Tuesday, April 19, 2011

London Cable Car?

尋日睇報紙, 話英國倫敦市長為左迎接下年嘅 London Olympic Games, 計劃興建橫誇 River Thames嘅 Cable Car系統..... 聽落個計劃好有意思喎! 如果計劃真係落實, 呢個新景點好似好吸引咁 !

倫敦人多車多人種頗雜, 而且消費高昂。不過無可否認, 倫敦有好多好靚好宏偉嘅風景、建築, 而香港又係英國前殖民地, 當地嘅馬路設計、雙層巴士、英式英語、周圍 HSBC分行....充滿親切感

如果倫敦真係多左個 Cable Car, 你會唔會好有興趣去倫敦玩呢? 


Virtual Cable Car Tour over the River Thames


  1. e............ I dislike this idea~~~~~
    [版主回覆04/21/2011 20:58:00]oh really? Any reason why you dislike the idea?
    I quite like this idea however, lol. I've never crossed the River Thames so if I could do so in a cable car, that would be quie a nice experience. .

  2. I want to go to London!!
    this is a good idea, but i trust extemely expensive for the charge  
    [版主回覆04/23/2011 23:51:00]If there's the new cable car, I probably would also wanna return to London too, but otherwise... I'm afraid no, haha. I'm too bored with London and it's so expensive to stay in London. I also think it would be expensive to take a ride in the cable car.... everything in the UK is so expensive

  3. 我擔心... 會有d格格不入喎....
    [版主回覆05/01/2011 22:16:00]哈哈, 我又覺得幾新奇幾特別..... 不過都要睇下幾錢搭一次先得......

  4. 力高 --- 蛋糕4 May 2011 at 11:09

    [版主回覆05/04/2011 18:42:00]我都覺得 ok呀, 力高, 我突然想起, 我唔記得reply你 email呀, sorry! !!! 我等陣去 fb reply你呀!
