Friday, July 23, 2010

New job...

想同大家分享一個消息, 就係, 我8月開始, 就重返職場, 因為我已經搵到一份新工了....

其實正確些來講, 我並冇搵過工, 呢份工係自己來搵我的, 何解呢?  因為呢份工係一年零四個月前將我 laid off 嘅公司嘅工!! 

記得舊年四月頭某一日, 一朝早返到公司, 我阿頭即刻關門, 同我講呢一個裁員嘅消息, 雖然我從來未試過被裁員, 但因為集團在之前幾個月已經出現左第一round裁員, 所以大家有心理準備, 隨時有一刻來個第二round, 任何一個人都有呢個機會。當日被laid off雖然唔開心, 但唔知何解, 心情在幾日之內已經平服。今時今日, lay off呢樣野並不樣衰, 被 lay off又如何, 世界咁大, 總有我生存嘅空間, 東家唔打, 打西家啦。

經過呢1年零4個月嘅補習生涯, 睇盡人生百態, 好彩, 並唔係話讚自己, 本人都算好有責任心, 所以補習工作, 基本上家長係對我有好大需求。可是, 有工作做並唔代表搵到錢。

回想番過去呢16個月嘅生活, 我好喜歡能夠教育小朋友, 能夠見證佢地大部分, 都在學業上有不少嘅進步, 有好大嘅滿足感。但.....在報酬上, 根本係吃力不討好, 每日在短時間內, 奔波於不同嘅學生家中, 體力嚴重透支, 身心非常疲乏, 賺不多太多錢之餘, 花於影印、紙張、交通上嘅開支亦很多, 而且有很多次, 因為一日內講太長時間說話, 喉嚨好痛。收入又唔穩定, 考試期間好多家長想你勁加堂;但考試完畢就放個長假, 我嘅收入極之唔穩定, 而我嘅情緒亦都長期處於擔心嘅狀態。

由於舊公司有人走, 佢地想搵人來救命, 所以搵番我。我考慮左一輪, 應唔應該同錢作對?  好快我就決定唔會同錢作對!!  laid off我嘅人遠在總部London, 但我每日合作嘅人並非佢地;雖然佢地開出嘅條件並不特別吸引, 但肯定比起我現在嘅工作情況好好多。

我想自己開補習社嘅理想並冇改變, 返回舊公司後, 應該可以比我有更多時間去好好計劃和籌備。呢份工並非一份我會做到退休嘅工作, 睇過呢個世界最真實嘅一面後, 我已經學得更懂未雨籌謀, 為錢, 為將來, 我希望用最短時間賺多個錢在身;然後再去實現自己嘅夢想。

說到底, 有好好計劃同籌謀, 才有更大的成功的機會。我唔想做一個只有一個勇字在心口的人......

多謝大家又聽我講左一番廢話, 哈哈哈!  祝大家都生活愉快, 工作順利


****** I'm trying to translate what I have written above into English, haha **********

I'd like to share some news with you all - that is, I have found a new job and will be returning to work full time again in early August.

I haven't been looking for any jobs for such a long time already.  I simply had no motivation at all to look for a full time job.  I don't know why.  Probably it's because of my laziness, or I was being too busy with tutorials, or simply, I have been discouraged too much during the job searching and interview process in the past one year or so that I totally have given up on searching for any jobs in this so-called job market.   

This new job that I have just got is exactly the same one which I lost a year and four months ago.  How ridiculous!  16 months ago, I was laid off by them - it had nothing to do with my job performance; it wasn't because the company was losing money or encountering a huge drop in benefits.  It was simply because those fxxxing management people wanted a nice book in their accounting.  They cut me off in order to cut cost and made the company accounting looked good. But now, I'm returning.... because a veteran colleague has gone for some other better opportunities and they badly need someone to replace him.

Talking back, my supervisor and me had been well prepared for a lay off to take place at any time.  In fact, it's the "second round" of so-called "global layoff" which took place in my ex-compnay (and now my company again).  When the "first round" took place a few months earlier, some veteran colleague who had worked for about 15 years were laid off.  When this happened, one could imagine anything could happen to any staff members like myself - although I was only a small potato.

