近來好高興認識了一位 blog友, 佢對葡萄牙文好有興趣, 而傾談間, 佢問我識唔識一D葡文歌....hmmm, 係識的, 哈哈哈! 不過我只係識聽, 唔識解歌詞!! 部份歌詞我大概係估到意思, 但就唔係完全明晒仲乜東東!
呢首歌係葡萄牙國寶.... fado歌種。唱歌嘅係好出名的 Mariza, video裡已有歌詞, 所以好方便, 可以一路聽一路睇歌詞。
It's so nice that I have made a new blogger friend recently and to have known that she also is interested in learning Portuguese. While we were chatting, she asked if I knew any Portuguese songs, and.... hummm, yes! But most of the time, I only know they're singing in Portuguese. I could catch some of the words but definitely I can't really understand all of the lyrics.
This song I have enclosed here in this blog entry is a fado song. Fado - a specifically Portuguese type of music genre! The singer is Mariza, one of the most famous Fado singers, I guess... Lyrics are already there in the video so I can also start learning to sing fado songs too! Haha.
ReplyDelete我今早上youtube搵個d- -真系吾好聽.......
[版主回覆04/06/2011 23:04:00]其實係一個朋友講我知, 我先識佢....可以在 youtube搜尋 Mariza...應該好多佢嘅歌的
ReplyDelete其實你系咪+左msn 可吾可以+多次
[版主回覆04/06/2011 23:05:00]sorry Ting, 我呢兩日未有時間攪 MSN那邊.... 所以你冇delete到我, 哈哈哈.... 我會呢幾日 add你的了, sorry...
I've heard that she's pregnant, lol. Fado isn't really my cup of tea but it's a wonderful lullaby if you can't sleep at night, lol
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/06/2011 23:08:00]hhaaa, yea I know it's not your cup of coffee . But if one wants to learn Portuguese, fado songs are good to be started up with as the singers sing slowly, which gives one time to pick up the words and practise too. I don't fancy fado songs much either, purely for language learning purposes.... or when I can't sleep, lol
但系得e首好聽 我有搵 都吾系我鍾意聽ge類型
ReplyDelete[版主回覆04/07/2011 20:36:00]咁又係, 都唔係話首首都一定好聽..... Amalia Rodrigues 係另一位更出名嘅fado singer, 可以話係葡萄牙國寶, 你想唔想聽下佢嘅歌呀? 例如呢首.....