Thursday, December 30, 2010

Yblog 3週年紀念!

轉眼間, 今日係我寫呢個Yblog嘅3週年了! 時間真係過得好快, 想當初我之所以開始寫blog, 純粹因為無聊, 哈哈!  呢篇就係我嘅第一篇blog喇 —> 暫時沒有意甲比賽的日子  (但依家我都好少講意甲, 事關冇野好講!)。

原先對blog嘅構造豪無idea可言, 但當時有兩個friends都寫blog, 其中一個游說我都寫...哎喲, 但今時今日, 呢個friend已經走左去玩微博喇!!!

呢3年來, 在Yblog認識左好多朋友, 有d更加非常之熟, 久不久會見面添。呢個世界真係好奇妙, 寫下blog, 去下人地度睇blog, 講下野留下言, 就會熟啦, 會見面啦, 會出來食飯啦, 認識朋友就係咁無心插柳、咁得意。

好可惜, 寫blog要經常有題材講野,、要有耐性繼續寫, 在每日工作、忙於生活應酬嘅情況下, 要維持 "寫野"嘅心情唔易。我自己都有一段時間冇寫野, 其中一個原因係Yblog好多垃圾回應, 不過呢個情況似乎有左改善。查實如果可以, 我都唔想轉地頭, 因為在此有感情, 但好明顯, 我依家只得好少朋友會定期寫呢個blog, 好多都只在玩微博同埋facebook......

可能我多廢話, 我覺得Yblog給我機會分享唔同野, 又可以attach photos, 同埋...Yblog可以比較秘密d, 因為fb實在太公開喇....


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!!!  I wish you all a very warm and cheerful Christmas time!!

(I'm sorry but everything I'm gonna write in this blog entry is gonna be English coz I'm too lazy to type Chinese characters today - Christmas Day).


*** Jingle Bells in Italian version ***


Whenever Christmas comes, I have two things coming into my mind.  What are they?

1) Wham's song "Last Christmas".  This is such a great classic song.  I have never really been a great fan of Wham or George Michael, but without doubt (to me, lol), he's one of the greatest singers ever.


2) Home Alone movie series.  I don't know why, but I really like this movie series and I have watched them many many times already. Macaulay Culkin was such a smart and cute little kid in the movies and his tricks on the stupid burglars were such perfect ones!  haha.


Well, I started to think about what I did last Christmas.  Obviously, not sitting at home writing my blog entry as I'm now!  Last Christmas Day, I remember I was eating delicious grilled octopus and drinking cold beers at a restaurant in Lisbon, Portugal on a super cold and rainy day. I remember it was only about 5 degrees Celsius and it was raining hard. I just finished visiting the Lisbon Catherdal (funny enough it was open for about three hours in the afternoon and I managed to see it, very briefly though) and 99% of the shops were closed on Christmas Day. Luckily, I found a restaurant which was still open! Brilliant!


Their grilled octopus was so delicious!  I still remember how it tasted like (whether you believe it or not, lol). It's after the octopus that I ate at this restaurant that I started to love grilled octopus so much. Since then, I still haven't eaten any grilled octopus which is better than this restaurant's.


I definitely will return to eat their grilled octopus (plus some beers) again!

* Merry Christmas! * Buon Natale! * Bom Natal!  *



Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Eat, sik, comer, mangiare 3 - The Wine and Food Lover's Guide to Portugal!!

等左成 3個星期, 頸都長晒!  終於今日冬至好日子, 收到呢本新書喇!!!!!!!

冇錯, 懷念美食攪到我又買左一本有關葡萄牙美食 + 美酒嘅書。呢一本書, 真係真正講飲食, 唔似以前買嘅係以食譜做主那種, 好野, 經過多次努力, 買啱書了!!

呢本書絕對值得帶埋去葡萄牙玩同飲食時用, 只不過本書好重。Wine我唔係太熱衷, 反而葡萄牙嘅食物我就真係好難忘, 由小食至餸菜、甜品, 我都鐘意。呢本書最有趣地方係, 仔細介紹葡萄牙每區嘅飲食資料、特色, 書末還有 Portuguese-English Wine and Food Dictionary。

本書先有chapters介紹: Wine in Portugal, Food in Portugal, 然後將葡萄牙分作多個地區, 再詳細介紹每個地區: Wine, Eat, Explore, Sleep。 

還有一部分, 介紹葡萄牙文化。

雖則葡萄牙國土不是很大 (面積: 92,090 sq km), 但原來都有不少 World Heritage Sites (世界文化遺產):

