Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Drowning by Crazy Town
I love this song so much that I have been listening to it for many times tonight. Just wonder if any one of you may like this kind of music?
Drowning ~ Crazy Town
Album: Darkhorse (2002)
Everything´s so complex,
everyday´s like a test,
full of obstacles that seem almost impossible,
and i am thinkin´, just another breath,
not a minute left, how long have i been drifting?
Pass the glass pipe, hit the flash light now break it,
people say i am a star but i still think i will never make it,
and i am thinkin, just another prayer,
not a 2nd left, i feel theres smth missing,
Sometimes I hate that chaos surrounds me,
when all the answers that I see go around me,
am I drowning, am I fading away,
or am i livin´ up to all your dreams that made me this way,
am i drowning (x 4)
I have been to hell & back lookin´ for the answers to life,
lookin´ at myself tryin to get things right,
and i am feelin´ just another breath,
not a minute left, I feel the darkness lifting
There was a time that I questioned if i would ever be alright,
runnin´ gettin´ high, stayin´ trapped by sleepless nights,
and i am thinkin´, just another breath,
not a minute left i feel theres smth missing
I am running from myself & all the things i do not like,
livin´ every night, like it is the last night,
and i am thinkin´, just another prayer,
not a 2nd left, I need to stop resisting
Drowning in the drama, lost in the line,
swept by the currents of life, caught in the rip tide. (x 4)
am i drowning (x4)
Drowning in the drama, lost in the line,
swept by the currents of life, caught in the rip tide. (x 2)
無心睡眠 insomnia....
再咁落去我唔知會唔會好快死得?? 我近排不斷受住失眠嘅困擾, 真係好難形容失眠那種痛苦。我以前非常非常少會有失眠情況, 只會有唔夠瞓; 但依家, 失眠, 攪好耐好耐先瞓得著, 然後半夜去完洗手間, 就隔好耐都仲未瞓到....
尋晚...因為連續補習左好長時間, 之後又同朋友食晚飯, 所以返到屋企已經幾眼瞓; 點知, 剛才5:30am起身去個洗手間後, 又再度瞓唔番。以往, 我數綿羊, 數一陣就瞓著, 但呢個方法已經對我完全失效.....
我都唔知自己點搞....再思前想後, 我就會顛架喇。但又停唔到個腦諗呢樣諗個樣, 真係頗為辛苦。我諗過去旅行個圈輕鬆一下, 但依家搭乜鬼飛機, 如果無情情同機有個人係豬流感帶菌者就大鑊, 分分鐘要被強制隔離7日, 實被我屋企鬧鬼死我呀, 自己都嚇親死啦。
If I continue to be like this, I guess I'm gonna die very soon... I am still being tortured by this horrible insomnia. It's so difficult to describe the hard feeling of suffering from insomnia. I hardly had any experience of insomina in the past ~ I only had the problem of a lack of sleep! But now, this insomnia is almost driving me crazy. What happens to me now is that: I feel very tired easily, but go to bed, and it still takes me quite a long time to really fall asleep. And then I wake up in the middle of the night and go to the toilet; but after that, I can't fall asleep again, or it would take me two or three hours to fall asleep again.
Just like last night.... I had like six hours of tutorials and after that a dinner with a friend of mine. I felt already pretty tired and luckily I felt asleep pretty easily. But... but... at 5:30am or so, I woke up, went to the toilet, and after that, I COULDN'T fall asleep again. I heard the birds sing, I heard people down there in the garden start their early physical exercises. I counted the number of sheep from 1000 to 1... I counted many times, but it didn't help me fall asleep at all (which this method used to work well with me).
If I continue to be like this, I know I'll either die soon or end up going to the mental hospital!!! I just want to stop my brain from thinking too much, but I can't. I fail. I feel tired, but I can't fall asleep, and then when I finally fall asleep, it's usually after a few hours of "hard work", and then... it's already like 10am and it's too bright and I wake up. Mamma mia!
I have thought of going out of Hong Kong and travel to somewhere ~ just to relax a bit and refresh myself, but when I think about the possibility of contracting the swine flu on a plane, or be forced to quarantine for seven days becoz somebody on the same plane or in the same hotel has got the virus... I don't wanna take this risk and be told off by my parents for the troubles I have made.
I shall play song songs for myself.... Leslie Cheung's "Sleepless Night"
And Aaron's Kwok's 狂野之城 ("Wild City" in English??) ~ Super sexy Aaron Kwok's beautiful dance
Aaron Kwok's "Summer Consciousness" (with English subtitles... wow!)
Aaron Kwok + Janet Jackson together!!!
