Monday, July 06, 2009

太多垃圾, 太少空間


近排越來越頂唔順自己....因為越來越似住左在個狗屋一樣!!!  我D野真係多得好緊要, 我都唔知係咪因為地方好唔夠用....

前幾日, 見到有D蚊仔飛下飛下, 覺得唔係路, 一定要來個大掃除!!  可能因為住近山, 附近又有個海, 所以成日好多奇怪飛蟲; 又可能因為天氣熱, 多左蚊蟲; 但最要搞掂真係要掉緊D垃圾, 我有個好朋友講得好啱, 香港地地方 "驚貴", 一呎大大話話幾千蚊, 冇理由將佢放唔等駛嘅野!!

唔知大家平時有冇收埋好多唔多用, 但又唔捨得丟棄嘅野呢?  本人都有唔少, 但每隔一段時間, 當 "垃圾"堆積到一定程度唔夠位放之下, 我就會 "搵野丟"!  舊嘅唔去, 新嘅唔來, 好多時我都搵籍口比自己話, "放住先, 可能遲D有用", 但實情係, 放埋一邊好少用嘅野, 根本繼續冇用度。

所以前兩日, 我丟左一堆舊書, 舊雜誌, 一大堆舊衫出來。

講下D舊書, 我覺得書買番來好貴, 但賣出去 ~~~ 好唔值錢呀!!!  我試過有D英文書, 百幾二百蚊買番來, 賣去英文2手書店, 竟然話 $20收我!!  痴線!!  有一間在中環嘅英文2手書店仲經典, 佢唔係比錢我, 而係比價值於$20嘅代用券, 叫我在佢書店買野!  咁我咪即係永世都咁多書???!!  最後好彩佢間店有文具賣, 我買左幾支筆。

另外, 我以前係捐書去公共圖書館架。但係, 我辛辛苦苦搬左7本書去, 佢之後打電話來, " x小姐, 多謝你捐嘅書, 不過其中5本唔啱我地用, 唔知你會點處理?"  我D唔係教科書來, 咁都唔要, 又要我搵時間去攞番, 真係浪費我時間。

至於舊衫, 我發現左一個好好嘅輸出途徑 ~~ 就係送比外地傭工!! 我有個好朋友嘅印傭, 佢收D舊衫帶番去佢鄉下的, 有時佢鐘意仲自己即刻搵來著!!  試過有對波鞋我唔要, 佢竟然話要喎 (我都有D唔好意思比佢著), 仲話靚 (咁又真係幾靚嘅), 之後仲見佢好快搵左去著。

物盡其用, 有人接手唔啱自己嘅野, 都係好事, 唔駛浪費資源, 自己又可以多番D空間。

我已經第N次話, "我今年之內唔再買新書".... 今次真係唔可以再買新書, 我淨係睇下自己成堆買左仲未睇嘅書, 就好想問自己, "我買書係睇, 唔係買書來擺, 快鬼D睇晒佢啦", 所以, 我以後做多D良好市民, 去圖書館借書睇, 咪再買書!!  (仲有我以前比左咁多稅, 要多D享受番先得, 哈哈哈)。


I haven't been updating my blog for a long time AGAIN....

I can't bear myself anymore, coz I think I have been living in a dog's house.  Or rather, a dog's house is tidier than my place. Hahaha...

A few days ago, I decided to have a big clean-up of my bedroom.  I have chucked out a lot of books, magazines and old clothes.

Let me talk a bit of my old stuff.

Used books: Books are expensive when you buy them at bookstores, but they become so cheap when you try to sell them to second-hand bookstores!  Once I sold an English book to a second-hand bookstore.  The book was worth $20 only at the second-hand shop.  And what's worse was that, instead of giving me the $20, the shop gave me a $20 token which allowed me to buy anything there!  ... Ok, I accepted it (becoz I really didn't want the book anymore), and of course I wouldn't buy any books again.  Instead, I bought some stationery.

I used to donate my used books to public libraries.  But once, I took seven books (they were all heavy!) and I filled in the donation form (that was troublesome!) at the library.  After some time, I got a phone call from the library and the guy on the other side of the line said, "Miss xxxx, I'm sorry but of the books you have donated, we have found some we don't actually need.  Can you please come some time to pick the five books back?"  SHXXXXXXXX!!!  I don't have any idea their criteria of taking donated books, but the books I donated were not academic books and they were like those you would normally find at a library.  So I don't know why they didn't want my books.

