自從上個月有一次做kick boxing時扭親條腰同盤骨附近之後, 已經停左玩 kickboxing, 初頭以為肌肉過一段時間會好番, 但點知剛剛相反, 越來越痛, 痛到我每日坐多過兩個鐘就開始好痛, 連瞓覺都痛。我試過做左兩次 body massage, 但都冇任何好轉。終於我今日問個同事攞左個電話, 去佢之前介紹嘅一位中醫師度做針灸。之前我呢位同事因為整親條頸, 痛到擰唔轉個頭, 佢去呢位中醫度睇左一次, 夜晚已經可以轉度頸! 我聽到之後都覺得好神奇, 所以今次要搵呢位中醫師救我一命。
今日我去到, 解釋左我個問題之後, 佢就幫我針喇。先針背, 18針!! 嚇鬼, 我真係驚到飛起, 個醫師同兩位護士都叫我放鬆肌肉, 哈哈。之後轉身, 再針另一些部位, 有8針呀! 針落去就唔係痛, 但攞番支針出來時就真係有少少痛。
醫師話我呢次大約可以好番6成, 真係唔好講少, 我依家真係冇痛乜劑喇 (雖然仲有少少痛)。個醫師以前係政府醫院嘅放射治療師, 個架針灸嘅電機係佢自己改良的。星期一放工會再去多次, 希望之後真係好番晒啦!


I wonder if any of you have tried this traditional way of Chinese medicine - accupuncture - before to cure diseases and/or body pains?
Since I twisted my back and the bottoms about a month ago, I have stopped doing kickboxing, thinking that after not doing it for a while, I could give my body muscles a good rest and that they would recover by themselves soon. Nevertheless, my back and bottoms are getting more and more painful. Whenever I sit for more than two hours or so, my back and bottoms will get so sored. Sometimes, I can't even sleep well at night because of the pain. Today, finally, I couldn't stand the pain anymore so I asked for the telephone number of a Chinese accupuncturist from a colleague of mine. He used to have some huge pain in his neck that he couldn't even move his head a bit. He went to see this acupuncture master and believe it or not, only after one treatment, he could already move his head freely. Incredible. So this time I decided to try my luck with this acupuncture master .
Today when I saw the acupuncture practitioner, he first had a consultation with me, asking me what pain I have, why I have caused the pain and the body areas that I have the pain. Then I changed clothes, lay down on a bed and with the assistance of two nurses, he started to insert needles onto certain areas in my back and the areas closed to my bottoms. Altogether, a total of 18 needles were inserted into my back!!! After a 5-minute treatment, I then was asked to turn around, and he inserted another 8 needles into my thighs. I didn't feel any pain at all when he inserted the needles, but when he was taking the needles off my body, I could feel a bit of pain, but not much.
The acupuncturist, before the treatment, told me that I should be 60% cured after this treatment and I would already feel much better afterwards. Really, now I'm feeling much much better with my back and bottoms. I will be seeing this acupuncturist again next Monday and hopefully my pain will be totally gotten rid of. By the way, this acupuncturist was a government radiographer.


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More information on acupuncture: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acupuncture
針灸未試過, 但有睇推拿, 我有坐骨神經痛, 睇左推拿後都慢慢好番好多, 宜家冇咩事啦. 我信呢d痛症睇中醫會醫得好架! 初期痛得好勁時, 醫師話如果我推拿搞唔掂, 就要針灸. 後尾推推下好d, 就唔駛用針lor!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆02/12/2011 11:47:00]我記得你有坐骨神經痛, 你係咪做左好多次推拿呢? 恭喜晒你依家冇乜事!!! 我都有試過做推拿, 但效果唔顯著, 所以我要試第二種方法, 唔駛食藥嘅方法啦, 因為西醫好多時都係比止痛藥, 食咁多呢種藥對身體冇好處呢...
我到宜家都仲有做呀! 雖然冇咩事, 但坐長途機或車就要小心, 要久不久伸展下... 我試過坐長途機又再觸痛舊患! 唉~ 你都係呀, 好番都要小心保養呀
ReplyDelete[版主回覆02/14/2011 22:44:00]我都係呀, 每逢坐長途機就好驚喇, 因為我唔坐得耐的, 最多3個鐘就要周圍行, 成晚就係架飛機上行來行去, 真係神經 !! 你都要多多保重呀!!!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆02/15/2011 20:42:00]哈哈哈, 你信我個肚冇肚腩嗎 ? 係就發達喇!!!!! 其實真實情況係...第3張相那個成臉插滿針嘅靚女先係我呀 !!!
你睇呢個醫師貴唔貴?? 我近排(差不多大半個月)成肩膀痛,由頸椎開始至腰骨,轉下條頸都好酸痛... 我都諗住睇下中醫呀~~
ReplyDelete[版主回覆02/17/2011 19:17:00]我睇呢位第一次收我HK$400, 第二次就HK$370, 其實 HK$370係 standard price, 如果多野要針, 可能會收貴少少, 但佢就唔dum症, 呢樣野要讚 !!
哦~阿TA~你係邊渡做架﹖ 我咁耐都未試過針灸啊!但有時D人無病無事都話走去針灸,其實係唔係得架呢﹖係用來調理身體﹖ 我有排成日頭痛,身又軟拉拉,D人又話叫我走去試針灸,不過我冇啊!
ReplyDelete[版主回覆02/25/2011 20:38:00]力高, 我寫呢篇文時是去左一間在旺角的中醫師度針的, 因為一位同事介紹。但做左兩次, 效果唔大, 而家去左另一間度做, 好正呀, 我都諗住今日或者聽日寫篇文講講呀!!
其實我唔針都唔知, 有時我地以為自己無痛無幹, 但針到一D地方就知原來係 "yuen" 痛架, "yuen"痛的話即係個地方有毛病, 只不過冇痛到出晒來。不過你問得好好, 如果無情情, 走去針灸又好似好怪, 因為針師問你唔度唔舒服, 唔通話, "冇呀, 我冇唔舒服呀..", 哈哈哈