Monday, May 18, 2009
球迷等左好耐嘅消息, 終於成為事實, 雲尼亞里今日被辭退....但我地仲等緊班高層一齊辭職喎......
雖然之前傳熱拿亞現任領隊Gasperini會接任, 不過隨著佢剛與球會續約至2012年, 呢個可能性係零 (亦即係話Palla未必被熱拿亞買斷另外50%擁有權, 好在)。Ferrara (費拉拿)已經接任為祖記新任領隊。
La Juventus comunica di aver esonerato dall'incarico l'allenatore Claudio Ranieri. Da oggi la guida tecnica della Prima Squadra è affidata a Ciro Ferrara. "La Juventus - si legge in una nota della società - ringrazia Claudio Ranieri per il lavoro svolto in questi due anni. Al nuovo allenatore, Ciro Ferrara, va l'augurio di immediati successi". Ferrara sarà presentato alle 18.15.
又和, 又和, 又失分!!
睇到炆! 又和波, 又失分!
尋晚意甲比賽, 本來都想睇祖記的, 但知道熱拿亞都有直播 (而且係Cable TV播), 咁就諗住睇Palla, 所以棄祖記睇熱拿亞。點知, 仲話係Palla嘅big fan, 都唔知原來佢傷左, 今場根本都冇出, 咁.....咁又轉台睇番祖記隊 "垃圾波"囉!
睇一場冇球迷嘅祖記比賽, 完全冇氣氛可言, 成日影住個爛鬼Ranieri, 真係想打爆佢, 又久唔久影下班高層, 更加唔開胃!
睇左10分鐘左右, 我實在頂唔順班波, 同埋竟然1分鐘就比對方Atalanta入左一球! 我又轉左去睇番Genoa。雖然Genoa唔係我隊球隊 , 但係睇Genoa真係有趣味得多, 起碼睇佢地嘅4-3-3陣同埋強攻嘅力量都興奮多好多。
唔係話我鐘意Palla先咁講, 冇左佢嘅熱拿亞, 進攻、交波等等差好多, 件發瘟Sculli好糞, 米列圖都麻麻地, 佢球12碼其實比龍門捉到路, 好彩都入到。之後祖記借將Olivera個球free kick先勁呀!!! 靚!
祖雲達斯又和波, 依家仲死, 除左阿二位置越來越被AC拋離, 連阿三位都危! 比費倫追到氣咳... 如果最後幾場再唔贏波, 而人地又贏波的話, 就變成阿四。好, 橫掂都衰開, 唔爭在。Ranieri同班高層唔該快D一齊請辭, 向球迷交待。
Friday, May 15, 2009
(I'm sorry for those who can read only English.... this entry is written in Chinese and I need some time to translate it into English.... probably later on)
自從暫時做左全職補習工作以來, 呢幾個星期不斷行走於港島區間, 去唔同背景嘅學生屋企補習, 見到好多新鮮事物, 先發覺, 真係睇多左好多野。
首先, 因為大部份學生都係返全日制, 所以我上午係冇野做的; 所有補習工作都係由下午開始。雖然看來上午好得閒, 但係, 其實我都有野需要準備, 例如近期就快考試, 就會搵多D練習比D細路做; 另外, 有D學生就會問我可唔可以搵D乜乜物物比佢做....
補左一個月習之後發現, 原來補習係辛苦錢! 點解呢? 第一, 成日走來走去, 從A地方去B地方, 要搭車, 行路, 上樓, 我每日都因為咁行左唔知幾多路; 而家天氣開始轉熱, 我只係下午走三個地方, 已經一身大汗, 同埋因為出出入入熱同有冷氣嘅地方, 攪到有時頭痛, 仲試過想嘔咁滯。
第二, 一個學生同另一個學生屋企之間, 都要預算traveling time, 中間隨時冇左半個甚至45分鐘時間, 因為咁, 其實黃金時間並唔係真係做倒好多份補習的。
第三, 有D家長真係諗住搵個廉價勞工囉! 我依家開始知道唔駛心急搵學生, 個D $80/鐘補習嘅offer, 我基本上已經拒絕晒, 除非..... 個D時間唔係黃金時間, 我當 "zip"時間蝕比佢。越有錢嘅人可能先越死cheap, 中半山羅便臣道、旭禾道補2、3年級都offer你$70/80一個鐘, 講真, 去佢地度麻麻煩煩, 浪費唔少搭車時間, 仲要價錢咁唔吸引。
講咁耐, 想分享下我嘅 "所見所聞" :
1: 我補緊其中一個係國際學校嘅學生 (遲D再有一個都係咁背景的) ~ 呢個小妹妹雖然得1年級, 但佢絕對係我見過有史以來最過度活躍嘅女仔!! 仲成日做埋D騎呢到爆嘅表情, 又鐘意勁跳, 又無情情會大叫, 痴線!! 佢阿媽都好經典, 對個女嘅所有野都唔清楚架! 問佢個女D野, 佢要打電話問番個舊補習老師! 好野!!
