Sunday, August 01, 2010

New start...

明天就係第一日再返舊地方再作戰喇!  說來好老土, 我都唔係第一日做工啦, 而且工作嘅地方已經係熟悉之地, 但竟然都好緊張, 好驚...

其中一個原因係因為我有一半時間需要去學做一些我唔認識嘅新野, 而且都應該好多野要學識。自問吸收力慢又蠢, 理解能力又差喎, 真係好鬼驚呀。雖然阿head話慢慢跟, 將會教我嘅同事本身都完全唔識呢瓣野, 但講緊係咁講啦, 我都不能低能架....

希望一切順利啦, 天主, 請求您保佑我。


Ok, in case any of my friends here prefers to read this entry in English... here it comes

Tomorrow will be the first day of my "new" job... It sounds weird.  Although it's neither gonna be the frist day of my first job, nor it's some new work environment,  nevertheless I'm feeling really so nervous now.  I don't know why.  I'm extremely anxious

Part of the reason is becoz half of the time I'll have to learn to do something which I have never done before PLUS I have no knowledge of it at all.  There should be tons of things I'll need to learn.  Honestly, I'm a slow learner, I'm quite stupid, and I have poor comprehensive skills.  Gosh... I'm really nervous.  The head of the company told me not to be nervous because the lady who's going to train me knew nothing at all when she started the job, so I don't have to worry at all.  He told me to take the time.  Of course he would say things to try to calm me down.

I just hope everything will get along well.... May God bless me, please.



  1. 力高 --- 蛋糕2 August 2010 at 12:46

    阿ta~~你得架~~~加油!!!!呵呵,101%撐你!!!!!! 因為我都係咁返左去,第一日返去果下真係唔知做乜事會咁驚架,明明好熟悉,嘻,過來人真係會明白架! 不過無需擔心,你一定得架,我信你。hee!!!!
    [版主回覆08/03/2010 21:01:00]力高, 多謝晒您呀 !!  我都101%撐你!!! 我地真係啱晒key, 近來際遇相似, 希望往後日子大家每日都happy 又順利啦!!! 大家努力加油!!!!!!!!!! hee hee...

  2. 放鬆心情! relax! 天主一定係你左緊支持你! 新開始, 我祝你事事順利, 工作愉快呀!
    [版主回覆08/03/2010 21:02:00]多謝您呀iris !!!  天主都一定會在你隔離支持你的, 你都努力加油!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. It's always difficult when we're starting something new, but after the first week you'll get used to the new routine, i'm sure of it Anita
    Add oil
    [版主回覆08/03/2010 21:06:00]Muito obrigada Hugo !!!  haha, but from Thursday to next Monday I'm gonna travel to Beijing , so this time I'll definitely have to take more than a week to get used to the new work routine!!  I'm so glad that your situation is starting to improve too!  You too, Add oil, Hugo!!

  4. 好消息喎!加油呀!你實得既 !我都希望快啲搵到份正常既工!
    [版主回覆08/13/2010 19:27:00]多謝你Nel!!  我非常希望你快d搵番一份正常時間返工嘅工呀, 努力!!!!

  5. ta, 咁你返工返成點呀??
    [版主回覆08/15/2010 23:20:00]Ah dull, 多謝關心!  返左差不多2星期, 已經叫學左一部份新野, 但有好多野未識同埋要上網睇多d, 仲可能要買番1、2本有關嘅書進修下先掂...好彩暫時來說個同事都陸續有教我上手學佢做開嘅野....希望一切順利啦
