Saturday, September 25, 2010

Eat, sik, comer, mangiare!!

近期實在有太多topics想講喇, 所以我個 Yblog終於可以回復非常忙碌的狀態,

呢期買左幾本書, 其中一本係關於葡萄牙嘅美食。前日收到本書後, 講真, 真係大失所望。點解咁解呢?

最初我在網上見到時, 仲幾鬼驚喜, 因為本書講食同埋葡萄牙 (啱晒我口味呀), 因為我好少在香港可以見到有書會介紹葡萄牙美食 (介紹意大利、法國美食就大把), 同埋以為本書會有番咁上下大本 (因為在網上見到時佢地影到好大本的), 同埋價錢都唔便宜囉.....


I have got many topics which I wanna talk about these days, so my Yblog is technically speaking back to a very busy status

I have bought some books lately, and among them is a book which talks about Portuguese food.  When I received the parcel the day before and opened it and saw this book, honestly, I was pretty disappointed.  Why? 

When I first saw this book being sold on the internet, I was really thrilled by its title - How to Eat Out in Portugal & Brazil! Wow, that sounds a perfect book for me (because it talks about food PLUS it talks about Portugal ).  I rarely see books which talks about Portuguese food (at least written in English and sold in HK) so when I saw it on the internet, I immediately wanted to buy it. Initially, I thought this book would be a rather big one (I was given this false impression by the website), plus this book is NOT inexpensive!!

Let's take a look at my newly bought book...

就咁睇張相好難估計我本新書有幾大, 是嗎?  我收到書先發現, 本書係pocket size, 好細本, 而且不特只, 裡面一張食物嘅相片都冇架, 好傷心呀!!! 

It's hard to tell from the picture the actual size of the book, right?  When I opened the parcel and saw the book, I found out that it's indeed a pocket-sized book only; and also, there's not even one single picture of any Portuguese dish or pastry.  I am so so so unhappy!!!

大約兩年前我買左一半都係講歐洲美食嘅書, 不過本書只係講意大利、法國和西班牙美食, 冇葡萄牙。呢本書只係承惠HK$58!!!  平到震之餘仲圖文並茂介紹好多從appetitzers, 到first dish, second dish, ..... desserts, 乜都有!  我去意大利旅行時都有帶在身。

I've bought a book on eating European dishes, but that only includes food of Italy, France and Spain. Nothing about Portuguese food.  The book costs only HK$58!!  Not only is it so cheap, but also it describes many dishes (each dish with pictures, ingredients etc).  I even took this book with me to Italy.

所以我初頭都期望 How to Eat Out in Portugal & Brazil都係類似嘅書, 可惜就唔係, 不過算啦, 在網上買書就係有呢種風險, 本書雖然唔係我最初預期嘅內容, 但呢本書就每一種菜嘅名都會教點讀, 有乜材料, 本書反而似一本phrase book + dictiionary多d。

That's why when I first ordered How to Eat Out in Portugal & Brazil, I also expected it to be like the first book I have, but sadly it isn't quite the same.  That's ok, that's the risk of ordering books online.  While it isn't quite what I expected, it teaches you how to read the name of the dishes in Portuguese, and it tells you the ingredients of the dishes. I would say it's more a phrase book + dictionary, than a book about Portuguese cuisines.


  1. Hey Anita
    This one is good for ya... , though it's more about traditional portuguese recipes
    [版主回覆09/26/2010 20:28:00]Muito obrigada Hugo !! Isto livro you recommended seems optimo !! Well, I can't resist the temptation, lol, so I've already ordered it. I know I must be crazy, haha.  Hope this time I can have one great book of Portuguese cuisines.  I let you know when it arrives if this is a better book, ok? Queria muito um livro sobre comida Portugues.... para a minha proxima visita em Portugual !!!

  2. 下...我都覺得你好慘呀...竟然買咗一本唔係太arm用嘅pcoket sized-book...
    [版主回覆09/28/2010 19:44:00]係呀馬仔, 當我收到本書的一下真係好失望, 如果本書只係幾10蚊我感覺都好d, 但係呢本書價值認真貴, 點知只係咁樣樣呀 !!  樓下blog友Hugo介紹嘅另一本書看來好吸引, 所以我又take risk了, 哈哈哈, 我訂左呀, 希望今次新一本會係一本好正嘅書啦!!  書到左之後我post相上來介紹, 到時你替我開心啦

  3. 阿ta~~我返來啦~^^~~ 琴日落機,今日就即刻同你報導啦,係唔係好開心呢﹖~ha^^
    [版主回覆09/28/2010 21:20:00]哈哈哈, 力高, 實在好開心你咁記得同掛住我呀 !!! 玩得開心嗎? 有冇晒到好黑呢??  你幾時upload d相在你blog嗎??  我要睇呀, 哈哈哈!!!!!!!!!!!
