Thursday, December 16, 2010

I'm my own grandpa!!!!

呢首歌唔知大家有冇聽過呢?  我覺得好攪笑, 所以想同大家分享一下。首歌真係複雜到冇人有, 要聽得明真係好難, 起碼我就已經比首歌攪到頭都暈呀!  完全唔關英文事, 而係你要好有logical mind先得, !!! 即管試下, 難唔難到大家吖!!! (歌詞在下午, 大家可以參考幫助解迷團...)

Just wonder if any of you have ever heard of this song before?   It's such an amusing song that I wanna share with all of you.  The song is complicated - it's complicated with the idea the singer is talking about. There's nothing to do with the English language itself .  You gotta have a very clear and logical mind in order to be able to follow and understand!  Anyway, give it a shot!  (the lyrics are in the bottom of this entry so you can read and listen at the same time, see if they can help you solve the logical problem at all...)




Many, many years ago when I was just twenty-three,

I was married to a widow, who was pretty as could be.

This widow had a grown-up daughter who had hair of red

My father fell in Love with her, and soon the two were wed.


This made my dad my son-in-law-- and changed my very life!

My daughter was my mother cause she was my father's wife!

To complicate the matter even though it brought me joy,

I soon became the father of a bouncing baby boy.


My little baby then became a brother-in-law to Dad.

And so it became my uncle--made me very sad!

For if he was my uncle then he also was a brother

To the widow's grown-up daughter, who, of course, was my stepmother.



I'm my own grandpa! I'm my own grandpa.

It sounds funny, I know, but it really is so

Oh, I'm my own grandpa!.


My father's wife then had a son who kept them on the run.

And, he became my grandchild because he was my daughter's son. 

My wife is now my mother's mother and this makes me blue

Because although she is my wife, she's my grandmother too!


Now if my wife is my grandmother, then I am her grandchild,

And every time that I think about this, it nearly drives me wild!

For now I have become the strangest case that you ever saw

As husband of my grandmother, I'm my own grandpa!



I'm my own grandpa! I'm my own grandpa.

It sounds funny, I know, but it really is so

Oh, I'm my own grandpa!.


  1. 寫嘅人一定係素食者>>>>隊草
    [版主回覆12/17/2010 18:52:00]如果隊左會咁勁寫得出呢d歌詞, 我都想隊呀

  2. Pandora 香傭講法文21 December 2010 at 20:35

    [版主回覆12/22/2010 16:50:00]的確非常搞野
