Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Bem-vindo a Macao ~ 3!

之前講話我今次去澳門一毫子都冇駛過, 係因為我同行嘅朋友差不多包晒我飲食兼船飛錢!!

話說我朋友係某賭場嘅會員, 佢每次搭船過澳門, 都可以換到兩張豪華船飛, 咁佢今次就係咁樣換船飛比我喇!  而返香港時, 本來得我一個自己返, 我亦預左自己買飛的, 但因為落大雨冇乜地方去, 於是乎, 我就咁人生第二次入賭場喇。朋友嘅老公又因為贏左D積分, 幫我換左張返香嘅普通位....所以又唔駛錢!!! 

我朋友一家今次仲由頭到尾請我食飯, 餐餐都唔駛攞個銀包出來, 真係好唔好意思呀。

同埋, 我諗住攞左賭場咁多著數, 就奉獻$100玩老虎機, 諗住輸左算同賭場無瓜無葛...點知, 竟然掉番轉, 贏左$120!!  哈哈哈, 所以, 你話今次我去澳門一日遊係咪一毫子都冇駛過呢....

其實我好孤寒, 亦冇賭運, 更唔想宣傳賭博, 所以下次去澳門, 都係做番D我喜歡嘅 ~ 睇景, 飲飲食食 ~ 啱我多D喇!! 


In my last entry, I mentioned that I didn't spend a penny on this one-day trip to Macao... that's becoz the friends who went together paid for my whole trip.  Why was that?

Indeed, my friend is a member of a casino club (The Venetian), and each time she goes to Macao, she can claim two free one-way deluxe class hydrofoil tickets, and this time she redeemed one ticket for me.  I had prepared to pay for my way back myself, but the husband of my friend won some credits on his casino card with MGM Grand and he could claim a free ferry ticket (Macao to HK).  He redeemed one for me, so again.... I didn't have to pay for my way back!!  Hahaa!!! 

My friend and her husband insisted to pay for all the meals we had, so I didn't spend any money on eating....

AND.... I won some money at the MGM Grand casino.  The fact is that becoz it was raining mad when we were in Macao and we couldn't go anywhere except somewhere covered, and so we hanged around in casinos most of the time.  Since I have got free ferry tickets, so I guess it would be good if I "spent" some money at the casinos, so casinos & me = break even!!  I put down $100 on the slot machines, and thought I would stop when the $100 was all lost.  But I couldn't believe I was lucky this time at the casino!  I won $120 instead!  Haha!!!

I'm mean, I'm unlucky on gambling, PLUS I don't like gambling, so next time I go back, I hope I could do what I would normally do as a tourist ~ which is sightseeing + eat and drink!!  I think I'll enjoy Macao better this way!!! 


以下嘅相, 其實係我上年一月頭去澳門玩時所影。上年澳門有一個達文西展, 可能你地之前有聽過我講, 我係達文西粉絲, 所以又點會放過呢個機會??!!  呢個亦係我上次去澳門嘅最大原因。

The pictures below are indeed taken by me last year when I visited Macao in early January.  They had an exhibition on Leonardo Da Vinci and some of you may have already known that I am a great fan of him... so how could I miss this exhibition?



Casinos are in everywhere in Macao.... This is the original Casino Lisboa.


And the new Casino Lisboa....


We had buffet lunch at the top floor of the Macao Tower.  It's a restaurant.  The views of Macao from here were spectacular!


Some people were walking outside when we were eating.... I thought they were going to have a bumgy jump!


The road signs in Macao are always so beautiful.....


We first had some famous "Pork chop burger" (豬扒飽") (horrible translation!!) at a famous cafe'.



The view of the Venetian Complex (Casino and Hotel) from across the lake (or is it actually a pond?) 


The interior of the Venetians Casino.  Becoz it's still around Christmas time, so they still had the Christmas trees there.


Life is so boring without delicious dessertssssssss.


  1. 好寫意吓 ! 我最想去 Macao Tower 's  restaurant ! 享受那風景 ! ha ha......... !
    [版主回覆04/02/2009 08:51:00]係呀, Macao Tower上個旋轉餐廳, 一路食一路享受美麗風景, 好寫意... haha....

  2. 我都唔鍾意賭, 去澳門都係飲飲食食會開心d!
    [版主回覆04/02/2009 08:52:00]我亦都係鍾意飲飲食食, 賭我唔係咁好.....

  3. Wow...the third installement of your trip to Macao, just like the Lord of the rings the english translation for the road sign included in one of your pictures is the stairs of the limp, hahaha...pork chop bun...hahaha... 我 鍾意 豬扒包
    [版主回覆04/02/2009 22:08:00]yes, I wonder why many roads and streets in Macao have funny names... does it mean anything special in Portugese?  Really?  you like 豬扒包..... come to Macao!!  Let's fado, and let's eat Pork chop buns too!!!  Hahaa...

  4. 去佐大利來? 係咪好多人啊?
    [版主回覆04/02/2009 22:10:00]唔知係咪大陸唔准自由行嘅人瘋狂賭博, 所以我地見幾間賭場都唔係咁多人....
