

Amalia係最出名嘅 Fado singer, 被譽為"Rainha do Fado" ("Queen of Fado") , 可想而知佢幾咁受葡萄牙人嘅愛戴。


上次去葡萄牙旅行時, 一位朋友帶我去睇呢個街上嘅 Amalia塗鴉, 係咪劃得又靚又迫真呢?

以下呢首歌叫 "Barco Negro" (Black Sailboat"), 沒有Amalia嘅樣在video裡邊, 但就可以一路聽歌, 一路欣賞一下佢嘅出生地 Lisbon, 同埋 Sintra一帶嘅美麗風景。
Lyrics (Portuguese/English by http://lyricstranslate.com)
De manhã, que medo que me achasses feia, (In the morning, how I feared that you could find me ugly)
acordei tremendo deitada na areia. (I woke up trembling, laid on the beach's sand)
Mas logo os teus olhos disseram que não! (But immediately your eyes told me the opposite)
E o sol penetrou no meu coração. (And the sun entered into my heart)
Vi depois numa rocha uma cruz (Then I saw a cross stuck on a rock)
e o teu barco negro dançava na luz...(And your black sailboat dancing under the light)
Vi teu braço acenando entre as velas já soltas...(I saw your hand waving goobye among the ready loose sails)
Dizem as velhas da praia que não voltas. (Old women of the beach tell me that you will not come back)
São loucas... são loucas! (They are crazy... They are crazy...)
Eu sei, meu amor, que nem chegaste a partir, (I know, my love, that you, in fact, did not leave)
pois tudo em meu redor me diz que estás sempre comigo. (because, everything around me tells me that you are always with me)
No vento que lança areia nos vidros, (You are in the wind, which spreads sand on the glass (of the windows)
na água que canta no fogo mortiço, (You are in the water, that sings into the dying fire)
no calor do leito dos bancos vazios, (You are in the warmth of the rest from empty seabeds)
dentro do meu peito estás sempre comigo. (You are forever with me, into my heart/chest)
Eu sei, meu amor, que nem chegaste a partir.(I know, my love, that you, in fact, did not leave)
你好, 我係一個祖雲達斯既球迷, 原本下星期諗住去都靈睇波架 點知我發現祖記個官網咁岩無果張波既飛買WO 於是我就上網四周圍搵, 就咁岩搵到原來你都有去都靈睇過波架!!!!真係LUCKY!!~ 我想請問下你有冇得即場買飛架?如果無咁冇有其他方法買到飛? 因為我聽講可以去意大利當地銀行買, 但是我星期六日先去到都靈,銀行都唔開, 仲有我之前會去左羅馬佛羅倫斯先, 咁我可唔可以係果D地方買到祖記既波飛架? 打咁多野真係唔好意思, 不過真係唔想去到買唔到飛咁混吉0.0 可唔可以分享下啊?唔該哂你啊!!!~
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/14/2011 21:46:00]Hello, 你好呀! 原來你都鐘意祖記, 好極好極! 我以前係在祖記贊助商嘅網址買波飛的, 但因為已經有差不多3年冇去睇, 所以唔知那個網站是否仲有飛可以買, 而且時間上來說應該訂唔切。
另一辦法是在球賽當日早少少去到球場外排隊買飛, 不過要視乎當日比賽係咪大賽, 同埋越近季尾越難買飛, 如果係最後一場的話, 可能更難!! 同埋場外排隊D龍都相當混亂, 加上意大利人好似唔多興有秩序地排隊, 你可能會覺得好亂龍!!!
仲有一個辦法就係, 在意大利, 通常比賽前幾日開始, 可以在指定嘅official shops度買飛, 但我有次諗住買季尾最後一場嘅波飛, 點知一早就賣晒, 攪到我只可以去 bar睇 live!! 但當地人在 bar睇波唔知點解咁靜 (同埋咁冷靜!), 都唔大叫又唔興奮, 好怪雞!
唔知你知唔知道, 在意大利入場睇波, 要帶定身份證明文件 (or passport), 因為要 check!! 同埋唔好帶水樽, 唔比入場。
希望你買到飛啦, 因為去到但買唔到飛真係極度混吉 同無癮! 好運好運!!!
仲有啊,係到留言真係唔好意思,因為我唔識呢個BLOG點玩,唔知點樣可以聯絡你, 留左D問題係到希望你唔好介意!!!!THX~~~
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/14/2011 21:51:00]唔好咁講, 呢個 blog就係用來比我同各路英雄聯系交流的, 哈哈, 所以好歡迎你在此留言呀 !! 如果你想你留嘅回應只得我同你兩個睇到 (例如你有私人野), 你可以在留言時選擇 "私人回應", 寫完照平常一樣 click "儲存" 就可以喇! 有乜大家再研究研究吖, 我都希望你買到波飛呀, 一場去到緊係想入場睇波啦, 山長水遠呀....哈哈哈