And then about used clothes ~~ I have discovered a good way of "exporting" my used clothes !  Haha... that is ~~ to give them away to the domestic maids!  I have a good friend who has an Indonesian maid.  Once she knew I was going to throw away a pair of old sports shoes and she asked if I could give them to her.  Indeed I was a bit embarrassed when she asked this, but as long as she liked them, that's ok.  And after that, each time I am chucking out used clothes, I'll pass them to her.  I guess she may take them back to Indonesia to her kids or relatives.

It's great making the best use of resources.  The things you don't need anymore may be useful for someone else.  I'm glad there are people who "take charge of" my unnecessary stuff and at the same time I have more space again in my room.

I have told myself a thousand times that I wouldn't be buying anymore new books.  I have a look in my room of all those books that I have bought but have not read yet, I would ask myself once again, "I buy books to read, not for display!"  Let me finish the books first before I'll buy anymore. 



  1. 係喎,千幾蚊尺又好幾千蚊尺都好,都唔係用黎放D唔捨得丟既野......咁我要SHIP咩番去好呢.....
    [版主回覆07/07/2009 09:24:00]係呀, 無論住幾大地方, D野都因地方而不斷膨大!!!  你住左咁耐, 一定有好多野要ship番黎呀!!  不過將所有ship番黎架野, 放入你本來已有嘅房間內, 夠唔夠住擺呢??  有就唔駛擔心了, 哈哈哈!!!

  2. 我同你差不多,我反而係好多野都唔捨得掉,好似D玩具既盒咁,掉左又唔知日後要放返D玩具果時點算,結果儲左好多好多盒,宜家仲有盒滿之患Tim ar....
    [版主回覆07/07/2009 09:27:00]我又係D盒多到發神經!!  我淨係個D SD card嘅盒都有10個左右...又話唔丟得, 要整SD Card時要有個盒嘅條碼喎, 攪到我好煩....多盒係一回事, D野 "勾"塵亦非常唔好!!  仲有D 手機同相機嘅盒, 又唔敢丟喎!!  成房好多盒!!!

  3. 我都儲埋好多野, 要掉又唔捨得... 唔掉又冇位放新o個d! 書, 玩具, 舊雜誌, 衫褲鞋襪等等等等... 自從九年前搬屋後, 我個書櫃一路都冇大執過. 每次有新野就sip入去, 冇位就掉dd野掉到夠位放就算 我爸爸係prefect, 佢一見我d野放晒出黎就要我執架la! 所以表面係整潔的, 一打開櫃門就塌咁濟!
    [版主回覆07/07/2009 09:30:00]哈哈哈, Iris, 我同你一樣, 買新野就將舊嘅丟掉, 然後將本書 "sip"入去, 所以好多時我係唔記得, 亦搵唔到我買左而又未睇嘅書架!!!! 我依家買書係持有一信念: 除非有keep嘅價值, 如果唔係, 唔再買喇!! 

  4. Swedish Hongkongese7 July 2009 at 06:30

    哈, 我都係咁, 通常D野收埋收埋擺得幾年又係要掉.
    [版主回覆07/07/2009 09:31:00]絕對同意, 我有D magazines keep左5年!!!!  我都覺得我自己好野!  前兩日我終於在有D唔捨得中都丟左囉!! 

  5. 最近得閒,我又同你一樣,清佐一d舊衫,點知真係太得閒,轉頭走去買大堆新衫,又打回原形!唉..同病相憐呀!
    [版主回覆07/08/2009 00:11:00]你知唔知我上排就係因為買左新衫, 所以先 "的起心肝" 丟掉左一堆舊衫!!!  哈哈哈!! 但我通常一季只買一次衫, 因為上季嘅 t-shirts已經比我著到又舊又殘!!! 

  6. 哈哈~好彩我仲有d地方放我既"垃圾"..但都諗住掉咗d千年雜誌...
    [版主回覆07/08/2009 09:39:00]哈哈笑, 你知唔知, 我尋晚又係想緊同一問題: 依, 我好似之前講過同一樣野喎???  不過我上次應該係因為要買新冬天衫所以要丟舊野..... 我今次真係斬手指, 冇錢買新野呀 !!  我都大把千年舊雜誌, 前幾日次大掃除掃走左D囉, 我依家除左祖記官刋, 都極少買第二D雜誌了。
