Thursday, July 09, 2009



I have lately received a little gift.... a hand-made fan!!

把扇係咪好得意呢??  哈哈哈....查實一睇就知呢把扇係細路仔做, 你望真D會見到, 上面有我個名, 又有另一個名。

呢把扇係我一個學生送比我嘅。學生係我一個好朋友個女, 我同佢全家非常熟, 以前我幫佢另一個女補過習, 依家因為暫時都做私人補習, 所以又幫佢呢外一個女補下習。

Isabel知我在一個學生度補習, 不但冇冷氣, 就連風扇都冇, 熱到痴肺, 所以佢話要送把扇比我補習時用!! 

我睇見把扇都覺得好窩心。雖然把扇咁小朋友, 點會真係攞出來撥涼, 但係佢真係做得好有心機, 佢仲寫埋我地個名上去, 又貼晒貼子!!! Hahhaa..


佢下個禮拜要返英國3個星期, 佢前兩日無端端問我:

Isabel: "Anita, 你可唔可以比張相我呀?"

我: "下?  你要我張相仲乜呀?"

Isabel: "我想帶你張相去UK, 我驚我會唔記得你個樣呀!!"

哈哈哈哈哈!!  你話細路仔可愛得黎, 係幾鬼搞笑???!! 

(我由佢出世識到佢依家, 點會唔記得我個樣呀?????)


Does this fan look cute?  In fact it's not difficult to guess from the above two pictures that this fan was made by a little kid.  And if you look closely, you can even see the names of mine and another girl. 

This fan is given to me by a student of mine.  She is also a daughter of a good friend of mine.  I know my friend and his family for a long long time.  Once I tutored his elder daughter, and now I'm tutoring his other daughter Isabel.

Isabel knew that I have a student who didn't switch on his fan (not even mention air-conditioner) when I tutor him, so she made this fan for me, hoping that I can at least cool myself down a bit whenever I have to tutor that student.

I was really touched when I received this little gift.  This fan looks pretty childish to be honest, so how can I really take it out to fan it?  But I really appreciate her love and kindness for me.   

This fan is not expensive, but for me it's precious!  It's so touching there's somebody there who  spends time and makes things for me.....

She's going back to the UK next week.  Two days ago when I tutored her, she suddenly asked me...

Isabel: "Anita, can you give me a photo of yours?"

Me: "Huh?  Why do you want a photo of mine?"

Isabel: "Becoz I'm going to the UK for three weeks.  I'm afraid I will forget your face."

Hahahahaa.... Can you see how cute and funny a child could get to?????? 

(But at least I'm very happy becoz that means she doesn't want to forget me... hahahaa)


  1. 又真係好sweet喎!真係咩辛苦都忘記晒!
    [版主回覆07/09/2009 19:29:00]Bear Bear, 呢個真係非常sweet!!  我個friend個女好識 "lum"人架....

  2. 好lum呀! 心都甜晒啦~~
    [版主回覆07/10/2009 07:56:00]係囉, 甜晒 !!!  有呢D學生起碼都唔會攪到你發爛渣呀!!!

  3. 就算之前幾受氣,係咪即刻順翻晒呢?
    [版主回覆07/10/2009 12:02:00]哈哈哈, 咁就真!!  何況呢個朋友嘅女, 好鬼乖架, 去佢度補習一D都唔受氣, 唯獨有時佢只開風扇, 我熱到飛起.... 不過針冇兩頭利嘅....
