Saturday, March 12, 2011

The King's Speech

尋日放左工走去左去戲院睇 "The King's Speech", 呢套戲對我來講實在好好睇, 對白好精警, 真實的歷史元素, 再加上 Colin Firth嘅演技, 以特價 $50幾元睇呢套戲, 真係好過之後先租碟或者係上網xxxx來睇啦, 哈哈哈! 

The King's Speech (Film)
File:Kings speech ver3.jpg

我最先對 Colin Firth做嘅戲有好印象, 係緣自一套佢做過嘅BBC電視劇, 改編自名作家 Jane Austin一本名著 "Pride and Prejudice" ("傲慢與偏見")。當時讀書時因為 take一個 subject係關於 Jane Austin, 所以特登走去買左呢套戲嘅DVD睇睇睇, 然後寫 report。

唔知閣下是否喜歡 Jane Austin嘅小說, 但我自己就真係麻麻喇...佢D小說來來去去都係講差唔多嘅野, 悶到飛起。講真, 我都唔特別覺得"傲慢與偏見"有幾好睇, 我諗我唔識欣賞佢嘅名著


I went to see "The King's Speech" yesterday after work.  I like this movie very much - the witty dialogues, some authetic historical background , plus the excellent performance of Colin Firth (almost a guarantee, lol). It's really worth the $50 or so to see it at the cinema than to rent its DVD from stores or to xxx from the internet later on, hahaa!!

The King's Speech, Colin Firth

The first movie of Colin Firth that I watched and started to have good memory of him is a TV film from BBC called "Pride and Prejudice" - adapted from a famous novel of the same name from Jane Austin.  At that time I was studying and doing a subject regarding Jane Austin. In order to do a report on her writings, I picked "Pride and Prejudice", bought the DVD and watched several times.

I'm not sure if anyone here likes Jane Austin, but personally I don't find her novels very interesting.  Boring instead, however, because the topics in her novels are more or less the same thing.  Honestly, I don't think "Pride and Prejudice" is particularly good. Perhaps, I can't appreciate her style of writing.    


  1. 我都有睇The King's Speech,佢演得唔錯呀。哈哈我以前讀書時都要寫Pride & Prejudice讀書報告架,後來睇埋BBC電視版同埋黑白片電影版本,Colin Firth成個Mr. Darcy咁款,你有冇睇Bridget Jone's Diary?佢入面做既Mr. Darcy都好好笑,但我覺得黑白片年代既Lawrence Olivier重似Darcy呀!哈哈!!
    [版主回覆03/13/2011 20:03:00]乜有黑白電影版本的? 未睇過呀...但邊度有黑白版本睇呀?? 我冇睇過 Bridget Jone's Diary, 但好想睇, 或者遲D租碟睇番先得。Mr. Darcy就緊係型啦, 但電視版裡面那班恨嫁恨到痴線嘅女人就比較難頂呢, 哈哈哈!

  2. 哈哈... 我屋企都有「傲慢與偏見」那套DVD呀~~ 我超like個男女主角!
    [版主回覆03/15/2011 18:51:00]你那套DVD係邊個做男女主角呀? 呢套名著唔知係咪有好多個版本呢?

  3. Pride & Prejudice我都有睇呀! (both DVD and book ar) 其他jane austin的就冇睇la! 都唔記得左o個個係Colin Firth lu~ 要去到BJ先對佢有深d印象~
    [版主回覆03/15/2011 22:49:00]個時我睇Pride and Prejudice本書覺得有D悶, 因為我覺得內容頗為婆媽, 哈哈哈! 我諗 Jane Austen嘅年代, D女人應該係食飽無憂米, 唔駛做工成日成班圍埋對男人評頭品足 ... 話時話, 我反而冇睇過 BJ呀, 要搵日睇番先得!