1.  Historic centre of Guimaraes

2. Historic centre of Porto

3. Alto Douro

4. Coa Valley pre-historic rock art

5. Mosteiro da Batalha

6. Mosteiro de Santa Maria de Alcobaca

7. Convento de Cristo

8. The palaces of Sintra

9. Mosteiro dos Jeronimos & Torre de Belem

10. Historic centre of Evora

11. Pico walled vineyards

12. Historic centre of Angra do Heroismo

13. Laurisilva forest

哈哈, 除左飲飲食食之外, 希望有朝一日, 我可以去得晒參觀上面所有世界遺產。

Friday, December 17, 2010


這一天 --- 12月17日 ---

雖然經常都失憶, 不過有時有些日子, 又確實不論如何, 會特別記得, 就正如今日這一日。

上年今日, 就是最後一日做一份自己極沒興趣的工作。 只因朋友介紹, 所以嘗試去幹。只因補習生活太過不穩定, 所以嘗試去幹。但做了一個星期, 我已經知道, 這份工作肯定不是我的那一杯茶。一份工、一個人, 一是喜歡, 一是不喜歡, 我不想勉強自己接受一些沒有興趣的事情。

上年今日, 對自己的前途存在疑問, 對自己的將來, 存在恐懼。只知道, 不想再浪費時間幹不鐘意幹的工作, 雖則去完旅行回來後, 要回復全職補習的生涯, 但都寧願選擇隨心。


今年今日, 竟然已經再度回到以前的公司, 回到以前的工作崗位。人生, 的確真的可以有好多可能性, 好多意想不到的事。老實講, 當上年離開時, 沒有想過會再回來, 因為可能性實在太小, 但這麼小可能性事情都給我碰上。

今日, 公司為慶祝聖誕, 全部人去了吃Christmas lunch。對這間公司, 我完全沒有感覺了。 做, 只為一個錢字, 與及一種安穩的生活感覺。

世事難料, 說不定明年今天, 我又已經身在別的地方, 過著另一種的生活。  

Thursday, December 16, 2010

I'm my own grandpa!!!!

呢首歌唔知大家有冇聽過呢?  我覺得好攪笑, 所以想同大家分享一下。首歌真係複雜到冇人有, 要聽得明真係好難, 起碼我就已經比首歌攪到頭都暈呀!  完全唔關英文事, 而係你要好有logical mind先得, !!! 即管試下, 難唔難到大家吖!!! (歌詞在下午, 大家可以參考幫助解迷團...)

Just wonder if any of you have ever heard of this song before?   It's such an amusing song that I wanna share with all of you.  The song is complicated - it's complicated with the idea the singer is talking about. There's nothing to do with the English language itself .  You gotta have a very clear and logical mind in order to be able to follow and understand!  Anyway, give it a shot!  (the lyrics are in the bottom of this entry so you can read and listen at the same time, see if they can help you solve the logical problem at all...)




Many, many years ago when I was just twenty-three,

I was married to a widow, who was pretty as could be.

This widow had a grown-up daughter who had hair of red

My father fell in Love with her, and soon the two were wed.


This made my dad my son-in-law-- and changed my very life!

My daughter was my mother cause she was my father's wife!

To complicate the matter even though it brought me joy,

I soon became the father of a bouncing baby boy.


My little baby then became a brother-in-law to Dad.

And so it became my uncle--made me very sad!

For if he was my uncle then he also was a brother

To the widow's grown-up daughter, who, of course, was my stepmother.



I'm my own grandpa! I'm my own grandpa.

It sounds funny, I know, but it really is so

Oh, I'm my own grandpa!.


My father's wife then had a son who kept them on the run.

And, he became my grandchild because he was my daughter's son. 

My wife is now my mother's mother and this makes me blue

Because although she is my wife, she's my grandmother too!


Now if my wife is my grandmother, then I am her grandchild,

And every time that I think about this, it nearly drives me wild!

For now I have become the strangest case that you ever saw

As husband of my grandmother, I'm my own grandpa!



I'm my own grandpa! I'm my own grandpa.

It sounds funny, I know, but it really is so

Oh, I'm my own grandpa!.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

聖誕蛋糕: Panettone & Bolo Rei

轉眼又就快到聖誕喇, 不過今年聖誕好無聊, 又冇旅行去, 只會留在香港hea....回想舊年呢個時間, 已經就快做完那份完全唔啱key嘅工作, 準備緊去葡萄牙旅行嘅行李囉!

冇旅行去唔緊要, 儲下錢先。


今日lunch break時因為要買野, 所以入City Super諗住行個圈, 一去到大門口, 已經感受到勁大嘅一股聖誕氣氛, 門口堆左一大枱意大利聖誕時家家戶戶都食嘅一種麵包 -- Panettone。我未試過在意大利過聖誕, 所以冇在當地食過 panettone, 只在香港時曾經上堂學過整 (但整得唔地道呢)。今年聖誕因為會去朋友家慶祝, 所以諗住買定一個panattone上去, 到時成班人一齊食餐勁呀! 

