You really like Portugal very much and seems like your 2nd too. I love there everything. LOL I haven't been visited ur blog for long times.. just by chance to came across here. It's good to see all the pics and like it. Portugal is really a beautiful country, good food and nice people. You really spent lot of time to travel Portugal this time (from South to North). How many day did u spend for a whole trip? Nice to visit blog again! [版主回覆08/24/2013 09:37:21]Hello Natalie!! Yes, it's so nice seeing you again (and welcome to my blog). I really like Portugal a lot, and true, it's almost like my second home, haha. This time is my third time to Portugal, and I spent a total of 18 days (including flying there and coming back home) going from the north to the south..... it's still too rush, haha. Next time I hope I can spend a little bit more time in the Algarve.... have you been to the Algarve?
ReplyDelete[版主回覆07/28/2012 20:39:55]你有冇去過呀? 你近我地咁多, 想幾時去都得啦, hehe.
ReplyDelete[版主回覆07/28/2012 20:41:13]我記得呀! 但你短時間之內都去左唔少地方, 唔錯! :-)
好開心呀阿ta~~自己一個人去有自己一個人既樂趣, 但如果有個志味相投既朋友一齊去更開心呀~!!!!!!!heee!!!!嘩, 如果我可以同你一齊去, 我諗我都會開心到癲~hhahahah~
ReplyDelete[版主回覆08/01/2012 17:28:03]如果我地一齊去旅行, 一定開心到飛起, 不過就驚大家口水多到成日傾計唔集中精神睇景點呀!! hahahahaaa!! 我們首先plan 10月去Macau!!! hahaha
ReplyDelete[版主回覆08/02/2012 18:59:35]好呀, 我們下次未回去葡萄牙前, 先來一趟澳門行!! hahaha. 話時話, 我前幾天真的去了一趟澳門呀!!!
You really like Portugal very much and seems like your 2nd too. I love there everything. LOL
ReplyDeleteI haven't been visited ur blog for long times.. just by chance to came across here. It's good to see all the pics and like it. Portugal is really a beautiful country, good food and nice people.
You really spent lot of time to travel Portugal this time (from South to North). How many day did u spend for a whole trip? Nice to visit blog again!
[版主回覆08/24/2013 09:37:21]Hello Natalie!! Yes, it's so nice seeing you again (and welcome to my blog). I really like Portugal a lot, and true, it's almost like my second home, haha. This time is my third time to Portugal, and I spent a total of 18 days (including flying there and coming back home) going from the north to the south..... it's still too rush, haha. Next time I hope I can spend a little bit more time in the Algarve.... have you been to the Algarve?