前排聽左一個電台節目後, 好想即刻打篇blog出來大家講下, 不過因為懶, 所以依家先再 "舊事重提"!
個節目裡, 兩位DJs (1男1女), 問聽眾們, 會等待一段愛情等幾耐,同埋等咁耐最後嘅結果係點呢? 仲有同埋問聽眾, 如果去等一個人, 你會等幾耐, 等到幾時呢?
唔講聽眾投票結果前, 想講一講一位聽眾, 打電話上個節目度, 講佢自己一個感人經歷.... 一個女仔, 佢同一個男子拍左拖大約一年後, 一日, 那位男朋友突然唔見左人, 由於佢地係先在網上認識, 大家並冇其他共同朋友, 所以個女仔完全唔知佢個男朋友發生了甚麼事, 亦無從在其他人處知道, 佢男朋友去左邊。
雖然如此, 但個女仔認為佢男朋友本人唔會無故失蹤, 一定另有原因。DJ問佢, 你最初只在網上認識他, 如何能夠咁信任他? 個女仔話, 佢相信對方為人。知唔知個女仔如是者, 等個男仔等左幾耐??......答案係: 6年! 等一個唔知去左邊嘅人等左6年, 勁! 最後佢真係等到佢男朋友再度出現。
個女仔話, 雖然佢依家仍然同呢個男仔一齊, 但感覺已經唔同了。佢發覺男朋友變左好多, 唔再似以前認識嘅佢。
從佢嘅說話中, 我覺得, 佢應該早晚會同呢個男朋友分手。佢最後感慨地話, 自己多年後等緊嘅係一個活在過去嘅男朋友。當DJ問佢, 如果再有得選擇, 會唔會再等一個人咁耐.......個女仔話, "唔會喇。"
** 唔明, 好唔明點解有人會咁對待自己所愛嘅人? 何解能夠突然失蹤? 呢個男朋友話因為呢幾年佢有大病, 唔想連累佢女朋友!! 佢點知佢女朋友會覺得佢係負累呢? 佢又冇問過對方, 就單方面做D不負責任嘅行為, 難為佢女朋友仲等左佢咁多年!! **
** 而當日節目投票結果係: 絕大部分投票聽眾話, 佢地會等到直至遇上另一個 Mr./Miss Right.
Some weeks ago, I happened to listen to a programme on the radio. After the programme, I wanted to share what I heard from this programme with all of you on my Yblog. But it's until now that I bring this topic out.
In the programme, the two DJs (one guy and one woman) asked the listeners how long in their experience waited for a love, and what the results were. And also, if you're going to wait for someone, how long will you wait for him/her? And when will you stop waiting anymore?
Before I tell you the result of this opinion poll, let me first tell you a true story of a listener. It's about her personal experience........ A girl phoned in, telling the DJs that she used to have a boyfriend. After being together for about one year, one day, that boyfriend suddenly disappeared. Because they first knew each other on the internet, and they didn't have any common friends, so that girl had no idea where her boyfriend had gone, or what had happened to him.
Despite his sudden departure, that girl believed that her boyfriend must have a reason for disappearing. The DJs asked her how she could trust so much a person she first knew only on the internet. The girl said she simply believed in him. Do you know how long she waited for her boyfriend??........ the answer is: 6 years! Wow, she waited for a person who had gone nowhere (without any reason) for 6 years! Finally, her boyfriend reappeared.
They are still together now. But the girl doubted about her love for her boyfriend now. She said her boyfriend has changed a lot during these six years, and she found that he's no longer the person whom she once knew well.
From what she said, I can feel that sooner or later, this girl will break up with her boyfriend. The last words she said were something like, "I think over the years I were living in the past, living in a beautiful dream." When the DJs asked if she would ever wait for anyone again for so long..... she replied, "I don't think so."
** Can't understand, I really can't understand why there are some people who would treat the ones they love in this type of way? How and why can they choose to disappear in a sudden? That boyfriend told the girlfriend that he had a big disease and he didn't want to be a burden for her, that's why he chose to disappear. How does he know that he would be a burden for his girlfriend? Who knows, only he knows it well... He didn't ask his girlfriend, but did something really irresponsible to his girlfriend. However, at the same time, his girlfriend kept waiting and waiting for him.
** and the result of the opinion poll is: most listeners who phoned in to cast their votes said that they would wait until their next Mr./Miss Right appears...