Panettone aufgeschnitten freigestellt.jpg


葡萄牙嘅聖誕傳統蛋糕 -- Bolo Rei, 真係幾好味架!!!  Bolo Rei冇 fillings (有錯請糾正), 但上面有野裝飾, 甜甜地, 好易入口, 我上年食嘅時候, 都係搵coffee或者tea送來食! 好回味呀, 香港冇Bolo Rei買呀 (可能有但我唔知在邊), 但冇咁痴線特登過澳門買來食呢!!! 記得上年聖誕前, 葡萄牙各地嘅麵包店, 間間都放滿Bolo Rei在架上, Bolo Rei麵包顏色鮮豔, 包面又紅又綠, 見到都會想買個來食下呀, 嘻嘻嘻。


我都係鐘意聖誕多過農曆年.......諗起咁大個人仲要農曆年樣衰衰同人講 "恭喜發財", 好似等派利是, 真係好難睇呀!


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Harry Potter series

我絕對非常落後, 因為我之前, 一集Harry Potter嘅電影都未睇過, 我都唔知點解自己咁耐以來對呢個系列嘅電影冇興趣呢.....


但今個月16日將會上映Harry Potter 7 - Part 1, 呢排見周圍賣晒廣告, 攪到我好想睇, 始終呢個系列咁經典, 冇理由唔睇架。

但最後一集先來想入戲院睇, 即係要追番晒之前6集講過乜先得 (雖則或者你地會話唔駛睇番都可以)。我之前買左第一集隻VCD的, 但尋晚搵混全屋都唔見左隻碟, 其他所有每集, 我唔會買碟了, 一來唔想花錢, 二來屋企實在太多野, 三來係, 好多戲睇一次都唔會再有時間又睇, 咁更加唔想花多餘錢啦。

終於呢個weekend, 已經租碟睇左第二集 (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets) 同埋第三集 (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban)了。


又真係好好睇呀, 我鐘意睇科幻片, 因為劇情、場面可以非常天馬行空, 加上電影裡用上大量特技, 效果超正!  睇左兩集, 更加覺得自己嘅英文真係好差, 我係開著 English subtitles來睇, 聽唔明又rewind番睇 English subtitles聽番佢地講乜, 所以本來一集可能兩個半鐘, 我就睇左好耐下。不過另一方面又覺得好值得, 因為學識左好多新字, 好多字可能比較少用少聽但其實好地道。

我已經租左第四、五集嘅VCD, 來緊嘅兩晚放工返屋企第一件事係快d繼續煲劇, 煲晒所以6集就可以去戲院睇HP7 - Part 1!


Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Freezing cold with heavy white snow!

咁厚雪嘅情景, 看來好靚好浪漫呀, 但如果成個冬天要我咁樣過, 我諗我會好驚....

How thick it is the snow!!  Well, it looks beautiful and romantic, but if I had to live in such a condition throughout the winter, I don't think I'd be happy at all....


我一個好好嘅朋友, 今日sent幾張佢屋企附近嘅相比我。 佢話, 希望我都係度。咁厚雪, 淨係鏟雪都鏟到神經啦, 點會仲有時間寫blog呢!

A very good friend of mine from Minnesota, the US, sent me some pictures of her house and the sorrounding area today.  And she said she wished I were there too! Haha... I thought I would spend the whole day every day shoveling the snow off the top of the house and the cars if I were there now (and wouldn't have the time to write my blog)!


話時話, 今日天氣果然轉冷; 而聽講明天同後天, 天氣會更冷一點。大家著多件衫保暖, 唔好冷親呀! 或者飲杯熱飲應該有幫助的, 嘻嘻嘻! 

By the way, it's pretty cold today - 15 degrees Celsius or so, and it's expected to get even colder tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.  Remember to wear more thick clothes and keep yourself warm.  Or, take some hot drinks... they should help too, hee hee!

Thursday, December 02, 2010

World Cup 2018

唔知邊個國家/邊對國家...會取得2018世界杯嘅主辦國呢? 好緊張!

World Cup Bids


1) 有 Prince William, David Cameron同埋David Beckham支持嘅英格蘭? (應該好多香港人支持...)

Prince William


2) 有Roman Abramovich (車路士揸fit人)支持, 不過Putin臨投票前一刻決定唔會去Zurich為自己國家打氣嘅Russia?

Russia fifa member, Vitaly Mutko, "I can also tell you the Russia to which Sir Winston Churchill referred is a Russia that no longer exists. A new Russia is looking forward to harnessing the power of world football to move it forward. This could be a game-changer for Russia and for Fifa."

World Cup 2018: a Russian bid victory compared to the fall of Berlin Wall and described as 'game-changer'


3) 有Gullit (古烈治) & 神奇領隊Hiddink (希丁克)力撐嘅 Holland+Belgium (聯辦)? (不過被廣泛認為第一回合投票就會先被踢出局)

World Cup 2018: Holland-Belgium bid team confident of springing last-minute surprise


4) 定係有Ronaldo + Casillas + 我  全力瞓身支持嘅 Portugal & Spain呢? (英國賭博公司最hit之選)



 我當然支持葡萄牙 + 西班牙聯辦啦!!