Wednesday, June 03, 2009

世界怎變, 永遠企你這一邊

六四 20週年, 仲有一日就到了....

唔知當年那段日子, 大家怎樣渡過呢?  我記得, 我去左100萬人大遊行 (雖然我當年得5歲啫)!  那段時間, 每日都跟進大陸那邊的最新發展....學校同學老師之間, 每日都以呢件事做話題。我仲記得, 發生呢件事之後, 我好多同學移民, 去美國、加拿大、澳洲、紐西蘭....整個國際社會都嚴厲批評, 制裁.... 

我為六四而流淚, 希望........有朝一天, 可以: 平反六四!!!

世界怎變, 永遠企你這一邊..... 除左64, 仲有Beyond....仲有黃家駒.....


The biggest-ever demonstration in Hong Kong. Over 1 million people were thought to have taken part.


Today, I wanted to post an entry up on here, as everyone of you here knows that there is only one day to go before the 20th anniversary of the June 4 1989 Tianmen Square Massacre.

Time flies, and tomorrow it will be the 20th anniversary of the Massacre. 

No matter how the world has changed and/or will be changed, I will always stand by you.... Besides June 4, there's also Beyond (the Band); there's also Wong Ka Kui....



  1. 當時讀緊小學, 記得當年早會老師忍不住落淚的場面... 其他都係靠多年來睇番電視片段才有印象. 早兩日專誠看了一段簡介六四前因的短片... 補習一下遺忘了的歷史! 希望家長可以將當年的事講比小朋友知, 唔係過多幾十年, 就成為被遺忘的一章! 經濟發展得好, 也不能不分是非黑白, 人命黎架!

  2. Swedish Hongkongese3 June 2009 at 05:19

    呢段歷史對我自己黎講好難評論. 追求自由當然係好自然, 好正碓既事. 但係若果當年情況持續落去, 我相信中共會倒台. 咁之後呢? 之後可能大家追求到民主. 不過另一方面, 我相信西藏, 蒙古, 新疆會因為中共倒台而相繼獨立. 中國可能會四分五裂, 呢樣又係咪大家想見到呢? 仲有一樣野, 就係以當時中國既情況, 尤其是農村偏遠既地區, 以當地既體制, 又係咪識合堆行民主呢? 我覺得中共當時係處於一個兩難局面. 如果大家係中共既話, 又會點做?

  3. 當年我都係同你一樣大,仲記得64當晚失眠,想起電視上的情景就流淚!
    [版主回覆06/09/2009 13:05:00]你當年有冇跟人去遊行呢??  我地咁細個, 要人帶先可以去架嘛, 哈哈哈!!!!!!!! 

  4. 咪就係要大人帶去遊行羅,我地咁鬼”細”!
    [版主回覆06/10/2009 21:59:00]係囉!!     

  5. 原來我細你少少咋....點解我對6.4既印象係咁模糊既呢........
    [版主回覆06/14/2009 21:04:00]哈哈哈, 瑩B, 我.....記性唔係太差....

  6. Jin wrote these words in one of his songs: "Now known as The Massacre at Tiananmen Square
    The day I turned seven, they were mourning and grieving
    Thousands of innocent died for what they believed in
    Armed with nothing but heart and a point to prove
    Stood in front of tanks and refused to move
    What would you do? Run or stand still? " I guess i would rather die free than live under a cage
    [版主回覆06/14/2009 21:10:00]I agree with you !  Freedom is one of the basic human rights that every one of us shall enjoy.  Did Jin once write those lyrics in one of his songs?  Which song is that?  I shall listen to it too! 
