Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Eat, sik, comer, mangiare 3 - The Wine and Food Lover's Guide to Portugal!!

等左成 3個星期, 頸都長晒!  終於今日冬至好日子, 收到呢本新書喇!!!!!!!

冇錯, 懷念美食攪到我又買左一本有關葡萄牙美食 + 美酒嘅書。呢一本書, 真係真正講飲食, 唔似以前買嘅係以食譜做主那種, 好野, 經過多次努力, 買啱書了!!

呢本書絕對值得帶埋去葡萄牙玩同飲食時用, 只不過本書好重。Wine我唔係太熱衷, 反而葡萄牙嘅食物我就真係好難忘, 由小食至餸菜、甜品, 我都鐘意。呢本書最有趣地方係, 仔細介紹葡萄牙每區嘅飲食資料、特色, 書末還有 Portuguese-English Wine and Food Dictionary。

本書先有chapters介紹: Wine in Portugal, Food in Portugal, 然後將葡萄牙分作多個地區, 再詳細介紹每個地區: Wine, Eat, Explore, Sleep。 

還有一部分, 介紹葡萄牙文化。

雖則葡萄牙國土不是很大 (面積: 92,090 sq km), 但原來都有不少 World Heritage Sites (世界文化遺產):

1.  Historic centre of Guimaraes

2. Historic centre of Porto

3. Alto Douro

4. Coa Valley pre-historic rock art

5. Mosteiro da Batalha

6. Mosteiro de Santa Maria de Alcobaca

7. Convento de Cristo

8. The palaces of Sintra

9. Mosteiro dos Jeronimos & Torre de Belem

10. Historic centre of Evora

11. Pico walled vineyards

12. Historic centre of Angra do Heroismo

13. Laurisilva forest

哈哈, 除左飲飲食食之外, 希望有朝一日, 我可以去得晒參觀上面所有世界遺產。


  1. 力高 --- 蛋糕22 December 2010 at 22:34

    ^^哈哈~阿TA~你真係對葡萄牙好有興趣呀下~~HAHAA~ 岩岩諗住係哩渡留言同你講聖誕節快樂,就比我發現到你岩岩打完日記~HAHA~ ANYWAYS~~MERRY CHRISTMAS AR!!
    [版主回覆12/22/2010 22:40:00]力高!!!! 你好呀 ! 你真係好有心呀, 特登走過來想祝福我! Merry Christmas to you too!!! 聖誕玩得開心呀! 你時間真係啱啱好, 我剛剛寫完篇 entry你咁啱又過來探我, haha! 多謝多謝你!  

  2. Pandora 香傭講法文22 December 2010 at 23:03

    [版主回覆12/23/2010 18:56:00]你去過葡萄牙邊d城市玩呀?

  3. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!

    [版主回覆12/24/2010 18:46:00]Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too, 7e!!!!!

  4. 平安夜快樂。
    [版主回覆12/24/2010 23:19:00]多謝你, 我都祝你聖誕節快樂, 玩得開心!

  5. Hi from is a belate Merry Christmas but wish Happy New Year.
    Convento de Cristo is in Tomar. Tomar has a big festival called "Festa dos tabuleiros" that is held for every 4 years. It will be in early of July 2011 and last for a week.
    [版主回覆12/28/2010 18:22:00]Hi there!  Thanks a lot for your information . Oh, if you didn't tell me, I wouldn't have remembered that Convento de Cristo is from Tomar, I mean I have been to Tomar but I can't remember exactly the name of the place. Tomar is a nice place but unfortunately when I went there last year in December, it was raining hard and I stayed only half day. I wish so much that I could one day return there and see the town more deeply.
    BTW, thanks so much for telling us the next "Festa dos tabuleiros" will be held in July 2011.... oh dear, I think I'll have to wait until 2015 in order to participate in the festival then....

  6. Pandora 香傭講法文7 January 2011 at 04:38

    Lisboa, Tomar, Sintra , Batalha, Evora
    [版主回覆01/07/2011 17:45:00]wow, you have been to quite many places in Portugal!!  Brilliant!  Next time when I'm going to Portugal, I'll be visiting Batalha. Last time it was too rush and I didn't have enough time. Plus Sintra is such a beautiful town that I must return, haha.
