Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Empoli(安波里)借用祖雲達斯明日之星Pasquato (柏斯基圖)

呢排掛住睇奧運, 所以睇漏左呢單消息添...

其實呢個消息已經傳左一段時間, 都有D預左, 只不過依家係confirm單消息係真。

我都唔明, 點解祖記管理層又再作出一個愚蠢嘅決定。唔明唔明。問下Secco啦, 只有佢同埋D諗埋同一樣野嘅儍人知點解。 




新聞來自: channel4.com

24 August 2008

Juventus prodigy Christian Pasquato (柏斯基圖) has joined Serie B side Empoli (安波里), following in the footsteps of Sebastian Giovinco.

The teenage star striker of the Primavera youth team is loaned out to the Stadio Castellani side with an option to buy up half his contract at the end of the season.

This month Pasquato hit the headlines when he scored in Juve's 4-1 Trofeo Berlusconi defeat to Milan at San Siro.

He also netted six of their eight goals in yesterday's traditional Juventus A vs B team, which is when Coach Claudio Ranieri confirmed the 19-year-old would be farmed out.

“Pasquato proved that he is a step above the others his age and would just be wasted by spending another year in the youth team.

“It is only right he goes out to gain experience, as he has what it takes to be a very important player.”

Pasquato follows in the path of Giovinco, who was also loaned to Empoli last season and is now back in Turin.


  1. 係呀,要去打意乙呀! 唔捨得呀~~  希望佢盡快回歸祖記啦!
    [版主回覆08/27/2008 20:55:00]真係陰公, 要去安玻里踢乙組添!!  我都希望佢可以好快回歸祖記呀! 

  2. 佢係咪諗住買人呀?
    [版主回覆08/27/2008 21:00:00]係呀, 據講可能買Appiah... 以前踢過兩年祖記的... 我記得佢2005年都有隨隊來香港踢友賽。祖記呢輪都幾興吃回頭草!!!  但Appiah艾比亞好似免費ga喎....咁點解仲要外借柏斯基圖?  唔通真係祖記高層講得咁好聽 ~ 比佢出去見下世面, 攞多D經驗??!!

  3. 唉...大部份D高層真係廢廢地架...
    [版主回覆08/27/2008 21:00:00]真係又一見證喇!! 

  4. 又係班廢柴高層做嘅"好事"!
    [版主回覆08/27/2008 21:02:00]"非常好" 嘅事, 難得佢地仲講得好好聽!!! 

  5. 唉,佢地又黎料,對球隊有幫助既就一係借一係就賣,廢果d就留曬係到,我真係睇到化曬……
    [版主回覆08/27/2008 21:04:00]留低喺度嘅包括三位廢柴管理人!!!  

  6. 外借定賣先?如果外借出去吸收經驗是沒問題,但賣走就.....
    [版主回覆08/30/2008 11:56:00]冇錯的話, 應該係外借, 但借借下, 唔知會唔會賣鬼左佢添... 以祖記管理層呢班人嘅智慧, 真係一D都唔奇。