I still remember very well what happened on that day in early April last year.  Honestly, I was pretty sad on the day when I was laid off.  I have never been laid off in my work life but I don't know why.  I thought I handled it quite well.  I was already feeling quite ok about three days later.  Layoff isn't such a big thing NOW - and so what if it happens to me.  This isn't the end of the world.  The world is big, and there must be somewhere in which I can live and survive.

I have considered for a few days whether to take this job offer.  I love tutoring kids, but the reality is - being a private tutor is after all only a freelance job.  Yes, it gives me lots of freedom and I have more free time to do whatever I want when I don't tutor.  But at the same time, I'm earning much less money than before.  This job is very insecure and has no protection at all.  When I'm sick and can't tutor, I'll have to cancel class and that means I won't earn any money at all.  Also, technically speaking, I don't have any holiday at all.  I tutor seven days a week, although I don't tutor many hours a day. And when exams are approaching, parents of my students want me to tutor more; but once the exams are over, they'll not have classes for me for maybe two or three weeks.  This is so terrible for me.

To make it short, I'm returning to the old company simply for money and good benefits.  Apart from money, there are also the fringe benefits and the paid annual leaves.  How wonderful now that I can have some paid annual leaves ---- and I can have them in low season, hahaha!!!  Well, I'm already thinking when to travel again....

Thinking it in a more positive way, I have learned a large deal in the past 16 months.  I haven't given up my dream of opening up a tutorial center.  Returning to the old firm allows me to save more money, to have more time for myself, and to plan better for my future.  It helps me to settle down a bit now, as I really have worn out a lot - both physically and mentally - in the past 16 months from running around tutoring different kids in different areas.  There have been sooooo many times that so many friends asked what has happened to me - why I am looking so slim, or too slim. 

I don't know for how long I will and I can work for this company this time.  But so what?  I'll never know what will happen tomorrow anyway, so I don't wanna bother myself with so many UNKNOWNS.  What I can only do is to do my work as well as I can, and save as much money as I can. 

Haha, thanks guys and gals for having listened so much rubbish that I have said here.  I wish all of you a happy life and a successful career.  Enjoy your life in your ups and downs, no matter what.  Take care


  1. Forza!!做返舊公司好呀, 起碼知道點run d 野, 又會覺得好熟悉~~ : )
    [版主回覆07/24/2010 11:33:00]Chelsea, 係呀, 比較好嘅係, 我都大概知道公司嘅運作, 而且班人又全部認識, 唔駛驚適應問題。其實香港office嘅呢班同事都係為生活, 並冇甚麼衰野, 我最討厭係人事問題, 只想簡簡單單, 嘻嘻嘻!!

  2. 村姑 C 9 仔 *.*24 July 2010 at 00:40

    你老細不嬲都對你咁好。你返去做一定會開心既 ! 雖然個心可能會有d 不是味兒, 不過, 現實 d 真係唔好同 $ 作對呀~
    [版主回覆07/24/2010 11:30:00]多謝村姑您 !! 係啦, 呢個世界圓嘅, 我盡量做好自己本份, 其餘野我又控制唔到的, 所以順其自然啦, 我為現實唔會同$作對, 當自己到達一個stage可以有新發展時, 咪抽身離開囉, 哈哈!!  我對公司有保留, 唔知會唔會過幾年又來個裁員, 所以現在一定向錢看, 希望發展補習事業, 除左係自己喜愛, 亦都可以幫到小朋友 & 佢地嘅家長...好多廢話添, 哈哈
    得閒約埋Lily出來tea or lunch呀!!

  3. 恭喜你啦,唔洗為收入而煩惱.....希望你快D儲夠錢開補習社啦....記得叫我教中文、通識同中/西史(我係補習社都教緊呢D)....中一至中七都得(遲D得中六了).....
    [版主回覆07/24/2010 11:25:00]多謝晒尼維特兄您 !! 我當然記得你係中文, 中史 勁!!  嘩原來你西史 & 通識都掂呀?  太好喇, 我一早就知你係個好有責任感同埋學識好嘅人, 我一定預你一份, 希望有機會合作呀!  你教唔教小學野架?? 例如中文寫作技巧呢種課程??  

