Friday, August 20, 2010

葡萄牙之旅 12 - 遊 Nazaré

繼續繼續呢個葡萄牙之旅嘅遊記, 我唔要爛尾, 哈哈哈!!

呢日下午向Nazaré進發! Nazaré擁有一個好長而沙幼嘅沙灘, 所以每年夏天時, 都吸引好多遊客同埋泳客來到Nazaré。 好可惜我到訪時正值寒冬 (實情葡萄牙嘅冬天都唔係話非常之凍, 比起英國呢種歐洲國家已經相對和暖), 所以遊客不多, 泳客更加冇。

Large Portugal Map

Welcome to Nazaré!!! 

沙灘旁一帶有好多商店, 賣紀念品; 另外仲有好多餐廳, 呢度最好味嘅食物一定係海鮮, 因為呢個城市係一個漁港。第二張相嘅沙灘係咪好大呢?? 

穿梭於Nazaré住宅區的小巷, 好有趣。

傳統嘅Nazaré婦女, 都穿著呢種傳統衣服。

Nut seller in traditional gear

(source of photo: )

跟著要講小小痛苦經歷, 就係: 千祈記住唔好, 好似我咁, 等到3pm後先搵中午飯食, 因為絕大部份嘅葡萄牙餐廳, 3-6pm左右差不多全部都休息, 我周圍搵左幾咁耐先搵到地方食飯, 去唔到一位旅遊家推介要去試食嘅另外兩間餐廳, 實在好可惜。

去左海邊一間看似ok嘅餐廳, 唔知會唔會好掠水兼d食物難食呢......試下先。叫左葡萄牙其中一樣最出名嘅魚 - Sardines。呢間餐廳嘅sardines烤得好正呀! 完全係熱辣辣, 出晒煙架!!  好正呀, 一個餐有四條魚, 連埋個地道嘅Superbock牌啤酒, 我飽到將近反肚咁滯呀

之後周圍行, 成日隨街都見嘅葡萄牙地磚....好靚, 好靚, 好靚呀!!!! 

之後就搭小車上山上嘅Sitio, 從高處睇番頭先Nazaré鎮嘅全景先。

非常掃興嘅事情終於發生, 就係上到山上, 開始狂落大雨。我覺得葡萄牙嘅冬天, 最恐怖唔係凍, 係大雨 + 大風一齊來!!  神經架, 唔係講大話, 真係吹到我頭痛。 見落完一輪, 停左一陣雨, 就即刻周圍走走看看, 影幾張相留作紀念, 然後就離開。

從呢度可以看番山下嘅Nazaré鎮, 景色都幾壯觀的。

呢度已經係大西洋喇!! (Atlantic Ocean) 嘩!!!!!

今日呢個Nazaré之旅有d失望, 因為全個下午天氣都好唔穩定, 仲有時落起大雨, 影出來嘅相片都黑天黑地咁, 希望將來有機會再來, 到時一定要留番d美麗回憶先得。

Bye bye Nazaré!!!!!!   下一站: Evora

穿梭葡萄牙之旅 2009-10 --- 待續! 


  1. 呢個亞婆婆, 我影完佢相,佢要我比錢佢, 或者幫佢買NUTS!!  我唯有SELECT 買NUTS.  可惜我去那都是下雨, 否則夏天的Nazare 成個海灘都是一排排的泳屋, 可美呢!!
    [版主回覆08/21/2010 11:36:00]係呀係呀, 如果夏天去Nazare, 海灘景色一定極唔同, 我好想見下海灘一排排泳屋嘅場景呀 , 你又係咁唔好彩去到落雨? 據我葡萄牙朋友講, 葡萄牙夏天熱到儍, 同埋好乾, 但我覺得會好過香港咁濕....乜真係會問攞錢架? 我當時驚個阿婆鬧我影佢所以只係遠影, 因為之前睇外國旅遊書話呢d阿婆唔比人影會鬧人的, 但估唔到佢竟然係問你攞錢喎!!  

  2.  I love Nazaré, in fact next year i'm planning to start doing bodyboard again, if that's the case i will have to visit for a few times, it is a popular bodyboard spot, lol
    [版主回覆08/25/2010 23:29:00]oh great, I can join you to Nazaré next time then, haha... and you have to show me your bodyboard skills

  3. Lol. My bodyboard skills , i'll be happy if i won't end up drowning myself, least bodyboard isn't that difficult when comparing to surf. But it's been awhile since i last tried bodyboard, i still have my first board at home but it would have to be repaired and so i prefer to buy a new one instead, hahaha
    [版主回覆08/29/2010 00:14:00]Make sure you get a new one soon and don't get drowned, haha.  And I'll record your bodyboard on the sea and put it onto Utube, lol

  4. 好一句我唔要爛尾! give me five!! 我都中過蕉, 拖下拖下過晒lunch time, 鬼咁肚餓又關晒門!! 係香港亞洲先咁好, 幾時都有野食~
    [版主回覆09/13/2010 20:06:00]iris, 大家都要努力完全任務, 我決定唔要中途放棄呀, 哈哈哈!
    在歐洲過左食飯時間, 真係隨時冇野食要食穀種呀 !! 最慘又唔流行7-11呢種便利店, 想話買個麵食都唔得, 亞洲在呢方面真係超級方便呀!!!

  5. Thank you for your sharing! I found Portugal really attractive after reading your blog.  I will be in Portugal for 4 days only in late Oct, so which places should I go? Should I go to Lisbon only?!  Please help!!
    [版主回覆09/13/2010 20:14:00]Hello Diaper Cake, indeed thanks for visiting my blog ! Wow, I suppose late Oct is a fantastic time to visit Portugal. Same time last year some friends of mine visited Portugal and they said the weather was brilliant - not cold or hot, just perfect!  4 days... kind of hard to decide which places to visit to in Portugal, isn't it? Portugal isn't as big as, perhaps its neighbor Spain, but still you won't be able travel to many different places as it would be too tiring for you. I guess you may stay in Lisbon and walk around, see things in a more leisurely way. Besides Lisbon city center, I'd highly recommend you to visit Sintra too. Sintra is so so so beautiful. It's easily accessible from Lisbon (from Lisbon there're trains going to Sintra in every 20mins or so, so it's very convenient).  There are some very famous and beautiful castles and palaces in Sintra.

  6. Thanks Ta for your advice, I am also considering which hotel I should stay in Lisbon, which district is convenient to travel around?
    [版主回覆09/14/2010 22:39:00]You're welcome !!  Last time I stayed at a hotel in the area called Restauradores. Both Rossio and Restauradores are the city center areas, and there are loads of hotels/hostels there. The accommodation in Lisbon (and all over Portugal indeed) are comparatively much cheaper than, for example, those in Italy and the UK. You may want to search on to get more info. At there, you can check the tariff and availability of a lot of nicely priced hostels in Portugal, and before you make any decision, you can read the comments too (I guess you know these kinds of things very well already )
