛點落洗潔精都ok. 睇下o個晚要洗d咩我會就一就落多d或少d.
    [版主回覆03/29/2011 18:19:00]Wow, Iris, thanks for telling!!  I didn't know even Aussies don't rinse dishes either !! Yes, many British say the dishwashing detergent aren't harmful to health... but I can't believe that. Imagine the detergent can cleanse oily stuff so they must have so chemical stuff....
    I agree with you. If the dishes are not too dirty or oily, we can actually add less detergent.... our moms must be happy to know we save money for them too, hahaa..


  5. 你打吾到中文都吾系壞事ge
    可以逼我e個吾多識英文ge人睇英文- -
    [版主回覆03/31/2011 19:35:00]好呀, 大家交流又識下野, 有意思呢, 嘻嘻嘻!!
    你有冇識人在洗碗洗完洗潔精後, 唔過水就算呀? 好神奇我見過唔少外國人都係咁...乜唔過水唔驚食埋D化學品嗎? 好奇呀.......

  6. 緊系無識到d甘ge人啦:(
    [版主回覆03/31/2011 23:12:00]唔係, 你咁年輕, 大把機會見呀!!!

  7. 我自己就同片中示範一樣咁洗...唔通我潛意識真係個架妹?哈哈!
    [版主回覆04/21/2011 21:03:00]哈, 你一定潛意識係個架妹呀! 日本女仔真係好乾淨、好整潔, 真係好佩服佢地!  你講開又係喎, 以前見D英國人用洗潔精洗玻璃杯, 洗完就放在 tray 滴乾, 之後又好似真係看上去好 "令" 喎!  