  4. I'm here, but i think you may have forgotten  i can't read chinese, lol...anyway, i'm not coming online today, so maybe chat you tomorrow, i can see London there, don't tell me you're moving to London, lol
    [版主回覆07/24/2010 21:06:00]oh no, sorry, hahaa!!  I'm going to translate it into English in a few minutes for you, haha.  I forgot it's weekend so you may not come online today. yea, hopefully let's chat tomorrow.  Well, if they offer me free accommodation and pay for the electricity, I'll consider moving to London, but of course those new management people will never do so.  I probably have told you before that a few years ago, in fact, the old boss offered me the chance to move and set up a new office in Sydney but I declined it. I like Australia, but it's too remote for me, haha.  I've got no good friends there, and there're no "live" European football matches but only rugby, so I wasn't keen, lol.

  5. 喂~~ 恭喜晒呀~~
    我都祝你工作順利, 搵多d 錢, 去多d 旅行啦~~
    [版主回覆07/25/2010 10:47:00]多謝你呀, Ah dull !!!  其實正如上文所講, 返去做係現實生活問題, 在呢個工揀人嘅香港地, 要成功見成一份工請你真係談何容易, 所以依家唔駛見唔駛做乜, 就取得一個有瓦遮頭嘅地方, 已經好難得, 我都唔敢再講呢講龍...問心講, 為錢為安全感為現實!!!  自己做私人補習係冇保障嘅工作, 隨時隨地冇工做, 我希望生活可以改善得到, 唔可以話 "理想/你想" 行頭就得....有穩定工作同收入之後, 比較可以再諗做其他野...嘻嘻嘻, 當然包括最好玩嘅旅行啦!!!!!!!
    大家咁話, 去多d旅行見識呢個世界先得!!!!!!!  (你幾時得閒快d update你嘅 Italy trip呀??我等得好心急呀!!!!!!!!) hahahaa

  6. 好野,你又返回中環了? 做人就係咁搞笑,以為冇回頭,但到最後又返到起步位了。我都係咁,大家都要加油呀!
    [版主回覆07/25/2010 22:47:00]好野, 有記性, 哈哈哈, 係呀, 我8月頭又返番去中環喇, 可能隨時在街見到你都唔定, ...不過我唔知你乜樣, 哈哈!! 
    做人真係奇怪, 我都冇諗過返去再做, 呢樣野都唔常發生....依家我要盡快通知學生嘅家長我唔教, 不過有部分成個7月都唔補, 又唔係香港, 我都唔知點搞好.... 

  7. 恭喜你呀!! 理想又好現實都好, 都係新一頁新開始! 祝你事事順利! 呢個現實社會, 我地想做咩都要先諗點搵錢, 冇辦法啦~ 向前想, 幾辛苦都係為實現自己想做o既事, 大家一齊努力!!
    [版主回覆07/28/2010 16:09:00]多謝你 Iris !!  回到現實, 係為錢生活, 而且好似你話頭, 做乜都好, 都要先有錢先可以行事, 包括我最喜歡嘅旅行 。如果冇一份正正式式嘅工作做證明, 好多野都做唔到, 小至申請信用卡, 大至買樓做mortgage, 申請 travel visa等等, 而且, 有一間公司遮陰, 起碼有基本勞工保障, 有假期, 病假等。
    我都祝你事事順利, 生活愉快, 得閒我地又出來食飯傾下計呀

  8. Swedish Hongkongese30 July 2010 at 05:42

    做住先囉, 到時妳搵到份好工, 飛起佢!!!
    [版主回覆07/30/2010 10:29:00]多謝晒你 !!  係呀, 實在我對佢地已經完全失去信心, 不過無可否認, 我都要好多謝佢地比機會我今次可以脫離唔穩定嘅生活, 可以再度過番d好d嘅生活。出去挨過世界後, 先知出邊嘅世界唔易呢...今次更加會努力儲多d錢, 為未來做多d準備, 哈哈, 搵到更好嘅野時, 咪....飛佢囉, 哈哈哈!!! 

  9. Swedish Hongkongese30 July 2010 at 15:37

    好欣賞妳咁正面的態度!!! 努力, 加油!!! Yeah!!!
    [版主回覆07/31/2010 11:01:00]多謝多謝, 希望正面d想野, 做人都要多d正能量, 咁好野先有機會來自己身邊嘛,