2: 有一個學生, 我每逢Sunday morning補佢兩粒鐘, 呢個學生, 我上堂第一堂, 入屋第一件事, 佢阿媽叫我屋外除鞋 (fine, no problem), 跟著見到個女帶住口x (=mask), 都 fine, no problem (因為佢唔帶, 我都想帶). 我入到佢屋企, 熱到爆, 一滴風都冇, 佢唔打開門, 又唔開風扇, 個窗冇雷公咁遠 (因為我地在客廳補習), 個廳一個窗都冇。我熱到痴線, 補佢兩粒鐘, 由勁熱坐到變冇感覺, 再到開始覺得有風, 其時.... great, 差不多補完!!! 我真係想媽媽聲呀!! 仲有, 一杯水都冇, 正!! 好在我有枝水在身, 從我兩個鐘觀察所得, 佢屋企人有潔癖 (可能好嚴重添!!), 我都費是問佢攞水飲! 費是等間佢有乜頭暈身熱懶我!!!
3. 有一個小朋友, 好鐘意讚自己叻, 我都頂佢唔多住。但我補左唔耐, 就開始發現, 佢係有自大狂, 多過真係叻囉!! 成日對住D字都會讀錯, 見佢做數學練習, 佢就話要去厠所做 No.2!! 仲要攞埋本練習入去做喎! 出到黎全部練習已經做晒, 仲話好易!! 佢真係以為我低能定....我話 "好易? 定係抄後面答案呀? 好啦, 竟然咁易, 我擦晒佢, 你再做過啦, 應該好快可以在我面前再做過晒佢啫!"。
4. 呢個香港地, 真係有好多唔同背景嘅人..... 我去屋村, 私人樓, 甚至係豪宅, 有人生活好擠迫, 間屋細到冇kitchen, 個廳放晒煮食爐; 但有D人間屋就大到飛起, kitchen大過一D人成間屋, 仲有兩個工人, 有司機, 仲載埋我!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Home-made tiramisu
終於就快做完一份絕世恐怖嘅兼職, 真係要開香檳慶祝。
做左個tiramisu蛋糕.... 味道我諗ok啦, 好耐冇做蛋糕...
Haven't made any cakes for such a long time... to celebrate the Mother's Day and the completion of my horrible part-time job, I have made a tiramisu.
The ingredients.....準備材料先....
整完個蛋糕, 加朱古力粉同埋防潮糖霜.... 個樣唔太衰啫, 我諗...哈哈哈
It doesn't look too bad I guess... hahaa....
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
The Magical Relationship between Happiness & Success!
剛剛在某處睇到呢個格言.....雖然我沒有任何成就, 不過我都信快樂先係成功之最重要因素...我祝願各位blog友嘅人生都係開心又成功!!!
I don't know who Albert Schweitzer is.... but I buy what he says ~ that Happiness is the key to success. And of course, if there are family, friends and my other half to share with me my success (if I ever would achieve it), it would be especially cheerful for me. I wish every one of my blogger friends here a successful and a cheerful life!!!
"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.
If you love what you are doing, you will be successful."
Albert Schweitzer
Monday, May 04, 2009
H1N1 virus 流感又發作...
終於香港都有一單.... 其實比起SARS, 呢個H1N1只不過係小兒科.... 2003年那次嘅SARS, 就真係攪到香港一鑊粥!
依家因為有學生住在灣仔, 所以會經常經過....星期六就更加行經被封嘅維景酒店附近, 個度真係大陣像, 周圍警車, 警察, 連清潔工人都周圍係咁掃地, 更加唔少得係大堆記者同埋攝影師, 等我都影番幾張相先。
希望快D有新疫苗出啦!! 大家一齊抗菌呀!!!
Shall I say.... Hong Kong has finally got a confirmed case of the swine flu virus? Compared to the SARS that Hong Kong was hammered by in 2003, this swine flu seems not so damaging (touchwood!).
I have some students living in Wanchai so I go to Wanchai quite often these days. This past Saturday I even passed near the quarantined MetroPark Hotel. I saw police cars and policemen even on the other side of the road where the hotel is located. There were also loads of cleaning workers and of course reporters and cameramen around.
This is the hotel ~ the Metro Park Hotel.