Monday, November 29, 2010

周身痕/itchy all over!

呢排我真係周身痕到顛咁滯!  本人本身皮膚比較乾性, 加上近日天氣乾燥, 所以我個身極度痕癢。上幾個星期, 我因為頂唔順, r得太辛苦, 走左去睇醫生!  初頭好驚係咪被蟲咬, 點解會痕得咁交關!!  好彩醫生話我係皮膚乾得太緊要。其實我每日早晚都塗cream, 對手更加一日塗好多次hand cream, 但都唔係太得, 而且成日生倒刺。

醫生話, 我要改用特性對付乾性皮膚嘅bath oil, 同埋用特潤 body cream。佢送左d sample比我用, 之後. 天氣暖番濕番諗住冇痕就算啦, 點知呢幾日又變番好乾, 個身又好痕喇, 卒之今日都係要去藥房買醫生提議嘅bath oil 同埋 body cream, 嘩, 好鬼貴呀!!! 

點解依家d野貴左咁多架? 真係好擔心物價咁高, 千祈唔好有病有痛呀....

祝各位 --- 身體健康!!


I have almost got crazy these days because of the itchy skin all over the body!!!  I was born with pretty dry skin, plus the humidity has been very low, so my skin has been so itchy (and I can't stand but scratching!).  A few weeks ago, I couldn't stand the itchiness and because I started seeing some rashes on my skin (worrying if I was being bitten up by some bugs), I went to see my Doctor. Well, unluckily, I wasn't being bitten up by bugs, but my Dr. said I really have very dry skin. Indeed, I already put on a lot of body cream in the morning and before going to bed at night. I even put on hand creams many many times a day but still it's still quite dry (and I especially hate the hangnails).

My Dr. said I have to use the bath oil which is especially for dry skin "sufferers" like me.  And I have to use body cream which is also "tailored made" for dry skin. She gave me some samples. I tried them and they're quite effective. And then... it warmed up and wasn't that dry again, so I went back using the shower gel and body cream that I had been using before.  But then, it has become quite cool and dry again these two days, and my skin is getting itchy again!

Finally, today I bought at the pharmacy store some bath oil and body cream that my Dr. recommended me. Both the bath oil and body cream, well, what I can say is, they're NOT inexpensive! 

Why are things getting so expensive these days?  Just hope that we all won't be troubled by any illness because it could really costs a person "an arm and a leg" if he/she unluckily gets ill. 

Let me wish every one of you --- Good health and free of illness!!


  1. 村姑 C 9 仔 *.*30 November 2010 at 16:02

    蘇詩黃曾經介紹過1隻沖涼膏, 幾十蚊有交易, tst 龍城有得賣。但牌子我唔記得。
    [版主回覆11/30/2010 18:35:00]村姑, 唔該你呀 !! 但係, 請問乜野叫 tst 龍城? Tsim Sha Tsui? 龍城是甚麼? 舖頭名? 我覺得自己好似大鄉里呀

  2. 村姑 C 9 仔 *.*30 November 2010 at 22:28

    你係香港人唔熟路啫。係Tsim Sha Tsui 加連威老道有間鋪叫 '龍城' 買化妝品等等既。
    [版主回覆11/30/2010 23:23:00]哦, 原來龍城係好似 Sasa 咁嘅...唔該晒你, 或者我行過尖沙咀時, 去呢間舖頭問下先, 佢地嘅職員實知的 (蘇絲黃介紹過實變得好出名啦), 嘻嘻嘻!

  3. 我d皮膚都係好煩. 唉~ 睇親皮膚都好貴, 護理又貴.. 真係~~ 大家都身體健康la!
    [版主回覆12/03/2010 23:33:00]係呀iris, 睇皮膚醫生好貴, 所謂專科睇親都起碼HK$500-1000, 真係食人隻車! 我今次冇睇專科, 因為我睇開那位家庭醫生睇輕微皮膚問題都ok, 所以我唔攪咁多喇。買cream查動原HK$100-200一枝, 成身咁查好快查完一枝呀, 但唔查當然頂唔順...係呀, 大家咁話, 最緊要身體健康 !!!

  4. 俾問題皮膚用既, 係貴d架 我去完意大利返來, 仍然身痕中......
    [版主回覆12/06/2010 21:02:00]我都身痕呀....身痕要去旅行呀

  5. 我個身又係成日乾都好鬼痕架~~ 所以隻腳被我 "R" 到損晒呀~~
    [版主回覆12/10/2010 21:29:00]好慘喎阿dull, 你又係呀? 我就成日都背痕, R又核突唔 R又鬼死咁痕, 我都試過R到損, 見醫生時佢問我仲乜唔忍下, 佢真係講得易, 佢唔知痕起來係幾難頂呀
