Tuesday, August 31, 2010

BJJ (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu)

現在返回以往的工作崗位, 可以過番比較穩定嘅生活, 同埋可以在晚上空閒時間做運動, 實在很好。從上星期一開始, 我去左一間叫 Versus Performance嘅gym house, join左一個運動package - 可以參加BJJ, kickboxing, MMA呢幾個都叫幾劇烈、好消耗體力嘅運動。

唔知各位有冇參加過呢幾種運動呢?  呢個BJJ (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu), 我一星期只係join一日, 每次一個鐘, 但已經差唔多攪到我半死!  我尋日玩完一個鐘, 已經覺得對腳好鬼痛, 但今朝開始, 更加大鑊, 我對腳酸軟到不能形容呀! 係全身好似被人打左一身都唔止那種!!! 我pat pat對下一路到腳版都好鬼辛苦, 連行路都痛呀。仲要咁啱今日要行左幾次長樓梯, 我差唔多"第"唔起對腳咁滯。我全日在公司行路, 係 "seen"住行架!!  我有d同事問我係咪整親腳添。

上個禮拜我第一堂玩時, 都冇咁辛苦架, 我仲諗: 依, 都唔難喎!  痴線, 尋晚個堂簡直係人生極限, 淨係做 kneel down然後再抱對手對腳嘅動作都做左40-50下, 做到我唔識起身!!  雖然咁辛苦, 但我覺得呢個運動好有意思, 因為如果現實生活唔好彩被attack (死, 唔記得中文字點寫!), 可以學到有乜動作可以作為自衛之用。可以話比大家聽係, 玩呢個活動要有心理準備, 就係要同男士打埋一齊, 因為根本玩嘅女仔唔多, 得我一個咋 (不過好開心尋晚帶左一位女仔朋友去試玩, 但佢話太激佢應該唔繼續, 哈哈哈)!  不過我都唔介意同男士對決嘅, 因為大家純練功, 我唔諗人家 "搏檬"...因為大家玩到氣來氣 "chuen", 打到飛起, 對方邊咁得閒搏我檬得架, 同埋我又唔係李嘉欣呢!!!  若然有靚仔肯被我搏檬我又唔駒呢, 我有著數添呀, 哈哈哈哈哈哈!!!

不如大家睇睇有冇興趣學吖?  有話我知, 大家一齊做運動強身健體呀!!! 祝大家身體健康先!!!!!




And I have to put the following BJJ technique to share with you all too.  An awesome technique shared with me first by Hugo.  Muito obrigada!


  1. 我都好耐冇做過運動了。
    [版主回覆09/01/2010 21:04:00]你依家更加唔得閒出去做運動呀, 唔怕, 湊BB已經消耗好多卡路里架喇, 哈哈哈!!!

  2. It's an awesome workout, tell me in the beginning of the classes, do you actually do an exercise method known as Ginastica Natural as part of your warm-up, or perhaps you should ask your teacher if he knows it
    [版主回覆09/02/2010 22:03:00]Have you put on your fb before a video about Ginastica Natural? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDG8HacqGx4&feature=fvw  Seems I have seen sth similar on your fb.
    No, we haven't done any warm up like the video showed... and that's probably why Sal and I both have quite serious muscle sore in the next three/four days after the workout on Monday.  We had just some running and stretching exercises as warm up.  Next Monday when I'll have the workout again, I'll ask my instructor about Ginastica Natural. Muito obrigada Hugo

  3. I'm sure if you mention Ginastica Natural he will know it, you can even talk about the founder, Alvaro Romano, i had a workshop with him once about Ginastica Natural, in Brazil there are also some people who use another name for that animal movement exercise system which is Bioginastica : http://www.ginasticanatural.com/  
    [版主回覆09/04/2010 01:44:00]You have even had a workshop with Alvaro Romano before? Wow!!! Thanks for the weblink (Bone quin ho, lol) you sent me.  Definitely on Monday when I'll have class again, I'm gonna ask my instructor.  I guess the Brazilian guy who's a visiting instructor in our gym house knows Alvaro Romano too, as in the weblink you sent, Romano seems to have a very good reputation in Brazil.  Having mentioned the Brazilian instructor, I talked to him this evening in some very basic Portuguese words and he was so surprised (and looked quite happy too).  And in a sudden I am so proud of myself  (since he understood my pronunciations, lol).  Just kidding, I'm not boasting myself, as you know me well....
