Saturday, January 08, 2011

葡萄牙之旅 15 - 遊 Braga 1!

如果我寫旅行誌係諗住賺錢的話, 我諗我晨早已經餓死左喇, ....終於的起心肝寫埋上年葡萄牙之旅嘅最後一個景點喇! Braga是也!!  

未介紹呢個地方之前, 查實想唔知醜講講。

哈哈, 其實上年(2010年) 3-4月左右, 我投稿去本地一本旅遊雜誌, 文章被刋登了, 而呢篇文章, 我正正就係談 Braga呢個地方喇!!!  Braga可以話係其中一個我最喜歡嘅葡萄牙城市, 因為Braga呢個城市, 除左典雅優美之餘, 還有一個非常著名嘅景點, 叫做 "Bom Jesus do Monte" (。誇張D講, 我真係深深被呢個地方所吸引。我未去葡萄牙旅行之前, 一位美國朋友早我2個月去葡萄牙玩, 佢叫我去度葡萄牙, 如果時間許可, 一定一定一定要去Braga嘅Bom Jesus do Monte參觀。

Bom Jesus do Monte - 我會用宏偉、莊嚴來形容它, 加上可能我本身有宗教信仰, 欣賞呢個建築物時, 會更有特別感覺

(Below is the article that I submitted to a local HK travel magazine and got published in round about April, 2010. It's a brief introduction of the city of Braga, Portugal, and in particular some emphasis on the beautiful religious monument - Bom Jesus de Monte)


穿梭葡萄牙之旅 2009-10 - 待續!


  1. You're going to become a featured traveler novelist pretty soon, lol...i can feel it, lol
    [版主回覆01/11/2011 23:25:00]haha, thanks for your great feeling , although I can't really feel it in the meantime. But I'll try writing more travel articles and see if they'll get published too.

  2. are becoming a travel writer!!! Keep writing ar...I will surely be one of your fans...XDD
    [版主回覆01/14/2011 22:44:00]haha, thanks a lot, but I think there's a long way to go before I can become a travel writer !  I have written another article again but I won't disclose much until it really gets published, haha. Wish me good luck please!

  3. 其實上年(2010年) 3-4月左右, 我投稿去本地一本旅遊雜誌, 文章被刋登了
    >> ta, 恭喜呀!!
    你做嘜咁遲先講呀~~ 如果唔係等我買返本捧下你場呀嘛 !!
    [版主回覆02/07/2011 06:31:00]哈哈 Ah dull, 其實我自己都係篇文章出左之後幾星期先知咋, 因為我見投稿咁耐都冇登, 有時 D內容又唔係期期啱睇冇買到, 點知有朋友打電話同我講, 我先知, 佢scan個copy給我留為紀念....哈哈. 你有冇試過投稿呀? 你去過咁多地方玩, 可以去寫下呀
    btw, 恭喜發財!! 祝你萬事勝意, 身體健康, 兔年全年行大運呀!!!
