Tuesday, May 19, 2009

無心睡眠 insomnia....

再咁落去我唔知會唔會好快死得??  我近排不斷受住失眠嘅困擾, 真係好難形容失眠那種痛苦。我以前非常非常少會有失眠情況, 只會有唔夠瞓; 但依家, 失眠, 攪好耐好耐先瞓得著, 然後半夜去完洗手間, 就隔好耐都仲未瞓到....

尋晚...因為連續補習左好長時間, 之後又同朋友食晚飯, 所以返到屋企已經幾眼瞓; 點知, 剛才5:30am起身去個洗手間後, 又再度瞓唔番。以往, 我數綿羊, 數一陣就瞓著, 但呢個方法已經對我完全失效.....

我都唔知自己點搞....再思前想後, 我就會顛架喇。但又停唔到個腦諗呢樣諗個樣, 真係頗為辛苦。我諗過去旅行個圈輕鬆一下, 但依家搭乜鬼飛機, 如果無情情同機有個人係豬流感帶菌者就大鑊, 分分鐘要被強制隔離7日, 實被我屋企鬧鬼死我呀, 自己都嚇親死啦。


If I continue to be like this, I guess I'm gonna die very soon... I am still being tortured by this horrible insomnia.  It's so difficult to describe the hard feeling of suffering from insomnia.  I hardly had any experience of insomina in the past ~ I only had the problem of a lack of sleep!  But now, this insomnia is almost driving me crazy.  What happens to me now is that: I feel very tired easily, but go to bed, and it still takes me quite a long time to really fall asleep.  And then I wake up in the middle of the night and go to the toilet; but after that, I can't fall asleep again, or it would take me two or three hours to fall asleep again.

Just like last night.... I had like six hours of tutorials and after that a dinner with a friend of mine.  I felt already pretty tired and luckily I felt asleep pretty easily.  But... but... at 5:30am or so, I woke up, went to the toilet, and after that, I COULDN'T fall asleep again.  I heard the birds sing, I heard people down there in the garden start their early physical exercises.  I counted the number of sheep from 1000 to 1... I counted many times, but it didn't help me fall asleep at all (which this method used to work well with me).

If I continue to be like this, I know I'll either die soon or end up going to the mental hospital!!!  I just want to stop my brain from thinking too much, but I can't.  I fail.  I feel tired, but I can't fall asleep, and then when I finally fall asleep, it's usually after a few hours of "hard work", and then... it's already like 10am and it's too bright and I wake up.  Mamma mia! 

I have thought of going out of Hong Kong and travel to somewhere ~ just to relax a bit and refresh myself, but when I think about the possibility of contracting the swine flu on a plane, or be forced to quarantine for seven days becoz somebody on the same plane or in the same hotel has got the virus... I don't wanna take this risk and be told off by my parents for the troubles I have made. 

I shall play song songs for myself.... Leslie Cheung's "Sleepless Night"


And Aaron's Kwok's 狂野之城 ("Wild City" in English??) ~ Super sexy Aaron Kwok's  beautiful dance


Aaron Kwok's "Summer Consciousness" (with English subtitles... wow!)


Aaron Kwok + Janet Jackson together!!!


  1. 村姑 C 9 仔 *.*19 May 2009 at 20:23

    - sleep 前食飽 d.... 應該好 sleep d.... (不過會肥) 
    - 開細細聲, 你好熟悉既舒情 music sleep...
    [版主回覆05/19/2009 21:02:00]多謝村姑嘅提議 , 或者我應該放定個MP3在牀邊, 開著聽住音樂來瞓覺先得...

  2. 呢個世界就係咁,你愈想訓就越訓唔到,在下都幾常係咁....通常每次失眠,在下都會睇書,由三國演義,孫子兵法到什麼品三國都有,通常睇一個章節都已經半訓狀態了,不妨試下.....
    [版主回覆05/19/2009 23:02:00]原來Nedved你都常有失眠呢個難題, 但你選你最有興趣嘅歷史書, 乜唔會越睇越精神咩??  如果本身已經好眼瞓, 但瞓極都瞓唔著, 睇書可能都得.... 等我下次或者試下先, 橫掂我大把書買左未睇呀, hahahaaa....

  3. Swedish Hongkongese20 May 2009 at 02:33

    試下去做幾個鐘運動, 之後睇下得唔得

  4. Swedish Hongkongese20 May 2009 at 02:33

    試下去做幾個鐘運動, 之後睇下得唔得
    [版主回覆05/20/2009 21:27:00]多謝晒你呀 !! 我真係想搵運動去發洩一下, 我相信一定可以幫到我, 可惜我隻黃金右腳仲未好晒, 做唔到激烈運動, 但我想應該去游水!!!!  hahahaa

  5. 等我上堂錄低老師講書把聲俾你聽,包掂!次次全班同學都一齊仲眼瞓架!
    [版主回覆05/20/2009 21:29:00]hahahaa... Bear Bear, 係咪真係掂先???  Do you think it will work on me too??    我驚我會諗得咁多喎!!!!!!!!!! 

  6. 如果聽音樂, 睇書等方法都無效, 你可以試下睇中醫, 我之前試過, 非常有效, 當然之後要靠你自己諗方法放鬆情緒. 我都會數綿羊架, 不過用法文數, 因為記唔清d數字, 好快就會訓著~ 你都試下la
    [版主回覆05/23/2009 22:52:00]Iris你用法文數??  hahaha...咁下次我要試下用意大利文數先!!!  ...但我驚越數越精神, 因為我唔識會起身搵字典查, hahhaaaa....多謝你提議嘅方法, 不過我冇錢睇中醫... , 之前睇隻黃金右腳已經花左我好多錢喇!!! 

  7. 我最近都係訓得唔好, 訓左等如冇訓, 真係好想去下旅行...妳好返d未呀? 小心身體呀, 放鬆下, 唔係好易病架! 你最近仲有冇上意文班? 我5個月冇上, 學過既野唔記得哂, 好似pat返哂比 lele咁
    [版主回覆05/24/2009 01:16:00]多謝晒你呀 , 好番D架喇!  你又瞓得唔好?  你要保重身體呀!  我剛剛上晒今個semester嘅堂, 要到9月先再上, 不過我唔係去Dante呀, 太貴喇, lele點呢?  見到佢幫我打個招呼吖!!!  你唔駛上堂學啦, 你有個私人老師呀!!  好羨慕呢, hahahaa!! 
