Wednesday, April 22, 2009

無事做的日子 ~ 1

個網誌標題真係好衰....無事生產唔係本人喜愛嘅野, 本人向來都唔鐘意得閒得滯嘅日子, 所以成日都填時間。我以前一路諗, 希望50歲可以退休, 點知唔駛等到50, 依家可以試下退休係點感受, 原來感受係: 有D無無聊聊呀.....

坐食就山崩, 雖然不致於即時餓死, 但做人都要積極D得架!

得各方好友介紹之下, 我在網上導師網, 搵到2份補習, 一份係補小一全科, 一份係補中二英文。小一那位女仔, 其實係我中學嘅小學部, 小一D野好易, 只不過個細路女極分心, 個腦經常好似遊雲一樣!!!  至於那個中二學生, 今個星期六先開始, 不過我已經好耐世紀冇補中學生, 而且佢讀英中, 唔知我會唔會唔識佢D野咁大鑊呢?????  係就樣衰死喇!!

查實我以前未畢業就諗住做老師, 不過做唔成; 今時今日變左做補習老師囉!!  因為朋友介紹另一些朋友, 所以我突然間有5份補習!  但係....唔駛替我開心住, 因為D補習有D只係1星期1或2日, 搵鬼到錢咩!!!

依家有咁多自己時間, 我驚遲D當要返番一份正常嘅工作嘅時候, 我會唔慣添.....

所以我要做下時間分配: 早上溫下意大利文, 或者睇多D英文書; 下午補習; 晚上就...當然悠下, 上下網同朋友傾計啦!!  哈哈哈!!! 

話時話, 今晚2:30am (HK time)祖記對拉素!  意大利杯係祖記今季唯一希望, 大家唔該大力支持祖記可以出線 (呢排踢得咁衰, 都唔知掂唔掂呀)


The days of the unemployed... that's such a bad title for this entry!  But truly, that reflects my state of life now... I don't like to be this free, but when I'm this free, what else can I do?  Let me fill my day with lots of stuff.....

Once, I wish I could retire at the age of 50.  I don't have to wait until 50, I am already living like a retired person now...

Let me enjoy my life while also take some part time jobs to fill my day (and also can stuff my wallet too)!!!  Hahaa... I start tutoring kids.  I had hoped to be a teacher when I was still at college.  I failed to be a teacher, but I succeed to be a tutor now.  Becoz of the referrals of friends, I have now got 5 tutorial jobs!  But don't be happy for me yet: for some kids, I'm only tutoring them once or twice a week, and it's only such little money I'm earning. But at least, it's better than NOTHING.

I shall plan for my vacation (!!!) well.... let me revise my Italian or read more books on English in the morning, or listen to some good music or watch a movie; then in the afternoon, I'll go out to tutor kids; and at night, time is reserved for using the internet and chatting with friends.

Gosh... how can I cope with a normal work life again later??  But who knows what will happen tomorrow?  Let me enjoy my life now and do things I like. 

Time will tell......

Oh yes, by the way, there'll be the match at 2:30am tomorrow morning for Juve (Juve vs Lazio)... Coppa Italia will be the only hope for Juve this season, as Serie A championship will most probably goes to Inter this season (AGAIN!, ehhhhhhh).  Forza Juve!  (but Juve has been doing so badly recently... any hope that they can beat Lazio and thru to the finals?). 

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