哈哈哈, 抵死
!! 希望唔好得罪一眾喜歡法國嘅blog友, 不過我最討厭法國, 並唔係種族歧視, 係本人多次親身經驗。
所以見到呢個報導之後, 要即刻同佢地宣揚開去, 唔係點對得住佢地呀!!!
成為世上最討人厭嘅遊客, 自有佢地不平凡嘅多面 (絕對多過一面好多)!!!
PARIS (Reuters Life!) – French tourists are the worst in the world, coming across as bad at foreign languages, tight-fisted and arrogant, according to a survey of 4,500 hotel owners across the world.
They finish in last place in the survey carried out for internet travel agency Expedia by polling company TNS Infratest, which said French holidaymakers don't speak local languages and are seen as impolite.
"It's mainly the fact that they speak little or no English when they're abroad, and they don't speak much of the local language," Expedia Marketing Director Timothee de Roux told radio station France Info.
"The French don't go abroad very much. We're lucky enough to have a country which is magnificent in terms of its landscape and culture," he said, adding that 90 per cent of French people did their traveling at home.
"So when they're on holiday they can be a bit stressed, they're not used to things, and this can lead them to be demanding in a way which could be seen as a certain arrogance."
French tourists are also accused of generally spending less than other nationalities when abroad.
De Roux said the French, not accustomed to leaving large tips at home where a service charge is automatically levied on restaurant bills, can seem "tight-fisted" compared with other nationalities.
The Japanese ranked top of the Best Tourist survey, with the British and the Germans judged the best of the Europeans.
But French tourists received some consolation for their poor performance, finishing third after the Italians and British for dress sense while on holiday.
(Reporting by Joseph Tandy; editing by James Mackenzie)
ReplyDelete[版主回覆07/10/2009 20:40:00]D人真係超級..............
哈哈~ 講得好到point呢~~弊在法國人唔會檢討下!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆07/11/2009 13:37:00]係囉, 最弊係佢地唔覺得自己有問題囉!!!!
Take that, France
ReplyDelete[版主回覆07/11/2009 13:37:00]It serves them right, hahahahaa!!
拿拿拿, 我唔係話好鍾意法國咋. 不過我又唔覺法國人真係好似篇文講得咁差咋喎.
[版主回覆07/11/2009 13:39:00]好多人都話, 在外國遇到嘅法國人唔係衰架喎.... 可能係真啦, 但我好唔好彩, 在法國遇到好多衰格嘅法國人....
你遇到嘅好得意?? 點得意呢? 得閒講我地聽下好呀, haha!!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆07/12/2009 12:35:00]Thanks very much Sam! You too, have a nice Sunday.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆07/12/2009 17:15:00]好啱呀呵???